"Kill Jiang Hao!"

The thunderstorm did a neck rub.

"The prisoner you just sent?" Liao Bufan said.

"That's right."

Thunderstorm nodded.

Liao Bufan was a little curious and asked, "what did that boy do? You want his life?"


Thunderstorm cold hum a, way: "that kid, bold and reckless, killed the law enforcement elder Wang BA's two sons, and a grandson."


Liao Bufan's face changed and he was very surprised.

"He He is really tired of living. By the way, according to the temper of Wang Ba, the elder of law enforcement, he has already killed him. How can he still live? "

Thunderstorm explained: "Wang Ba, the law enforcement elder, is still closed. People in our line want to kill him, but someone always stops him. So, please."

"Brother Liao, Wang Ba, the law enforcement elder, is still in seclusion. If you kill Jiang Hao and avenge him, you will be rewarded after he leaves the customs."

"Don't miss the chance."

Liao Bufan's heart moved in an instant.

To get rid of Jiang Hao and avenge Wang Ba is to owe him a favor.

This is pie in the sky.

Liao Bufan grinned and said, "don't worry, brother thunderstorm, I will do it properly."

"Remember, don't let anyone know that I told you to kill him." Thunderstorm warned.

"Don't worry."

Liao Bufan light smile, "I promise to let this JiangHao, death is not clear, no one can find out."

"That's good." Thunderstorm nodded.

Suddenly, he took out a bank card and handed it to Liao Bufan.

"Brother Liao, this card has five million yuan. It's the first reward. After elder Wang Ba leaves the pass, he will reward you a lot."

"Well, I'll take care of it. I'll do it well." Liao Bufan put away his bank card and patted his chest.

He grinned when he heard the thunderstorm.

"I'm going."

A moment later, he left Lone Star Island in a helicopter.

Liao Bufan's eyes twinkled with cold light and murmured: "Jiang Hao, you are so brave that you dare to kill even the son of the elder of law enforcement."

"I'm not to blame. It's someone else who wants your life."

He turned and walked to the prison.

In prison, the guards of prisoners have a strict hierarchy.

Of course, Liao Bufan is the highest, followed by the three captains.

"Luo Yuan, come here." Liao Bufan said.

Luo Yuan, the leader of the second brigade, has high strength and is a top-notch master of dark strength.


Luo Yuan answered and came in.

Liao Bufan said in a low voice: "the prisoner just sent by thunderstorm is named Jiang Hao. You kill him for me. Remember, it's a quiet one. It must not be exposed."

"Do you understand?"

"I see." Luo Yuantou said.

Liao Bufan waved his hand and said, "go ahead. If this thing is done well, there will be many rewards."


Luo is far away.

He immediately investigated and found that Jiang Hao was in tianzihao prison.

Tianzihao prison is a place where all the prisoners are serious criminals, all of them are highly cultivated, and the weakest one is the master of quasi dark strength.

"Tianzihao prison?"

Suddenly, Luo Yuan's eyes brightened, "yes, I know how to kill him quietly."

He looked at his men and ordered, "go and bring me Mount Tai."


The men nodded and acted immediately.

A moment later, Mount Tai, more than two meters tall and strong, came.

Taishan Iron Tower is the number one felon in tianzihao prison. His cultivation has reached the peak of dark strength.

At the same time, he also practiced a method of forging body. His physical body is so strong and terrible that when he blows down, the wall will collapse, just like the iron tower crushing, sweeping invincible.

Even Luo Yuan was afraid of him.

I'm afraid that only the warden Liao Bufan is able to suppress him in the whole island.

"Come on, what can I do for you? If you fart, I'll go back to sleep! " Taishan is full of sound and energy.

His attitude is very arrogant.


A prison official said coldly, "Taishan, how did you talk to our captain?"


All of a sudden, Mount Tai slapped him.


suddenly, the prison officer hit the wall, vomited blood, suffered serious injuries, and cracked the wall.

"How dare you scold me for things like ants?"

Taishan eyes, flashing cold light, murderous tunnel: "if it was outside, I would have killed you.""Somebody."

Suddenly, Luo Yuan spoke.

He pointed to the injured warden and said, "take him down."

Suddenly, several wardens came in and carried the injured warden down.

Luo Yuan looked at Mount Tai and said in a cold voice, "Mount Tai, have you been imprisoned in guxing island for eight years?"

"What? Are you going to let me out? " Taishan grinned and said.

"It's not impossible."

Luo Yuan said with a faint smile: "your sentence is 30 years. Now it's only eight years. If you want to go out, it will be a long time."

"But as long as you help me with a task, I'll let you out in a year."


Taishan was trembling, very excited and breathless.

He is a top master. He killed people and sentenced them to 30 years.

He doesn't want to. He wants to fight. He wants to run.

In eight years, he escaped more than ten times, but failed every time.

The most dangerous time, he almost died in the belly of the shark. Fortunately, he didn't die. Dragging his body, he took the initiative to escape back to guxing island.

"Of course." Luo Yuan said with a smile.

"What's the task, say it quickly, I promise to help you finish it." Taishan asked.

Luo Yuan lowered his voice and said, "a new prisoner, named Jiang Hao, has just been sent. You should find a chance to kill him. Remember, you should be sharp."

"As long as you kill him, I promise to let you out in a year!"

Taishan frowned, "what's the origin of JiangHao?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, you just need to finish the task!" Luo Yuan said coldly.


Taishan nodded and said, "I'll take the task."

He glared at Luo Yuan and threatened: "Luo Yuan, remember your promise. If you can't fulfill it, I will kill you if I try to lock you up for another 30 years."


Luo Yuan snorted bitterly.

Taishan turned around and left. He was so arrogant.

Tianzihao prison.

"Go in."

A prison officer pushed Jiang Hao into his cell.

Jiang Hao raised his head and looked at him.

This cell is very big. It's different from ordinary cells. It has a bathroom, a bathroom, upper and lower bedrooms. It's just like a university dormitory. It's a room for six people.

Bang Dang! Bang Dang!

All of a sudden, there was a bang, and all the people on the berth jumped down.

Five people, with bad eyes, surrounded Jiang Hao.

"What's your name, boy? Where are you from? Why are you locked up? " A skinny man asked.

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