Chuzhou, a hotel.

Jiang Yueyue and Shen Mengqi hold each other's hands and look uneasy.

"Sister Mengqi, you Do you really want to give the star dream hotel to him? " Jiang Yueyue asked.

Shen Mengqi's face darkened when she heard the speech.

Immediately, she firmly said: "as long as he can Xiaojiang, I am willing to give him Xingmeng Hotel and herbal tea company."


Jiang Yueyue wants to talk but stops.

"Nothing, but."

Shen Mengqi said firmly: "as long as Xiaojiang can come back safely, even if I have nothing, I will not hesitate to do it again."


All of a sudden, a cold hum rang out, and a bald man with a big stomach came over.

He glanced at Shen Mengqi, his eyes showed a trace of evil, and said coldly: "come in, master Tan promised to see you."


Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue are happy.

Master Tan is a big man who has just risen.

It is said that he is an expert in the world and has the ability to understand the whole world.

So Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue came to him and begged him to save Jiang Hao.

"Come on in." The bald man exclaimed impatiently.

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Bao. Thank you, Mr. Bao."

Shen Mengqi repeatedly thanks.

The two of them, following President Bao, entered a box.

Dong Dong!

Mr. Bao knocked on the door gently. He didn't dare to use too much force. He seemed to be afraid that if he used too much force, he would disturb the people inside.

"Come in!"

In the box, there was a loud voice.

Creak ~

Mr. Bao gently opened the door, walked in and said respectfully, "master Tan, I have brought you."

Master Tan raised his eyes and waved, "go down."


Bao always nodded and stepped back.

Master Tan looked up and down at Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue, and commented: "it's not bad, it's slim, it's made of material, it's delicate, it's beautiful."

He hooked his fingers and said frivolously, "come here, help me beat my legs and pinch my shoulders."


Shen Mengqi hesitated.

Master Tan's face was cold. "Don't you want to?"

Shen Mengqi gritted her teeth and prayed: "master Tan, I beg you to save Xiaojiang. As long as you save Xiaojiang, I will agree to your terms."

"Star Dream Hotel and herbal tea company are yours from now on!"

"Sister Mengqi..."

Jiang Yueyue's face changed when she heard the speech.

Master Tan raised his mouth and outlined a smile.

He said coldly, "do you think the only things I want are hotels and herbal tea companies?"

"Well What else do you want? " Shen Mengqi gritted her teeth.

"As long as you save Xiaojiang, I'll give you whatever you want!"


In master Tan's eyes, there was a green light.

"Really." Shen Mengqi nodded.

"That's good."

Master Tan grinned and ordered, "you two, dance for me first, let me enjoy it."


Shen Mengqi bit her lip and said, "I We can't dance. "

"You're going to jump even if you don't look out. Don't you want to save Jiang Hao?" Master Tan said coldly.

Shen Mengqi hesitated for a moment.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and made a decision.

"Well, let's dance. I hope master Tan will keep his promise."

After that, she took Jiang Yueyue and began to twist her body.


Suddenly, master Tan gave a cold rebuke.

"Who allowed you to dance like this?"

Shen Mengqi was stunned and asked, "Tan Master Tan, if you don't dance like this, then How do you dance? "


Master Tan snorted coldly and ordered: "take off all the clothes outside, and then jump again!"

"No No way

Suddenly, Shen Mengqi's head, shaking into a rattle.

You know, what she and Jiang Yueyue wear are skirts. If they take off their skirts, aren't they just underwear?


Suddenly, the fierce man behind master Tan yelled: "master Tan's order, do you dare to disobey it? I'm tired of living, aren't I? "

Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue are a little scared when their delicate bodies tremble.

This man, his face is too fierce, and he is full of evil spirit.

He is the eldest brother of the Eastern District of Chuzhou. In terms of status, he is equal to the black brother, but the black brother is too powerful and dominates Chuzhou.

However, in recent days, he has become more and more popular.Because, he took refuge with master tan. With the support of master Tan, he annexed a lot of black brother's territory, and his influence expanded rapidly.

"What are you doing? Take it off quickly!" Tigo yelled angrily.

Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue did not move.

"Son of a bitch!"

Tiger scolded: "you two, how dare you disobey orders."

With a wave of his hand, he said, "come on, take off their clothes for me."


Suddenly, several younger brothers came over.

"You Don't come here. " Shen Mengqi trills.

"Don't Don't come here, or I'll I called the police

"Call the police?"

Ha ha ha

Tigo gave a piercing laugh and said sarcastically, "you can try it and see if it works?"


Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue are a little flustered.

"Take off!"

Suddenly, master Tan spits out a word coldly.

The two girls trembled with fright.

Shen Mengqi bit his red lip and prayed: "master Tan, please let us go. As long as you let us go, save Xiaojiang."

"I'll give you Xingmeng Hotel and herbal tea company."

"I don't need you to send it!"

Master Tan said in a cold voice: "since you step into this door, your star dream Hotel and herbal tea company are mine."

"You two are mine, too!"


Shen Mengqi was frightened and frightened. She gritted her teeth and said, "master Tan, aren't you afraid of taking revenge for us when Xiaojiang comes back?"

"Jiang Hao?"

Master Tan grinned with disdain.

"It seems that you don't know where Jiang Hao was put in?"

He said with a sneer, "I'll tell you that he's been put into the lonely star Island, which is an unknown island in the vast sea."

"Anyone who's locked up in Lone Star Island will never escape!"

"So Jiang Hao, whom you miss, will never appear again."


Two women smell speech, facial expression changes greatly.

Shen Mengqi shook her body and almost fainted.

This news, too bad.

"It's impossible, cousin. It's impossible!" Cried Jiang Yueyue.

Hey, hey

Master Tan gave a cold smile. "To tell you the truth, I'd like to meet him. It's said that he killed more than one master. I don't think his strength is too bad."

"I just don't know if I can kill him in five moves!"


Master Tan sighed and sighed: "in my life, what I like to do most is to kill genius. It's a pity that I have no chance to kill him."

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