Jiang Hao squinted at him, then looked at the three girls on the bed.

The three girls are in a coma. It seems that they have not been violated, but their clothes are a little messy.

Hoo ~

he was relieved that he didn't come late.

"Little bastard, what are you looking for..." Ye Feng scolded.


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao clapped his hand on his head.

All of a sudden, blood flowed down.


The floor cracked, and Ye Feng sank and got stuck in the floor.

"You You... "

He raised his hand difficultly, pointed to Jiang Hao and spat out a few words.

All of a sudden, his neck was crooked and he was out of breath.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao turns to Shen Mengqi.

He called for a pulse, found three people, no serious problem, no poisoning, immediately relieved.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Jiang Hao gave them a few orders.

A moment later, sannv youyou woke up.



"Jiang Hao."

Three female surprise tunnel.

All of a sudden, they glanced at each other and said, "Why are we here?"

"Nothing. Let's go." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

Deng Deng Deng!

Abrupt, disorderly footsteps sounded, a group of people rushed in.

These people, whose breath is as deep as the sea, are unfathomable. The weakest of them are all quasi dark masters. At the same time, there are four dark masters.

"Surround Dark strength master thunder storm, cold shout a way.

Thunderstorm, the elder of Wudao League, is a member of Wang ba.

"What are you doing?" Su Hua scolded.

Thunderstorm squinted and said with a sneer, "who am I? It turned out to be the eldest son of the Su family in Jinling."

"Master Su, this matter has nothing to do with you. You'd better not interfere."


Su Hua glared.

All of a sudden, uncle Zhao caught him and whispered, "don't be impulsive, young master. They are all from Wudao League. They can't be provoked easily."

"Wu Dao Meng?"

Su Hua's pupils shrank, and his eyes showed a strong fear.

Wudaomeng is the first force in China. Eight of the ten dark masters have joined the wudaomeng.

Several masters of the Su family, including the old master, joined the Wudao League.

The thunderstorm glared at Jiang Hao and yelled, "Jiang Hao, you slaughtered the Ye family, killed innocent people indiscriminately, disturbed the social order. You deserve to die. Take it away for me."


Suddenly, several dark strength masters, to JiangHao, ready to capture him.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke.

Hey, hey

Thunderstorm ferocious smile, "Jiang Hao, arrest you, but the law enforcement elder's order, the law enforcement elder said, if you dare to resist, kill."

Jiang Hao's face changed slightly.

He is not afraid of any thunderstorm or any elder of Wudao League. Even if the four elders work together, he can kill them in ten moves.

However, he is very afraid of law enforcement elders.

Because the law enforcement elder of Wudao League is unfathomable. His accomplishments have already broken through the limit of dark strength and reached vigorous strength. He is known as the "master".

What is a master?

When the master was angry, he bled ten li.

Master, the most terrible man in the world.

No, maybe they are not human beings, but land gods, who can float in the air and walk in the air.

Thunderstorm sneered: "Jiang Hao, don't try to resist, come with me."

He waved his hand and said, "tie him up and take him away!"


Several dark strength masters started.

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao's whole body was shocked, and a force was passed on, shaking the hands of several dark masters.

"I will go by myself. If anyone dares to touch me again, don't blame me for being rude!" He said in a cold voice.


Thunderstorm is not happy, stare at him.


In Jiang Hao's eyes, he shoots cold light and locks him firmly.

Suddenly, the thunderstorm made Lingling shiver and said, "well Let's go. Don't delay



All of a sudden, Jiang Yueyue rushed over and held Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao turned his head, a faint smile, "it's OK, you go back first, I'll be fine."

Then he followed thunderstorm and others.

A quarter of an hour later, they arrived at the headquarters of wudaomeng.

Jiang Hao's punishment has come down.

Hey, heyThunderstorm ferocious smile, pushed a JiangHao, "let's go."

"Where to?" Jiang Hao said coldly.

"Lone Star Island!"

Thunderstorm cold to spit out a few words, his face, full of schadenfreude.

Guxing island is a lonely island with few people. There is no mark on the map.

However, this island is frightening. Even if master amjin listened to it, he would tremble, sweat and fear.

On this isolated island, there is a prison established by the Wudao League, which is specially used to detain martial arts experts.

Among them, there is no lack of master dark strength.

Jiang Hao's face changed when he heard the speech.

He has also heard of the name of guxing island. It is said that even if master amjin enters guxing Island, he can't escape alive. He can only be obedient and accept transformation.

"Let's go!"

The thunderstorm gave Jiang Hao a push.

His face was full of sneers.

Jiang Hao suddenly raised his head and stared at him. He said harshly, "if you dare push me again, I'll waste your arm!"


The thunderstorm glared.

A moment later, he admitted.


He gave a cold hum and muttered, "boy, when you get to the lonely star Island, I see how arrogant you are."

A moment later, a helicopter, landed.

Jiang Hao and others arrived at guxing island by helicopter.

Guxing Island, covering an extremely wide area, is a vast ocean within a thousand miles.

Around the island, there are fierce sharks swimming all the time.

These sharks are specially raised by wudaomeng to prevent people from escaping.

Three years ago, on the island, four masters of dark strength conspired for two years, escaped heavy surveillance and protection, and escaped from prison.

However, in the end, they all died at sea, buried in the belly of the shark.

Master dark strength is strong, but he is human after all. In the sea, he has 100% strength, but he can't send out 50% strength, and he can't stop the biting of one shark after another. Finally, he died.

Only if you are a master of vigorous energy, you can escape.

When the helicopter landed, Jiang Hao was immediately put into custody.

Thunderstorm found a man.

"Brother Liao, long time no see." He was enthusiastic.

Liao Bufan arched his hand and said, "brother thunderstorm, what's the origin of the prisoners sent here today? I need you to escort me in person? "

"His name is Jiang Hao. He is very powerful. Under his hand, there are several lives of master dark strength. You must pay attention to it. Don't let him run away." The thunderstorm warned.

Liao Bufan laughs, "brother thunderstorm, you worry too much. Besides master Gangjin, who can escape from guxing island?"

"So it is."

Thunderstorm nodded.

Suddenly, his expression became fierce.

"Brother Liao, I'm here for something. Please." He snapped.


Liao Bufan raised his eyebrows and asked, "what's the matter?"

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