
When Jiang Hao heard this, he gave a cold hum, and his face was a little cold.

Without saying a word, he raised his foot and kicked at the gate.


Suddenly, the door was kicked open, and Jiang Hao and others walked in.

Aunt Wang was startled. She immediately lay on the bed in a hurry and said weakly, "I I'm sick, said the doctor, and I need a rest. Go out quickly. "

"Don't pretend!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "Auntie Wang, when I was a child, I had a few meals at your home. Originally, I thought you were very nice, so I sent you the money every month."

"And you? I sent 50000, but you only gave 1000 to my parents, and the remaining 49000 are all black. Are you too greedy? "


But Aunt Zhang wanted to argue, and the result was irrefutable.

Jiang Hao said coldly, "I give you a thousand extra rewards every month. You are so greedy."

"Give me the money, four months, a total of 196000!"

Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin are a little dizzy when they hear this number.

Because they have never seen so much money since they were small.

Li Guiqin took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. "Wang Cuihua, give us the money back. We don't want the extra reward from Hao'er."

"No No money. " Auntie Wang said, strangling her neck.


Li Guiqin was really angry. She said coldly, "Wang Cuihua, if you don't return the money to us, I'll go to the police. At that time, you'll be in prison."

Aunt Wang trembled, "you Don't scare me

"You You said I was greedy for your money. Do you have any evidence? "


Li Guiqin was speechless.

Hey, hey

Aunt Wang said with a proud smile, "Li Guiqin, you don't have any evidence. Why do you say that I've greeded you 190000 yuan? I tell you, don't try to deceive me."

"Be careful, I'll call the police!"


Li Guiqin trembled with anger.

Jiang Hao patted her on the shoulder, then, staring at Aunt Wang coldly, said harshly: "Aunt Wang, my money, you really don't want to return it?"

"What's the matter? I didn't take it. Why should I pay it back? Go out quickly and I have to rest!" Aunt Wang said.

She didn't want to pay back, and she couldn't afford to.

Because, she greedy money, all bought a house for his son, penniless.


Jiang Fugui said angrily, "Wang Cuihua, if you don't give us the money today, you won't leave this door!"

He was angry.

Because, in his life, he has never seen so much money, now, all the money is greedy by Aunt Wang, how can he not be angry?


Auntie Wang stares at Jiang Fugui and sneers, "OK, OK, you don't go, right? If you don't go, I'll go!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink and grabbed Aunt Wang.

He stared at Aunt Wang and said in a cold voice, "Aunt Wang, give me the money!"

"What money?"

Auntie Wang pretended to be stupid and said, "I don't know. I don't have any money. Don't ask me. I want to lock the door and play mahjong. Go out quickly!"


Jiang Hao's eyes are cold. He really wants to do it.

Jiang Fugui held him, "Hao'er, forget it, let's go."

Then, he looked at Aunt Wang and said coldly, "Wang Cuihua, I'll give you a day. Tomorrow, you must give me 196000 yuan."

"Otherwise, I'll really call the police. At that time, you'll be in prison for five or six years at least!"

Then they left.


Aunt Wang immediately closed the door and window, put down the curtain, took out her mobile phone and dialed her son's number.

"Hey, son, Jiang Hao of Jiang Fugui's family has come back. Jiang Fugui knows that I've been greedy for their money. When they come to collect debts, they have to call the police."

"Can you mortgage your house and get the money back?"

"With what?"

"The house is mine and the money is mine," Zhao Li said coldly. "They have no evidence. Why do they say we are greedy for money?"

"Mom, don't worry. I'll go back right away. I'll take care of this."

He hums coldly: "hum, when the money comes to my hand, I will never take it away. Don't worry, mom. If they dare to ask for money, I will take someone to beat them."

"If you want it once and beat it once, how dare they take it?"

"Well, come back soon." Aunt Wang nodded.

Hang up, she was a little relieved.

The next day.

Jiang Hao and others are coming.

Jiang Fugui kicked the door open and glared at Aunt Wang. He said angrily, "it's time to pay back the money.""Pay back? What's the return? "

Aunt Wang pointed to Jiang Fugui and scolded him: "Jiang Fugui, you broke my door, 1000 yuan, lose money quickly!"

"Well, you've done the same thing!" Li Guiqin said angrily.

"What's a rake in the back?"

Auntie Wang raised her chin and said haughtily, "you said I was greedy for your money. What's the evidence? Without evidence, it's slander. "

"But you kick the door of my house, the evidence is solid, can't deny, less nonsense, lose money quickly!"


Li Guiqin trembled with anger.


Aunt Wang is too shameless. She not only doesn't admit her debt and doesn't pay back the money, but also blackmails them.


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold Snort and stamped his feet.

Click! Click!

All of a sudden, the whole floor, all split a crack.

Aunt Wang saw this scene, the whole person was shocked, at the same time, the bottom of her heart rose a thick fear.

Jiang Hao stares at him and says harshly, "Auntie Wang, I'll give you one last chance and give us the money back. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious."

"You You You... "

Aunt Wang was too scared to speak.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? "

All of a sudden, a cold cry came out.

Zhao Li came with a dozen people.

He glared at Jiang Hao and said fiercely, "five or six people, block my mother. What do you want to do?"

"Zhao Zhao Li

Jiang Fugui said weakly: "you Your mother greedy US 196000 yuan, I We asked her for money. "

He is afraid of Zhao Li.

This is because Zhao Li is a famous bully from all over the country. He has been in prison and is said to have killed people. He is very fierce. Most people are very afraid of him.

"Go away!"

Zhao Li angrily scolded: "want NIMA's money!"

"Grass, don't say my mother is not greedy for your money, even if she is greedy for your money, so what?"

"If I don't return it, what can you do for me?"


Suddenly, Jiang Fugui was angry.

"You what, you, get out of here, old man. If you dare to block my door again, I'll break your dogleg!" Zhao Li scolded.

"What did you say?" Jiang Hao said angrily.

There was a cold light in his eyes.

Zhao Li glanced at Jiang Hao, disdaining to say: "Yo, when the little boy grew up?"

He pointed to the tip of Jiang Hao's nose and yelled: "little boy, get out of here. When I was in the world, you were not born. Don't play with me."

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