"You're bullshit

Jiang Yueyue said coldly, "you can't beat my cousin. If my cousin is here, he will beat you down."

Suddenly, master Tan's face turned black.


Tigo said angrily: "little girl, you are too presumptuous. How dare you be so rude to master Tan!"

"Somebody, take off her clothes."


Suddenly, a few younger brothers, with a smirk on their face, went to Jiang Yueyue.

"You Don't come here. " Jiang Yueyue trills.

Her pretty face, white with fright, kept retreating.

"Give it to me." Tigo ordered.

Several younger brothers strode over and reached for Jiang Yueyue's clothes, as if to tear them off.


Suddenly, with a loud noise, the door of the box was kicked open, and a group of people burst in.

The leader is black brother.

He had a fierce look in his eyes and yelled, "stop it!"

However, several younger brothers did not listen to his orders at all.

With a wave of his hand, black brother said harshly, "they are useless!"


In an instant, a few big men in black rushed over, shook the iron bar in their hands, and hit Tigo's younger brother.

Click! Click!

For a time, the sound of bone crack was heard all the time.

Several younger brothers, all lying on the ground, wailed and screamed, and their hands and feet were broken.

Black brother walked over and asked, "are you OK, two sisters in law?"

Shen Mengqi was slightly stunned and said vaguely: "you Who are you? "

"My name is Heige. I'm Jiang Ye's younger brother. I'm sorry, two sisters in law. I'm late to help you. You're scared." Black brother road.

Shen Mengqi was very excited.

She grasped brother Hei's arm tightly and said, "are you the black master? I heard Xiaojiang mention that you Go and save Xiaojiang. "

Black brother nodded, "sister-in-law, don't worry. I'll take you now, and then I'll go to save Jiang Ye."


Shen Mengqi's head is slightly curled.

"Two sisters in law, please."

Black brother bent down and made a gesture.


Suddenly, Tego burst out.

His eyes were cold, and he glared at black brother, "black lord, you are too arrogant. This is Laozi's territory. Do you want to come and leave as soon as you want?"

Black brother turned his head and glanced at him, disdaining to say: "I just want to come and go, what can you do?"

He said sarcastically, "do you think you can be on an equal footing with Laozi if you find a backer?"


Tigo's eyes are burning, and his nose is almost crooked.


It's naked contempt.


He scolded: "black lord, do you really think you can cover the sky in Chuzhou?"

"Master Tan is here. Why don't you kneel down?"

"Kneel down, sister!"

Black brother burst a rude sentence, and then, with Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue, ready to leave.

Suddenly, master Tan spoke.

"Stop, do I allow you to leave?"

Black brother turned around, glanced at master Tan and said respectfully, "master Tan, right? Recently, you've made a mess of Chuzhou. "

"I advise you to hold back a little bit. It's too publicity to bring disaster."

Master Tan's eyes narrowed and said in a cold voice, "are you threatening me?"

"No, no, No

Black brother shook his head and said, "it's not a threat, it's advice."

"Master Jiang's strength is superior to that of Jiangdong province. You want to get involved with his woman. You really want to die. You'd better think about how to deal with his anger when master Jiang comes back."

"Come back?"

Ha ha ha

Master Tan looked up at the sky and laughed, "he can't come back. He will never come back."

Suddenly, he asked, "do you know Lone Star Island?"

Black brother was a little confused and shook his head.

Master Tan grinned and said, "Jiang Hao is imprisoned in guxing island. This isolated island on the sea can be called the first prison in China."

"From the beginning to the end, no one has ever managed to escape from Lone Star Island."

"Hey, hey Jiang Hao, don't think about it in my life. "


Black brother's face changed.


Tai Ge snorted coldly and said haughtily, "black lord, are you still crazy when you lose your support?"

"Kneel down immediately and apologize to master Tan!"


Black brother stares at Tigo resentfully."Kneel down!" Master Tan rebuked coldly.

Black elder brother's face a cold, ignore him, turn round to prepare to leave.


Master Tan's face sank and his fingers popped up.


A string of blood, splashing out, black brother's leg, was pierced, blood DC, the whole person also trembled, kneeling on the ground.

Master Tan looked down at him and said in a harsh voice, "I'll give you two choices: first, death; second, submission to me!"


Black elder brother vomited a mouthful of saliva, scold a way: "Lao Tze dies also can't submit to you!"

"There's backbone."

The corner of master Tan's mouth is raised, and he smiles coldly.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Abruptly, he repeatedly ejected several fingers, shooting at black brother.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

A string of blood, flying up, just like the blooming red fireworks.


Black brother gnawed his teeth and grunted. The whole person was lying on the ground. Blood flowed from him and dyed the ground red.

Suddenly, he roared: "master Huang, help me kill them!"

Suddenly, an old man with half white hair came out slowly.

He stared at brother black and grinned, "one million lives."


Black brother gnashed his teeth and said, "one million lives. As long as you kill them, I will give you money immediately!"

"No problem." The old man grinned.

Then he walked slowly over.

Master Tan raised his eyes and said, "who are you?"

"Dead people don't need to know my name."

The old man arrogantly said: "your life is still valuable, not dirty my hands."

"To die!"

"You guys, give it to me and kill this old man!" he said


Suddenly, several younger brothers rushed to the old man.

"It would be nice to start with some appetizers."

He gave a cold smile and immediately gave it up.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A few loud noises, a few rushed to the younger brother, all inverted fly out, hit the ground, seven orifices bleeding, not landing, died.


Tigo was a little scared when he saw this.

"The strength is pretty good."

Master Tan nodded, looked at the old man and said faintly, "give you a chance to surrender to me. When I am my servant, I will spare your life."

"You want to die!"

The old man was furious at once.

He didn't say anything. He rushed directly to master tan. His fists were filled with surging inner strength. He roared at master Tan's head. It was clear that he wanted to kill people.

"The dead and the dead!"

Master Tan despised it.

Then, spread out your hand, gently suck, the fork on the table, suck into your hand.

Immediately, a wave of the hand, throw out.

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