
A piercing sound sounded, and the bright fork turned into a white line and shot at master Huang.

Ah ~

Master Huang let out a shrill scream, and the whole person flew out. The iron fork penetrated his shoulder blades and nailed him to the wall.

His face was frightened, his lips trembled and he said: "picking leaves hurts people, flying flowers kill people, you Are you master dark strength

Master Tan gave a faint smile.

"Strength is rubbish, but knowledge is not bad."


Master Huang suddenly struggled, and his whole body, through the fork, broke free.


He immediately knelt down and kowtowed: "master, please forgive me, master. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I've offended you. Please forgive me."

"Master Huang, you..."

Black brother was a little confused when he saw this scene.

"Shut up

Master Huang yelled: "Damn it, you didn't tell me. Master is an expert of dark energy. I'll kill you next door!"

Suddenly, master Huang stood up and flew to brother black.

He hates brother black.

Because brother Hei didn't tell him that master Tan was an expert. Otherwise, even if he borrowed a few more courage, he didn't dare to fight master tan.


Black brother saw master Huang, his face was ferocious, and he flew over. He was so scared that his whole body trembled, his legs and feet were soft, and he almost sat on the ground.

"Stop it

Suddenly, master Tan yelled.

Suddenly, master Huang stopped and gave up the attack.

Master Tan's eyes were cold, staring at him, "give you two ways, one is death; the other is submission to me."

"Surrender, master, villain is willing to surrender to you. From then on, you will never hesitate to go up the mountain of swords and down the sea of fire." Master Huang is in a hurry.

"Good, good."

Master Huang has a smile on his face.

"Black lord, you are the only one left. Kneel down and submit to master Tan!" Tigo's swaggering tunnel.


Black elder brother vomited a mouthful of saliva and said in a loud voice: "I will not surrender even if I die!"

"You want to die!"

Master Huang scolded: "give you three seconds, kneel down and submit to my master, or I will kill you!"

He was positive and eager to show loyalty.


Black elder brother angrily scolded: "thanks to me for spending so much money to hire you and treating you as a master all day. Unexpectedly, I'm a soft bone and born slave!"


Master Huang's eyes were burning, and his anger was burning.

"Shut up

Suddenly, master Tan yelled.

Master Huang shuddered and immediately shut up. He didn't dare to say anything more.

"There's backbone."

Master Tan looks at brother hei and nods admiringly.

Immediately, his face a cold, eyes burst out a wisp of murder.

"For the last time, death or submission?" He said in a cold voice.

In fact, he wanted to control black brother.

After all, brother Hei is more powerful than brother Tai. He has more contacts than brother Tai. To control him is to control the underground world of Chuzhou.


Black brother spat and showed his attitude.

"I don't know good or bad!"

Master Tan's eyes are cold.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

He repeatedly ejected several fingers and shot at black brother.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Suddenly, a string of blood, like fireworks, burst out.

Brother Hei's knees and arms are pierced by fingers, his bones are broken, and he becomes a useless man. In his life, he lies on the bed.

Ah ~

black brother yelled and screamed.

Sharp pain is only one aspect. More importantly, he has become a useless person, which is the most difficult thing for him to accept.

Hey, hey

Tigo grinned grimly and said, "how about Hei Yeh? Now you know the consequences of fighting against master tan? "

Master Tan waved his hand and said, "hit him for me, as long as you don't kill anyone."


All of a sudden, several younger brothers rushed over, set up the black brother and beat him violently.

On the other side.

Jiang Hao scared the helicopter and went straight to Xingmeng hotel.

"Little Xiaojiang

Chen Jie, Shen Mengqi's secretary, was very surprised to see Jiang Hao.

"Hello, sister Chen."

Jiang Hao smiles, says hello, and then goes straight to the chairman's office.

Sister Chen was stunned for a moment and said in a hurry: "Xiaojiang, the chairman is not here, you Go and save her. "Jiang Hao's face changed when he heard the speech.

"What happened to sister Mengqi?"

"The chairman and miss Yueyue went to see Taige in Qiankun hotel together. They want to send Xingmeng Hotel and herbal tea company to Taige and ask Taige to help you."

Sister Chen said anxiously, "I heard that Taige is not a good person. I'm worried that the chairman and miss Yueyue will have an accident. Go and save them."


Jiang Hao nodded.

In a flash, the body pulled out a shadow in the air and ran out.

Three minutes later, he arrived at the Qiankun hotel.

He rushed straight in, ran to the counter, drank and asked, "which box is tiger in?"

The little girl at the front desk said, "hold Sorry, customer information, no It can't be leaked. "


Jiang Hao slapped the table and yelled, "tell me, which box is tiger in?"

The little girl at the front desk was so scared that she almost cried.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? "

Suddenly, a cold cry came.

Hotel manager, here you are.


Jiang Hao came up to him, grabbed his collar, lifted him up and asked, "tell me, which box is tiger in?"

"Let me go, let me go!"

The manager struggled violently, but he couldn't get rid of it.

The strength of Jiang Hao's hand slightly increased.

Cough ~ cough ~

suddenly, the manager coughed violently and his face turned red.

He was a little scared.

So he told me honestly.

"Tai Tego in 1008 bags Box. " He had a hard time.


Jiang Hao smell speech, a throw him out, quickly rushed to box 1008.

Before he got close, he smelled the bloody smell coming out of the box.

Suddenly, my heart thumped.


He kicked the door open and burst in.

At this time, black brother is being beaten by several younger brothers.

On the other side, several younger brothers control Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue. Master Tan is making moves.

When Jiang Hao saw this scene, his anger gushed out in an instant.

"You're looking for death!"

He gave a loud drink, raised his hand, made a palm knife, and cut it down.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

For a moment, the plasma gushed out.

The arms of several younger brothers were cut off.

Master Tan's reaction was quick. When he was chopping down with his palm knife, he stepped back. Therefore, he was not injured.

Jiang Hao rushed over, helped Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue, and asked, "sister Mengqi, Yueyue, are you ok?"

"Little Xiaojiang

"Cousin, is it really you, cousin?"

Shen Mengqi and Jiang Yueyue are both surprised.

"It's me. I'm back." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

For a second, his face, chilly down, eyes also shoot kill.

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