
Jiang Hao's eyes were cold, and he slapped him in the past and directly knocked over Haige.


Haige turned over, hit his head on the ground, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

He rolled his eyes and struggled a few times, but he could not stand up.

"This This... "

Director Fang was so scared that he was stunned.

Da Da!

Jiang Hao's step is light, and he walks towards him slowly.

"You What do you want to do? " Director sefang scolded harshly.

He was shaking all over, and he kept retreating.

Without saying a word, Jiang Hao pressed forward step by step.

"You You You... "

Director Fang shivered all over his body and said in a trembling voice: "you Don't come here, I I'm the dean's brother-in-law

"You If you dare to beat me, my brother-in-law will never I'll never let you go! "


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, slapped him directly and took him away.


Director Fang's head hit the door and made a loud noise.

"What's the matter?"

All of a sudden, a cold rebuke sounded.

Director Fang's eyes brightened and his face brightened when he heard the voice. He quickly got up and cried out, "brother-in-law, help

Then he flew to the president Wang who came by.

Wang Yuan's hair was half white. He estimated that it was at least fifty or sixty years old.

Director Fang rushed over, grabbed president Wang's hand and cried, "brother-in-law, brother-in-law, help me. Someone is going to kill me."


President Wang was furious when he heard the speech.

"Who dares to kill you?" he yelled

"That's him!" Director Fang points to Jiang Hao, complaining.


Suddenly, President Wang was stunned, as if he had been fixed.

"Brother-in-law, hurry up, ask someone to kill him and take revenge for me!" Director Fang yelled.

Li Guiqin's face changed when he heard the speech.

She rushed out immediately, stood in front of Jiang Hao, protected him behind him and prayed: "courtyard Dean, Hao'er is young and not sensible. Please Please let him go

Jiang Hao's three or two moves to deal with the little gangster surprised her.

However, she knows that they can't provoke president Wang.

Because there are rumors among the people that President Wang of the central hospital has a good relationship with several important people in the town. They are just ordinary people and can't cause trouble at all.

Even if we can fight again, we can't get into trouble.

"Get out of here!"

Director Fang glared and scolded: "old lady, today you bastards, none of you want to leave!"

"If you dare to beat me, you are finished!"

He looked at President Wang and yelled, "brother in law, kill them both."

"No, the old thing lying on the bed has been killed, too!"

"No No

When Li Guiqin heard director Fang's murderous words, her heart and liver were trembling.

She was just an ordinary peasant woman. She had never seen anything in her life. She was scared in a moment. Her legs and stomach were spinning and she almost collapsed on the ground.

"Please, don't kill Hao'er. If you want to, just kill me!" She begged for mercy.

Jiang Hao felt warm in his heart.

He patted Li Guiqin and said in a soft voice, "Mom, get out of the way. I'm ok. They dare not kill me. Even if they dare, they can't kill me."

"Shut up

Li Guiqin scolded: "you don't talk any more."

Then, as soon as she turned her head, she looked at director Fang and President Wang and said with a smile, "director Fang, President Wang, Hao'er is not sensible. I asked him to apologize to you and ask you to spare him."

"Come here!"

Immediately, she pulled Jiang Hao over and reprimanded him: "apologize to director Fang and director Wang quickly!"

"Ma ~"

Jiang Hao quit.

Two mole ants, not to mention the director of the Town Central Hospital, even the richest man in the province, are not qualified to make him apologize.

He shook his head and said, "Mom, they don't deserve me to apologize."


Director Fang was furious when he heard the speech.

He said angrily: "spicy next door, I won't spare you today, brother-in-law, please call someone to kill this little boy!"


Li Guiqin yelled: "Hao'er, apologize quickly. Do you hear me?"


Jiang Hao opened his mouth.

Li Guiqin's face turned cold and said, "Hao'er, don't you even listen to your mother's words?"

Jiang Hao light smile, "Mom, I can apologize, but you ask them, they dare to accept?""There's nothing I dare not do!"

Director Fang said coldly, "it's no use apologizing, son. Even if you kneel down and kowtow to apologize, I will kill you!"

"Is it?"

The corner of Jiang Hao's mouth was lifted, and a cold radian was outlined.

"Laugh at your paralysis!"

Director Fang scolded: "little bastard, are you special..."


Suddenly, President Wang slapped him in the mouth. His hand was very heavy, and immediately his mouth was swollen and bleeding.

Director Fang looked puzzled and asked, "elder sister Brother in law, you are crazy. Why are you beating me? "

"I hit you!"

President Wang scolded: "you are useless. You only know how to make trouble. Sooner or later, I will be killed by you."


Director Fang was stunned and innocent.

"Brother in law, I haven't caused any trouble recently."

"Shut up

President Wang gave a cold rebuke.

"Brother in law, I really didn't break in..." Director Fang refuted.


All of a sudden, President Wang slapped him in the mouth and knocked him to the ground.

He scolded: "it's boring, but master Jiang doesn't know it. Damn it!"

So he gave director Fang another kick.

Then, he lowered his head, bent down, bowed respectfully and said, "master Jiang, I'm damned. I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I almost offended you. Please forgive me."


When Li Guiqin saw this scene, he was a little confused.

Jiang Hao glanced at Wang Yuanchang and said in a cold voice, "do you know me?"

"Master Huijiang, I have the honor to follow Mr. Ma and see you once." Mr. Wang said respectfully.

Jiang Hao's face turned cold and pointed to director Fang, "since you know me, you should know my style. He has repeatedly humiliated and beaten my mother. You know how to deal with it."

"I know, I know."

President Wang nodded.

Then, he kicks director Fang hard, kicking and scolding at the same time, "waste, not long eyes, dare to provoke master Nujiang, I'm going to kill you today!"

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

director Fang screamed in pain and yelled, "brother-in-law, brother-in-law, I'm wrong. Don't fight again."


President Wang snorted and continued to kick.

After kicking director Fang more than ten feet, he stopped, looked at Jiang Hao and asked weakly, "master Jiang, it's over."


Jiang Hao snorted.

"It seems that you have taken my words for granted," he snapped


All of a sudden, President Wang trembled, knelt down on the ground and said in a loud voice: "dare not, master Jiang, I dare not!"

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