
Jiang Fugui's face changed when he heard the speech.

"Stop, Hao'er, stop, don't go!" he said

"Hao'er, come back quickly, don't do anything stupid!" Li Guiqin also yelled.

Wang Tianhong is so terrible. In such a big Qingshan County, almost no one dares to provoke him, nor does his son Wang Biao.

Jiang Hao turns a deaf ear and goes straight out of the hospital.


He was in a flash and galloped out.

Wang Biao, chairman of Wang's security company.

This company was founded by his father Wang Tianhong. In name, it's a security company. In fact, Wang Biao keeps a large number of thugs.

Jiang Hao goes straight to Wang's security company.


He kicked open the door of the chairman's office and burst in.

"Who are you?"

All of a sudden, five or six security guards came to encircle us. Their eyes were not good, and they seemed to have to fight.

Jiang Hao glanced around and asked, "where is Wang Biao? Tell him to get out of here


A strong man yelled and scolded: "boy, what are you? You dare to call our chairman's name. Are you tired of it?"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, there was a cold light.

He raised his hand and punched him in the air.


Suddenly, the strong man vomited blood, the whole person flew out, fainted on the spot.

If it wasn't for Jiang Hao's mercy, one blow would be enough to blow him up.

"Where is Wang Biao?" Jiang Hao asked.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

A strong man, burst rude way: "boy, you are so crazy, dare to make trouble in our company."

"Brothers, let's go up together, catch him and hand him over to the chairman of the board!"


They all drank together and rushed to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's face was full of disdain, and he immediately started.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dull voice, constantly sounded, a person, inverted fly out.

In the blink of an eye, six or seven security guards were lying on the ground, rolling and wailing.

Jiang Hao grabbed a man by the collar, lifted him up, drank and asked, "tell me, where is Wang Biao?"

"Dong The chairman is at the caddy bar! " This person even busy way.


Jiang Hao gives a cold hum and throws him out. Then he leaves Wang's security company and goes straight to Kaidi bar.

Right now, caddy bar.

Wang Biao and a group of friends came in.

He yelled, "Yang Feng, come here!"

His voice was loud and spread all over the bar.

Suddenly, people all looked at him.

A moment later, Yang Feng, the boss of Kaidi bar, came running.

He bent down and asked, "here comes Wang Shao. I've prepared the Queen's box for you. Please follow me."

"Queen's box?"

Wang Biao frowned and his face became gloomy.


He slapped Yang Feng and scolded him: "Grass Mud Horse, Yang Feng, you don't want to be in Qingshan county?"

"When I came to your bar, was it not the imperial box? You used the Queen's box to fool me. Believe it or not, I broke down your old bar. "

"Wang Shao, misunderstanding. It's a misunderstanding."

Yang Feng was full of grievances and said, "Wang Shao, the emperor's box has been ordered by Luo Liluo. You still..."


All of a sudden, Wang Biao slapped Yang Feng in the face and said angrily, "or what?"

"The emperor's box belongs to Lao Tzu, and it can only belong to Lao Tzu. Hurry up and drive him out." He ordered.


Yang Feng hesitated.

He didn't dare to drive Lori out.

Wang biaolu could not afford to offend him.

"This is your sister!"

Wang Biao burst a rude sentence, suddenly raised his foot and kicked Yang Feng to the ground.

Then, he walked to the emperor's box.


He kicked open the door of the box and burst in.

"Who is special..." Luo Li scolded.

He looked up and saw Wang Biao. Suddenly, his face became gloomy.

He said coldly, "Wang Biao, what are you doing here?"

Wang Biao glanced around and said with a sneer, "Oh, Luo Li, this is your new girlfriend. She's very good. What's the matter? Are you having a birthday party? "

"It's none of your business!"

Luo Li angrily scolded: "Wang Biao, get out of here. I don't welcome you."

Hey, hey

Wang Biao grinned coldly, "it's you who should roll. Luo Li, roll. This imperial box belongs to me now.""You..."

Suddenly, Luo Li stood up and glared at Wang Biao.

"What? Want to fight? "

Wang Biao disdained a smile, "Luo Li, give you three seconds, get out, Emperor box, otherwise, don't blame me impolite."



Luo Li angrily scolded: "Wang Biao, don't go too far. Your Wang family is in Qingshan County, and you are not qualified to cover up the sky. Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you!"

"Is it?"

Wang Biao grinned, stretched out two fingers and spat out a word coldly.



Luo Li's face showed anger.

Wang Biao was too presumptuous and didn't pay any attention to him, which made him lose face.


Wang Biao waved his hand and said coldly, "beat me, beat him, and then throw him out."


Suddenly, the bodyguards and younger brothers behind Wang Biao rushed up one after another.

Three or two, Luo Li was overturned on the ground, holding his head, passively beaten.

A moment later, Wang Biao gave a cold rebuke.

"Well, stop fighting and throw him out!"


Several younger brothers rushed over, set up Luo Li and threw him out of the imperial box.

Luo Li's people, where dare to stay, have run.

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Biao occupied the imperial box.

He waved his hand and called Yang Feng over. He said, "good wine and good food, please bring them up quickly. I'm hungry. By the way, I'll find some more beauties."

"Remember, I only need to get along with you!"

"Yes, yes

Yang Feng nodded, did not dare to disobey, immediately ran down to prepare.

At this time, Jiang Hao arrived at the Kaidi bar.

He stepped in, found a bartender and asked, "which box is Wang Biao in?"

"You What do you want? "

The bartender looked warily at Jiang Hao.

In Jiang Hao's eyes, he shot a fine light, "tell me, which box is Wang Biao in?"

The bartender trembled all over and was afraid. He even said, "in In the imperial box. "

After hearing the speech, Jiang Hao turned to the emperor's box.


He kicked the door open and came in.

Wang Biao's eyes were cold. He stared at Jiang Hao and said, "who are you? Are you tired of kicking my door? While I'm in a good mood, get out of here

Jiang Hao stares at him and asks, "are you wang Biao?"

"If you know the identity of Laozi, why don't you get out of here?" Wang Biao said haughtily.

At the corner of his mouth, Jiang Hao drew a curve.

"Do you remember Jiang Fugui?" He asked.

Wang Biao waved his hand and said coldly, "what's the dog's name? I don't remember it. You must get out quickly!"

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