
Jiang Hao snorted coldly and scolded: "since you dare not, why do you disobey my orders? Do you think I'm a fool and easy to fool? "

"No No, no! " President Wang shook his head.

Jiang Hao Mou Guang Sen is cold, fierce voice way: "give you three seconds, start immediately, otherwise, connect you to handle together!"


Wang Yuan Long bit to bite a tooth, the eye shoots a cruel color.

He looked at director Fang and said, "I'm sorry, brother-in-law."

Immediately, he bent down, picked up an iron bar and smashed it on director Fang's leg without hesitation.

Whine ~

suddenly, director Fang made a wolf howl, his whole face turned purple, his whole body twitched, his eyes rolled, his neck tilted, and he fainted.

Li Guiqin was startled to see this scene.

Bang Dang!

President Wang threw away the iron bar and knelt down in front of Jiang Hao with a puff. He said respectfully, "master Jiang, are you satisfied with the disposal?"

"Not bad."

Jiang Hao nodded and gazed at him, "Dean Wang, do you hate me now and want to kill me?"

"No I dare not. " President Wang said in a hurry.

Jiang Hao cold voice way: "dare not, still can't?"

"No, master Jiang, don't worry. I won't take revenge on you!" Wang Yuan grew up.


In Jiang Hao's nose, he let out a cold hum. Sen Leng said: "even if you want revenge, it doesn't matter. I'll wait, but as long as you dare to revenge, I'll kill you."

"No, no!"

Dean Wang was so scared that he put his forehead on the floor and kept talking.

"This Where is this? "

Suddenly, Jiang Fugui wakes up.

"Dad, are you all right?" Jiang Hao immediately rushed over and asked.

"Hao Hao'er

When Jiang Fugui saw Jiang Hao, he was both surprised and happy. "Hao'er, how did you come back?"

"Dad, it's summer vacation, and I'm free again, so I'll come back to see you." JiangHao road.

"Come back, OK, come back, OK."

Jiang Fugui stretched out his rough hand and stroked Jiang Hao's face. He said bitterly: "thin, black."

"Hao'er, you must have suffered a lot outside."

"My parents are useless. They have no ability to earn money and give you a good life." He blamed himself.

Jiang Hao's nose turned sour when he heard the speech.

He hugged Jiang Fugui and said, "Dad, you are the most capable person in my heart."

A family of three, embrace together.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

at this time, Jiang Yueyue and aunt Jiang came panting.

"Rich Brother Fugui, you Are you all right? " Aunt Jiang was shocked.


Jiang Fugui was at a loss for a while, and immediately remembered.

"By the way, I was hit by a car. Why didn't I do anything?" He asked strangely.

Li Guiqin explained, "it was Hao'er who saved you."


Jiang Fugui and aunt Jiang were shocked.

"Hao'er, you..."

Jiang Fugui looks at Jiang Hao in horror.

Jiang Hao light smile, "Dad, I met an expert, he taught me a lot of medical skills, so, I just saved you."

He told a deliberate lie.

"That's right."

Jiang Fugui said gratefully, "Hao'er, if you meet this expert in the future, you must thank him. Without him, my life will be gone."


Jiang Hao nodded.

Immediately, his face was cold, and his eyes burst out.

He asked, "Dad, why did you have an accident? Who hit him? "


Jiang Fugui wants to say nothing.

"It's not that..." Li Guiqin said angrily.

"Shut up

Suddenly, Jiang Fugui yelled and interrupted her.

"Anyway, I'm all right. Don't mention it any more!" He said coldly.

Li Guiqin was very angry and opened her mouth.

Finally, under Jiang Fugui's stern eyes, he shut up.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao knew that his father's car accident was a scandal.

"Dad, is the person who hit you rich and powerful?" He asked.

Jiang Fugui's silence is a tacit consent.

"Dad, tell me, who hit you?"

Jiang Hao asked: "don't worry, no matter how rich and powerful he is, it's useless. I will make him pay the price."

"No It's nothing. "

Jiang Fugui said vaguely: "no one hit me. I ran the red light and was accidentally hit.""That little bastard ran the red light!"

Li Guiqin finally couldn't help it, shouting: "that little bastard, not only drunk driving, but also ran through the red light, rushed to the sidewalk and hit your father."

"After the collision, he got out of the car to have a look and found that your father was not dead. Then he drove on your father and ran over him a few times."

"If the traffic police hadn't arrived in time, your father would have been run over to death!"

"Stop it!" Jiang Fugui said coldly.

"I'll say it!"

Li Guiqin said obstinately: "afterwards, the little bastard gave us 5000 yuan, said it was compensation, and then warned us not to spread the news."

"Or he'll kill us!"

"To die!"

Jiang Hao smell speech, sun help drum up, eyes burst shot moriran kill.

"Who is he?" He snapped.

"He is..." Li Guiqin said.


Suddenly, Jiang Fugui burst out to drink.

"I'm all right now. Don't mention it any more. We can't provoke them. If things get big, we'll really die."

He never said who hit him.

It can be seen that the troublemaker has a great identity and background. Otherwise, he would not be so afraid.

"Brother Fugui..." Aunt Jiang said.

"Shut up

Jiang Fugui looked at her and said coldly, "you can't tell!"

"Godfather, it's OK."

Jiang Yueyue said: "my cousin is very powerful and promising now. He is a big man in Chuzhou City. The big bosses in Chuzhou City are all in awe of him."

"We don't have to be afraid of the perpetrators."


Jiang Fugui is dubious.

"Of course."

Jiang Yueyue nodded and said, "even if the troublemaker is the richest man in the county, don't be afraid."


Jiang Fugui wants to stop talking, but he is still a little worried after all.

However, Li Guiqin ignored it.

She explained, "Hao'er, the man who hit your father is Wang Biao, Wang Tianhong's son."

"Wang Tianhong?"

Jiang Hao murmured.

Wang Tianhong, the richest man in Qingshan County, second only to Ma Fu, has a field under his hand. He makes a lot of money every year and drives the GDP of the county.

This man is very powerful. He can be called a cover up. Ordinary people, even those with small assets and rights, dare not provoke him.

His son can be called the first bully in Qingshan County, and almost no one dares to provoke him.

No wonder Jiang Fugui is so afraid.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao turns and leaves.

"Hao'er, what are you doing?" Li Guiqin asked.


Jiang Hao uttered two words coldly.

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