"Brother Niu, calm down first."

Jiang Hao said, "what happened to them? Don't you go back to the countryside and do business together? "

All of a sudden, brother Niu burst into tears.

"Haozi, we are doing business in the countryside. Because we have no experience, we have been losing money at the beginning. Almost all the money you gave us has been lost."

"We have no choice but to discuss and work in the city again."

Brother Niu cried and said: "suddenly, one day, a group of people came to the countryside and said that they were from a big company and wanted to recruit employees. The salary was very good."

"When we're excited, we'll go back with them."

"Who knows..."

Suddenly, brother Niu trembled all over, and his face showed a strong fear.

"Who knows, they are all bad people. They locked us up and gave us physical examinations and injections all day."

"Xiao Liu is weak and can't resist. He's dead, and many others are dead."

"A few of us have also become monsters of human beings and ghosts."

"Yesterday, I became a monster and escaped from the ground when they didn't pay attention."

Brother Niu grabbed Jiang Hao's hand and yelled, "Haozi, go and save Mao, sunspot and Dazhuang."


Jiang Hao's eyes are full of murders.

He didn't expect that there were underground laboratories like this.

These people, who are they, are becoming more and more crazy. They directly deceive and capture the living people and use them to do experiments. It's inhumane.

"Where is the underground laboratory? Do you remember? " Jiang Hao asked.

"I remember."

Brother Niu nodded.

Jiang Hao's face brightened, "OK, take me quickly."

Then, he turned his head, looked at Jiang Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, go home now. I have something to deal with."

"You Be careful. " Jiang Yueyue warned.


Jiang Hao nodded, helped brother Niu up and strode out.

Suddenly, two people came in and blocked their way.

"Are you Jiang Hao?" One of them was cold.

Jiang Hao raised his head and gave him a sidelong glance. Then he turned a corner and was ready to leave.


Suddenly, another youth, with a cold hum, yelled, "boy, are you deaf? Brother Hua asked you, are you Jiang Hao? "

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "get out of my way

"Lying trough!"

The young man made a rude remark, raised his hand and was ready to strike.

"Stop it

Suddenly, brother Hua gave a cold rebuke.


The young man nodded and put down his hand respectfully.

Brother Hua looked at Jiang Hao with a smile on his face. "Jiang Hao, I'm from Jinling. My name is Su Hua. I heard that you were in the Jiulongshan martial arts contest and made a show."

"As for me, among the younger generation, there are few rivals. Invincible is too lonely. So I arrived in Chuzhou from Jinling to fight with you!"

"No time!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "get out of my way, don't block me!"


"Jiang Hao, how did you talk to brother Hua?" the young man said coldly

"Do you know that Hua Ge is a descendant of the Su family in Jinling. He has a noble status. He went from Jinling to Chuzhou to challenge you."

"You're tired of refusing, aren't you?"

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.


The young man was so rude that he was ready to start.

Jiang Hao glanced at him and waved his sleeve.

All of a sudden, a force of gas, gushing out, fanned him away.


Seeing this scene, Su Hua gave a cold hum and said, "Jiang Hao, don't be arrogant!"

"I challenge you, even if you refuse, but also in front of me, hit my people, have you put me in the eye?"


Jiang Hao said coldly, "get out of here. I have no time to talk nonsense with you because of my urgent time."


In Su Hua's eyes, flames rose.


Suddenly, he stamped his foot.

Click! Click! Click!

The sound of fragmentation is heard all the time.

All of a sudden, the hard floor in the dining room was broken and arched. The ground under Su Hua's feet was sunk for several centimeters.

Hiss ~

people take in cold air and cool their scalp.

One foot broke the floor, collapsed the ground, too terrible!Su Hua's eyes were cold, staring at Jiang Hao, and said harshly, "Jiang Hao, today, you have to fight. If you don't fight, you have to fight. Don't run away!"

"Haozi, hurry up and save people." Brother Niu urged.

"Go away!"

"If you don't go away, don't blame me for being impolite," Jiang Hao said

"Is it?"

Su Hua grinned with a dangerous light in her eyes.


Suddenly, he raised his fist and hit Jiang Hao.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao angrily reprimanded, and gave the same blow.


The collision of fists and fists, burst out a violent wave, swept in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, all around the glass table, cup, plate, chair It's all broken. It's blown up.


Su Hua snorted and retreated six or seven meters before he could hold his body.

In contrast, Jiang Hao did not move.

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Su Hua burst out laughing, "Jiang Hao, your strength is really strong. It didn't disappoint me."

Jiang Hao is too lazy to give a bird to him. He helps brother Niu and disappears from the restaurant with a lunge.

"Jiang Hao, you can't escape!"

Su Hua yelled and ran after him.

Ten minutes later.

"I can't get rid of the annoying guy!" Jiang Hao muttered.

Then, looking at brother Niu, he asked, "brother Niu, how far is it from the underground laboratory?"

"Quick It's almost there Brother Niu's face turned white.

"Jiang Hao, don't run!" Su Hua followed closely, shouting.


Jiang Hao frowned.

In fact, if he had all the firepower, he would be able to get rid of Su Hua in ten seconds, but brother Niu is just an ordinary man. He can't bear the speed.

A moment later.

Jiang Hao arrived at a cave.

"This is it, the underground lab, in the cave." Niu Gelian is busy.


A gust of wind came, and Su Hua arrived.

Wheezing ~

he took a few breaths, looked at Jiang Hao and said with a laugh, "Jiang Hao, I didn't expect that you are not only strong, but also so fast. It's really a sense of accomplishment to beat you."

"Shut up

Jiang Hao yelled.

He glared at Su Hua and said harshly, "now, I want to go into the cave to save people. If you dare to stop me, I will kill you."

After that, he took brother Niu and went into the cave.

"Save people? Save who? "

Su Hua looked confused, hesitated for a moment, followed in.

In the cave and underground laboratory, there are iron cages. In the iron cages, the prisoners are all the crazy giants who have taken medicine.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the giants are crazy, roaring, pulling the iron pillar, trying to escape.

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