"Impossible, impossible..." Ye Wushuang cried.

He would not, and could not believe the scene.

Jiang Hao light smile, staring at him, "it's your turn."


Ye Wushuang's whole body trembled and his figure suddenly retreated.

With a wave of his hand, he said, "give it to me and kill them!"


All of a sudden, people in black in all directions rushed to Jiang Hao.

"A group of ants!"

Jiang Hao looked around with disdain.

Suddenly, he stamped his foot.

All of a sudden, countless pieces of gravel splashed out, like a flying knife, making a sound of breaking the air.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

A string of blood, splashing out, more than 20 people in black, all dead.


Ye Wushuang was cold all over, and his scalp was about to explode.

I haven't seen him for a while. Jiang Hao is more and more terrible. He's not human.

"You Don't come here. Don't come here. " Ye Wushuang cried.

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "how? Ye Dashao, are you afraid? "


A trace of anger flashed through ye Wushuang's eyes.

Immediately, his face a ruthless, shout a way: "Jiang Hao, you don't be too arrogant, go to die!"

Suddenly, he took out a remote control and pressed the switch.

Suddenly, dozens of iron cages slowly opened.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the mad giants roared and rushed out.

Ha ha ha

Ye Wushuang laughed wildly: "Jiang Hao, these people, after taking the medicine, become very crazy. They kill people when they see them. You can enjoy the pain of being torn up by them."

"I won't play with you."

With a smirk, he turned and ran to the entrance of the cave.


Jiang Hao cold hum a, disdain a way: "can you run?"

He reached for a suction and got a stone.

Then, throw it out.


The stone made a sound of breaking through the air and drew a path in the air, penetrating the back of Ye Wushuang's head and taking his life.


Ye Wushuang turns around and stares at Jiang Hao.


He fell to the ground, his eyes wide open and his eyes closed.

"Picking leaves hurt people, flying flowers kill people, you are Master dark strength? " Su Hua was shocked.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the giants all around rushed forward with red eyes, bared teeth and fierce spirits.

Ah ~

Su Hua screamed in horror.

These giants are so ferocious, and they have no pain. They are crazy and not afraid of death. Su Hua's fists are hard to fight with four hands, and some of them can't resist.

"Jiang Hao, help me Su Hua cried.


Jiang Hao shook his head and sighed.

He raised his hand, middle and index fingers together, and made a volley point.

These forces bombard the giant.

All of a sudden, the giant body tilted, fell down, their body size, also gradually reduced, return to normal.

However, the sequelae of the medicine also broke out.

Their breath of life, instant decline, dispirited.

Jiang Hao rushed over and took out the silver needle to protect their heart.

Then, input spiritual power to repair and nourish their damaged organs.

In half an hour.

Jiang Hao spits out his turbid qi and pulls out the silver needle. He stands up. Suddenly, his body shakes. His face is a little white. His spiritual power has been consumed a lot.

Dozens of giants, cured.



Mao, sunspot, Dazhuang, etc. returned to normal. When they saw Jiang Hao, they immediately called out.

Jiang Hao light smile, "brother Mao, big brother Zhuang, you're OK."

"Haozi, you saved us again."

"Haozi, thank you for saving my life."

Ah Mao, several people, thanks one after another.


Jiang Hao waved his hand and said, "brother Mao, brother Zhuang, do we need to thank each other?"

"Come on, I'll take you out."


Mao, Dazhuang and others nodded.

Then they left the underground laboratory and the cave.

Jiang Hao put Mao, sunspot, Dazhuang and others on the train and went home.


Jiang Hao frowned and stared at Su Hua. "Why do you always follow me?"

Su Hua said with admiration: "Jiang Hao, you are so powerful. You look younger than me. You are already master dark strength. Tell me how do you practice?""I also want to be a master of dark energy?"


Jiang Hao looked at him up and down, and said perfunctorily, "you are a dull man with poor talent. You can't be a master of dark strength in your life."


Su Hua's face changed and he was obviously frightened.

"No It's impossible, isn't it? "

He wasn't sure: "I I'm at Sue's. God Talent is the highest, be He is honored as the most outstanding genius in the past 100 years. "

"No It's impossible that you can't be master dark strength? "

Jiang Hao impatiently said: "I said you can't do it, you can't do it."

Ah, ~

Su Hua's face turned pale.

He hugged Jiang Hao's arm and prayed: "Jiang Hao, oh no, brother Jiang, my dear brother Jiang, you Please help me

"My biggest wish in my life is to become master dark strength. Please help me."

"I can't help it!"

Jiang Hao shook off his hand.

Su Hua immediately hugged his arm and prayed: "brother Jiang, you Let me be your apprentice. "

"Talent is dull, don't accept it!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Brother Jiang, please."

Su Hua prayed: "otherwise, I'll kneel down for you."

After that, he was about to kneel down.

Suddenly, a voice came.

"What are you doing, young master?"

Su Hua turned around and said with a smile, "it's uncle Zhao. I'm worshipping my teacher."

"What kind of teacher do you worship?"

Zhao shu pulls up Su Hua, stares at Jiang Hao, cold voice way: "boy, how is this to return a responsibility?"

Su Hua's face sank and said in a deep voice, "Uncle Zhao."

"This is my master. Don't be rude."


Uncle Zhao's eyes burst with anger when he heard the speech.

"Young master, you are so ridiculous. What is this boy? How can he be your master?"


Su Hua coldly scolded: "Uncle Zhao, you are too presumptuous. You are so unreasonable to my master."

Jiang Hao squinted at him and asked, "who is this idiot?"

"Who do you call an idiot?" Uncle Zhao glared.

"Say you."

Jiang Hao uttered two words coldly.

"Son of a bitch!"

Uncle Zhao was furious.

He said angrily, "boy, do you know who I am?"

"I'm the sacrifice of the Su family in Jinling, the bodyguard of young master Su Hua, even the boss with more than a billion yuan in assets, and the leaders in the city, they all have to respect me."

"Who are you to scold me?"

Yo yo ~

Jiang Hao smacked his mouth and sneered, "worship? bodyguard? What a big stunt. "

"Ha ha To put it bluntly, you are a slave

"Slave Slave

Uncle Zhao's eyes were full of anger.

"Boy, I'll shoot you to death!" He yelled with red eyes.

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