"A group of restless animals!" A young man snapped.

This man is peerless!

Ye Wushuang's eyes were cold and fierce, and ordered: "teach them a lesson."


A man in black nodded.

Then, go to the power switch, pull the switch.

Zizizi ~

all of a sudden, every pillar of the cage is connected to a point.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

for a moment, screams came one after another.

Many crazy giants collapsed on the ground in smoke after being electrified.


Ye Wushuang snorted coldly, and said: "watch them, record every reaction after they take the medicine, dissect their bodies and conduct research if necessary."

"Yes A man in black nodded.

Suddenly, his lips murmured a few times, and he said weakly: "matchless young master, yesterday, a giant ran out, but he hasn't caught it yet. Will it..."

"Is there going to be a problem?"

"Don't worry!"

Ye Wushuang sneered: "the drug has been successfully studied. Now it's in the clinical trial stage. Even if someone runs away, what's the matter?"

"However, we must be careful next time. Anyone who dares to run away will be killed immediately!"

"Yes The man in black answered.

Ye Wushuang turns to go.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao and Su Hua burst in.

"It's you!"

Ye Wushuang sees Jiang Hao at the first glance. In his eyes, he shoots a wisp of murder.

"Aren't you in prison?" Jiang Hao was surprised.

He remembers that ye Wushuang Mingming was sentenced. How could he be here?

Hey, hey

Ye matchless chilly smile, "the guy in the prison, just my double."


Jiang Hao's eyelids jump, rich people play really smooth.

Ye Wushuang said with a grim smile: "Jiang Hao, originally, I was going to let you live a few more days, and then I'll settle the accounts with you. Unexpectedly, you came to the door automatically in a few days."

"Cut the crap!"

Jiang Hao scolded: "ye Wushuang, I didn't expect that it was your Ye family who used living people to make medicine secretly. You are so bold!"

"Are you not afraid of the east window incident and being shot one by one?"


Ha ha ha

Ye Wushuang looks up to the sky and laughs, "Jiang Hao, you really look down on our Ye family. In such a big city of Chuzhou, although it moves our Ye family?"

"Who dares to shoot our Ye family?"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "you are too arrogant."

"I'm arrogant. What can you do to me?" There is no such thing as a pair of leaves.

Suddenly, Su Hua spoke.

He pointed to the giant in the cage and asked, "Jiang Hao, what are these things?"

"They are all ordinary people, but ye Wushuang took the medicine, lost his mind, and became a giant of the madman. From ordinary people, he became a master of Mingjin Xiaocheng." Jiang Hao explained.


Su Hua was surprised, "from an ordinary person to a master of Mingjin Xiaocheng? Is there such a magic medicine in the world? "

Ha ha ha

Ye Wushuang laughs with pride, "of course, this kind of medicine has been developed by our Ye family for a long time."

"However, you are a little wrong. These people are not Mingjin Xiaocheng, but Mingjin Dacheng."

"Because our medicine has been improved."

"My God."

Su Hua covered her mouth and was shocked.

"This kind of medicine is amazing. If it comes to the market, isn't it going to be extremely expensive?"

"Magic fart!"

Jiang Hao scolded: "these drugs are piled up with lives. Moreover, they have great side effects. Once they are taken, they will definitely die."


Su Hua was surprised again.

"This medicine, so evil?"

He stares at ye Wushuang and says coldly: "boy, I can't see that you are so cruel and vicious. Today, I can't spare you."

"Don't be impulsive."

Jiang Hao held him, advised: "the people around him, is a master, you can't beat."

"Who said I couldn't fight?"

Su Hua is impatient.

He threw off Jiang Hao's hand and rushed up.

Ye Wu waved his hands and ordered: "Ye San, go up!"


Suddenly, the man in black rushed to Su Hua.

"Just in time!"

Su Hua yelled, "take my sword!"

Then, waving his sword, he cleaved to the man in black.The man in black moved under his feet, twisted his waist, and dodged.

Immediately, he clapped his backhand on Su Hua's chest.


Suddenly, Su Hua was photographed.

Keke ~ Keke ~

he coughed violently, his face turned red, and looked up at the man in black, "you..."

Fortunately, he was wearing armor inside, otherwise, the palm just now would have hurt him seriously.

Ye matchless sneer, disdain tunnel: "come again."

"Son of a bitch, didn't you just be very horizontal? What's the matter now? "

"Lying trough!"

Su Hua made a rude remark.

"Boy, who are you calling a punk?"

He's angry!

You know, he is the young master of the Su family in Jinling. It's not respectful to meet him on weekdays.

Today, I was called a little punk.

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable!

Su Hua tightened his sword and was ready to rush up again.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao grabbed him.

"That's enough. You can't beat him. Stay away!"


Su Hua snorted coldly, "I can't fight, can you fight?"

"Of course."

Jiang Hao light smile, "deal with him, I only need a finger on the line."

"Pretend to be a bully!"

Su Hua rolled his eyes and despised him.

"Come on, let's go together and get rid of them."

"No need!"

Jiang Hao said languidly: "I said, I can crush him with one finger!"

"Stay where you are cool!"

After that, with a wave of his sleeve, he burst out with a strong breath.

All of a sudden, he fanned Su Hua away.

Jiang Hao hooked his finger and said defiantly, "come on."


Ye unparalleled clenched his teeth and said, "Yesan, give it to me and chop it into meat sauce."

"Yes, young master!" The man in black answered.

Then, rush to Jiang Hao.

He raised his hand and patted Jiang Hao's tianlinggai.

If you hit it, you will be killed on the spot.

Jiang Hao seems to be scared, forgetting to dodge.

"Fool, hide

Su Hua cried out in a hurry.

With the tip of his foot and the edge of his sword swinging, he rushed to save Jiang Hao.

Abrupt, the corner of Jiang Hao's mouth, slightly raised a radian.

He gave a faint smile.

Then, slowly raise a finger and press forward.


Suddenly, a string of blood, flying out.

Jiang Hao's fingers, according to the black man's eyebrows, fingertip spray thin out of the cold, pierced his eyebrows.


The man in black softened and fell to the ground.


Su Hua stopped, a dull appearance, completely stupid.

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