
A wave of air, spread out, the ground is cracked, only JiangHao at the foot of the ground, intact.


Liao Bufan looks at Jiang Hao in shock.

Obviously, he was surprised that Jiang Hao could catch his fist lightly.

"Is this the only strength of the first person in guxing island?" Jiang Hao scorns the tunnel.


Liao Bufan glared.

He was very angry because he saw contempt in Jiang Hao's tone and eyes. It was an insult that he could not bear.

Roar ~

with a roar, he was full of momentum and soared again.

Immediately, he swung his other arm and hit Jiang Hao, as if to blow his head.

Jiang Hao slowly raised his hand and grasped his fist.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Liao Bufan, as the governor of guxingdao prison, is worthy of the first place in his strength. For more than ten years, no one has been able to rival him.

However, now he is easily subdued by Jiang Hao.


Liao Bufan scolded angrily.

His face was burning, and he felt very ashamed. He felt that all the people around him were mocking him silently.

"I'm going to kill..." He roared.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao kicked him away.


Liao Bufan spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell on the ground like a toad.

"You..." He raised his head with difficulty and said.


Jiang Hao darted up, stepped on his head, and stepped on his head into the soil.

Liao Bufan's brain suddenly bled.

He struggled violently, but he couldn't break free. He was trampled in the soil by Jiang Hao.


Everyone was shocked.

The governor of guxing Island, the first person worthy of the title, was trampled in the soil by Jiang Hao and couldn't get rid of it.

It's amazing.

Jiang Hao stepped on Liao Bufan's head and asked, "come on, who wants my life?"

Liao Bufan was very tough and refused to say anything.


Jiang Hao's eyes twinkled with dangerous cold, and his whole body was filled with cold.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He raised his foot and stepped on it one by one.

All of a sudden, Liao Bufan issued a continuous shrill scream, blood also from the soil, flowing out.

Hum ~ hum ~ hum ~

all of a sudden, a strong wind suddenly blew up and a helicopter came down from the sky and landed slowly.

Several people, from the helicopter, jumped down.

The man at the head yelled: "who is the warden Liao Bufan? Come out and see me

However, it was quiet and there was no answer.

The man's face sank and his voice increased several times. He said coldly, "Liao Bufan, come out!"

Sobbing ~ sobbing ~

Liao Bufan, whose face is buried in the soil, makes a sobbing cry and waves his hands in response.

The man lowered his head and asked, "are you Liao Bufan?"

Wu Wu ~ Wu Wu ~

Liao Bufan quickly made several gestures.

Suddenly, the man looked at Jiang Hao and said, "let go of Liao Bufan."

Jiang Hao raises his foot and kicks Liao Bufan.


Liao Bufan spits out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body lies on the ground.

He stood up with great pain.

Hiss ~

for a moment, the sound of sucking cold air comes one after another.

Their faces changed.


It's too bad.

Liao Bufan's whole face was deformed, covered with mud and mixed with blood. His appearance was so miserable that he lost his old style completely.

"You Are you Liao Bufan The man suspected.

"I I am Liao Bufan. "

Liao Bufan said vaguely, "you What can I do for you

Keke ~

the man cleared his throat and announced: "I'm Chang Qing, elder of Wudao League. I've come to guxing island to announce a message on the order of elder law enforcement."

"After careful investigation by wudaomeng, we found that the prisoner Jiang Hao who was detained a few days ago was wronged, so you immediately called Jiang Hao over."

"I'll take him away."

"I am Jiang Hao." Jiang Hao raised his hand.

He was very happy. Although he didn't know why, the people of Wudao League wanted to let him go, it was a good thing that he could leave guxing island.

"You Are you Jiang Hao Chang Qing looks at Jiang Hao strangely, surprised.Obviously, the scene of Jiang Hao stepping on Liao Bufan just now surprised them.

After all, Liao Bufan is the warden and the first person in guxing island.

"I am Jiang Hao." Jiang Hao said again.

Chang Qing waved, "come with me."


Jiang Hao nodded and followed him to the helicopter.


All of a sudden, Liao Bufan gave a big drink.

He glared maliciously at Jiang Hao and said: "Chang Changlao, this Jiang Hao is a prisoner sent by thunderstorm elder. How can you take him away because of your words?"


Chang Qing turned her head, sneered and said, "are you doubting my identity? Or do you doubt my orders? "

"I dare not."

Liao Bufan said angrily, "Jiang Hao is a felon. During his detention, he violated the rules, killed four people and beat the leader of the third team violently."

"I can't let him go unless it's the direct order of the law enforcement elder!"


Chang Qing snorted bitterly, "the order I announced is the order of the elder law enforcement!"

"How to prove it?" Liao Bufan said coldly.


Evergreen is very upset, even a little angry.

Liao Bufan is too illiterate and presumptuous to question him.

"Good, good."

Chang Qing laughed angrily and said in a cold voice, "wait for me!"

After that, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Mr. Wu. Yes, I've been to guxing island. I'm going to take Jiang Hao away, but Liao Bufan, the warden of guxing Island, doubts my identity and refuses to let anyone go."

"Oh, good."

All of a sudden, Chang Qing hands his mobile phone to Liao Bufan.

"Captain Wu wants to talk to you."

Suddenly, Liao Bufan was excited.

He took the phone and said with a flattering smile, "Hello, Mr. Wu OK, no problem. I'll let Jiang Hao go right away. "

Hang up.

Hu ~

Liao Bufan was relieved and his back was soaked through.

Elder Wu is the supreme law enforcement elder of Wudao League. In terms of status and strength, he is not inferior to the king and sword five. He is the most powerful man on earth.

If elder Wu wants to kill him, one move is enough.


Chang Qing hums coldly, grabs the mobile phone and says coldly, "can I take Jiang Hao now?"

"Yes, yes." Liao Bufan said with a flattering smile.

Chang Qinghao waved his hand and said, "let's go."

Then, Jiang Hao and Chang Qing got on the helicopter and flew away.

Liao Bufan stares at Jiang Hao's back. His eyes are full of blood and cold.

"Jiang Hao, one day, I'll take revenge. At that time, I'll torture you. I want you to be miserable!" He gritted his teeth.

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