Jiang Hao's eyes were cold, and he asked, "did you hit someone with a drunk driving this morning? And deliberately driving over him to kill him? "

Wang Biao smell speech, eyebrow a pick, look at Jiang Hao, sneer way: "I remember, originally is that old guy."

"What? Are you related to that old guy? Do you want to take revenge on me? "

"Just admit it!"

Jiang Hao's eyes are very cold, revealing the cold light.

Da Da!

He walked slowly to Wang Biao.

Wang Biao leans on the sofa, cocks up his legs and laughs playfully, "boy, do you really want revenge?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Hao approached slowly.

Wang Biao's face was cold, and he ordered: "give it to Laozi, break his leg!"


Suddenly, several younger brothers rushed to Jiang Hao, swung their fists and hit him.

Jiang Hao's face is full of disdain and kicks.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, several younger brothers were kicked off and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.


When Wang Biao saw this scene, his eyelids trembled and he was a little surprised.

"Boy, you Don't mess about. "

He said: "I I can warn you that my father is Wang Tianhong. If you dare to beat Laozi, there will be no place for you in Qingshan county. "

Jiang Hao turned a deaf ear and went to him.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Wang Biao made a rude remark.

Suddenly, he burst into trouble and hit Jiang Hao's face in a circle. He was very fierce.


Jiang Hao's face didn't change. He raised his hand and grasped his fist.

Then, break it hard.

Click -

the sound of bone crack suddenly sounded.

Ah ~

Wang Biao screamed and yelled: "pain, my hand is about to break, let go of me, you must let go of me!"


Jiang Hao gave a cold Snort and made a sudden effort.


Suddenly, Wang Biao's arm was broken by him.

Whine ~

Wang Biao made a wolf howl, trembled all over, curled up on the sofa, and his painful face turned red.

Jiang Hao released his hand, raised his foot and stepped on his leg.


Another crack.

Wang Biao's leg was also broken by Jiang Hao.

He curled up on the sofa, shivering, sweating, rolling his eyes and fainting.

Jiang Hao looked down at him and said in a cold voice, "cut off your hand and leg as a punishment. I'll save your life!"

"Remember, next time, you will die miserably!"

Come on, he turned and left.

"Grass Mud Horse! fuck you! Grass Mud Horse

Wang Biao's angry roar, repeatedly burst foul language.

At this time, a younger brother came up and asked, "Wang Shao, no Are you all right? "

"It's OK, you're paralyzed!" Wang Biao scolded.

He swung his arm, ready to beat the little brother, the result, the action range is too large, affected the injury, pain he bared his teeth.

"Mad, what are you doing? Hurry up and send me to the hospital!" He roared.

"Yes, yes."

The little brother nodded.

Then, he woke up a few people and carried Wang Biao to the hospital.

On the other side.

Jiang Hao left the bar and went home.

Hu ~

JIANG Fugui, Li Guiqin, aunt Jiang and others were relieved to see that Jiang Hao came back safe and sound.

Li Guiqin immediately went up, checked several times and asked, "Hao'er, how are you? Did you hurt anything? "

Jiang Hao light smile, "Mom, don't worry, I'm ok."

"It's OK."

Li Guiqin said, "Hao'er, you didn't go to Wang Biao to settle the accounts, did you?"

"Forget it."

Jiang Hao said faintly: "I broke his hand and leg."


Suddenly, Jiang Fugui and others' faces suddenly changed.

"This This This... "

Li Guiqin was flustered and at a loss.

"Hao'er, you Leave Qingshan County, or you will not escape when Wang Tianhong comes. " She said in a hurry.

"Right, right, get out of Castle Peak county."

Jiang Fugui nodded and said, "don't come back in five years."

"Uncle Jiang, Aunt Li, don't worry. A Wang Tianhong can't be his cousin." Jiang Yueyue couldn't help saying.

"What do you know?"

Aunt Jiang glared at her and scolded her: "Wang Tianhong, in Qingshan County, can be called the earth emperor. We can't afford it if we only cover the sky with one hand."Jiang Hao smile, said: "Dad, mom, aunt Jiang, don't worry, I'm ok, Little Wang Tianhong, I haven't paid attention to it."

"You You child... "

Li Guiqin was a little annoyed.

"Forget it. When Wang Tianhong comes, we'll give him some money, hoping to resolve the conflict." She waved.

Then, looking at Jiang Fugui, "Fugui, how much money do you have at home?"

"More than two thousand." Jiang Fugui road.

Li Guiqin frowned, "more than 2000? It's too little. I can't. I'm going to borrow money to raise ten thousand. I hope it's useful. "

Jiang Hao picked eyebrows, "Mom, how can there be no money at home?"

"Didn't you receive the money I sent home every month?"

"Got it."

Li Guiqin nodded and said, "Hao'er, it's not easy for you to earn money outside. In the future, you don't have to send 1000, just two or three hundred is enough."

"You can save the rest of the money for your own food and clothes."


Jiang Hao was surprised to hear that.

"Mom, you only got a thousand dollars?"


Li Guiqin nodded and said, "your Aunt Wang gives us 1000 yuan a month. She says you sent it to us. What's the matter?"


Jiang Hao scolded angrily, and a look of anger appeared on his face.

"Hao'er, what's the matter?" Li Guiqin asked.

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and said in a cold voice: "I thought Aunt Wang was very nice, but she was so greedy and black."

"Mom, I send you 50000 yuan every month, but she only gives you 1000 yuan."


All of a sudden, Jiang Fugui, Li Guiqin and aunt Jiang were shocked.

Li Guiqin tongue knot, stammered: "Hao Hao'er, you Are you sure to give me every month Shall we send 50000? "


Jiang Hao nodded and said, "I'm going to settle with her!"

After that, she turned to Aunt Wang's home.

Jiang Fugui and others, immediately follow.

On the other side.

Aunt Wang was dressed in bright clothes and was ready to go out to play mahjong.

Suddenly, she saw Jiang Hao from a distance.

"How did he come back?"

Bang Dang!

Aunt Wang felt guilty for a while. She immediately closed the door and locked it.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Jiang Hao knocked on the door and yelled, "Auntie Wang, don't hide. I know you are at home. Open the door quickly."

There was no movement in the house.


"Auntie Wang, if you don't open the door, I'll kick the door in," he said coldly

Coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing, coughing I'm sick. I can't get out of bed. You Let's go. "

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