
Ye Bo's breath of terror broke out and stirred the air, causing the air to flow, forming a strong wind around him.


Uncle Zhao and uncle Liu were shocked.

"Back, back, back!" Uncle Zhao yelled.

Then, with Su Hua, he quickly retreated and exited the hall of the Ye family.

So is uncle Liu.

At the moment, ye Bo is too terrible and fierce. Moreover, his eyes are red, his breath is fierce, and there is a sign of madness.

Once Ye Bo goes crazy, they can't stop him.

"Master, run away!" Su Hua cried.

Ye Bo's breath made him shudder. He could not help but fear. He was too strong. He was afraid of Jiang Hao's defeat and danger.


Ye Bo let out a roar and a shock.


Suddenly, the floor under his feet, all fragmented, flying up.

With a wave of his hand, more than ten pieces of granite fragments, under his control, shot at Jiang Hao like a flying knife.

At the same time, he also killed Jiang Hao.

Double attack!

"Waste, useless waste, I won't play with you!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

Immediately, he slowly raised his hand.

"What is this for?" Su Hua was at a loss.

"The boy who didn't know what to do."

Uncle Zhao shook his head and said with a sneer, "Ye Bo has gone crazy. At the moment, his strength almost touches the edge of the dark strength. No one can stop him."

"He's dead."


Su Hua's face changed and he yelled, "master, run, you can't beat him!"

At the same time, he rushed over.

Uncle Zhao's quick eyes and quick hands caught him, "young master, calm down. Now the hall is full of terror. Once you go in, you will be crushed."

"Even I can't carry it. Don't be impulsive."


Su Hua was worried. He looked at Uncle Zhao and begged, "Uncle Zhao, please go in and save my master."

"I can't help it."

Uncle Zhao shook his head and said: "Ye Bo at the moment is too terrible. Looking at the Su family, I'm afraid that only the old master can live with him. No one else can."


When Su Hua heard the speech, his face was covered with ashes.

Hey, hey

With a cold smile, Zhen Bing said sarcastically: "this boy, he asked Ye Bo to take the medicine. He didn't know how to stop him. He deserved to die!"

"Shut up Su Hua denounced.

Yo yo

Zhen Bing cried out: "you are really losing our golden Ling's face, Suhua ah Suhua, and the great master Su Jiada, actually really regarded a country woodlouse, a proud as Lucifer as a master."

"Shame, shame."

"Unfortunately, he will be beaten soon..."


With a loud noise, smoke and dust all over the sky, the whole ground, are shaking a few times.

"This This This... "

Zhen Bing was shaking all over, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't close it.


Uncle Zhao and uncle Liu trembled, and the whole person was dull.

Jiang Hao slowly took back his hand, a calm face.

The ground under his feet was sunken. The sunken shape was just a human shape.

Ye Bo was slapped by him and patted into the soil.

Gurgle - gurgle -

the red blood, if the spring water is general, gurgle out.

In the blink of an eye, the whole hall of Ye's family was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Zhen Bing, Liu shumeng and Zhao shumeng are forced.

It's terrifying, and its strength is close to that of the dark force. Ye Bo, who can only be subdued by the master of the Su family, is killed by Jiang Hao.

What a thrill, what a dream!


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

Suddenly, he stamped his foot.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the ground cracks, spread out.

The cracks spread and spread to the wall.

Jiang Hao swung his sleeve and turned to leave.

He just walked out of the lobby of the Ye family.


Suddenly, with a loud noise, the hall of Ye's family collapsed suddenly, raising smoke and dust all over the sky.


Uncle Zhao is so thirsty that he can't speak.

It's terrible to collapse the hall of Ye's family.

You know, the hall of Ye's family is more than 100 square meters. It is ornate and solid in structure. It can't collapse in the earthquake of magnitude 7."Master, master, you are so good." Su Hua rushed over and praised.

Jiang Hao glanced at him.

"What's the matter? What's going on? "

Suddenly, a middle-aged man, hearing the news, rushed over.


Jiang Hao's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Then he reached out and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up.

Keke ~ Keke ~

the man coughed violently, slapped Jiang Hao on the arm and roared: "little Little bastard, let me go, or you will die when the owner comes. "

In Jiang Hao's eyes, a cold light flashed.

"Are you the Ye family?"

"That's right!"

On this person's face, exudes the color of arrogance, "what? Now I'm afraid? "

"Paralysis, put me down quickly, then kneel down and kowtow to me to apologize, lick my shoes clean, I will let you go!"


Jiang Haoyang raised his hand and slapped him in the face.


Suddenly, the man spat out a few broken teeth, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, half of his cheek was swollen like a pig's head.

"Are you special..." He scolded.


Jiang Hao slapped him again and said in a cold voice, "shut up

"Shen Yueqi and Han Menglu, where are you


The man spat and swore, "I won't tell you. I won't tell you if I kill you..."

Ah ~

suddenly, he screamed like a pig.

His arm was broken by Jiang Hao.

"I said, I said." He cried.

"Go ahead." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

The man took a few breaths and trilled, "she They are taken away by Ye Feng. "

"Where is Ye Feng?" Jiang Hao asked.

"He He's in the bedroom on the third floor. " This man is very weak.

Jiang Hao's eyes narrowed.

"Did you take part in the arrest of Shen Mengqi?" He questioned.

"I I... "

The man's eyes dodged and begged for mercy: "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, please forgive me..."


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum and threw him out.


The man hit the wall, splashed with blood, and was killed on the spot.


Jiang Hao is on the third floor in a flash.

Third floor, bedroom.

Hey, hey, hey

Ye Feng sent out an evil smile and came out of the bathroom in his bathrobe.

He rubbed his hands and said, "three beauties, here I am."

On the soft big bed, Shen Mengqi three people, unconscious.

Ye Feng mouth, almost out of the saliva, strode past.


Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

"You are looking for..." Ye Feng's face sank and scolded.

Suddenly, he saw Jiang Hao.

Suddenly, grinning, "little bastard, you finally come to die."

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