"You want to die!"

Jiang Hao's eyes burst out with a cold light


Zhao Li said with a cold smile, "it's you who are looking for death!"

"Boy, I heard that you broke the leg of Wang Biao, Wang Shao, Wang Tianhong's son. Wang Tianhong was furious and had already brought people here."

"You're dead!"


When Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin heard the speech, their faces changed.

Li Guiqin took Jiang Hao by the arm and said in a hurry: "Hao'er, go now, leave Qingshan county."

"Yes, yes."

Jiang Fugui nodded and said, "take the moon with you. Run away quickly!"

"It's too late!"

Zhao Li said with a grim smile: "when I came back, Wang Tianhong had already ordered the closure of the city. The route to Qingshan County, whether by water or by land, was blocked."

"You can't escape!"


Jiang Fugui's face changed greatly, his body trembled slightly, and he was very afraid.

No one in Qingshan county is afraid of Wang Tianhong.

He's the only way to kill people.

"Dad, mom, it's OK. Don't worry."

Jiang Hao said with a smile: "Little Wang Tianhong is nothing at all. If he dares to come, I'll settle with him."

Ha ha ha

Zhao Li looked up at the sky and laughed, "boy, I haven't seen you for several years. You've been arrogant a lot!"

"I remember that when you were a child, you were a coward and a waste, but now you are so arrogant, which really surprised me."

"Cut the crap!"

Jiang Hao rebuked coldly: "196000 yuan, give it back to me as soon as possible!"

"For money, no; for life, no." Zhao Li is frivolous.

Suddenly, he grinned.

"Boy, if I were you, I would try to escape now. Money is important, but life is more important. When Wang Tianhong comes, you will die!"

"What is he?" Jiang Hao said coldly.


Suddenly, a cold hum sounded, and a group of people came fiercely.

"What a big tone. I didn't expect that there were people in this broken mountain village who didn't dare to pay attention to me, Wang Tianhong!" The bald man at the head cheered coldly.

When they heard the words, they felt awe inspiring.

All of a sudden, Zhao Li, who was full of arrogance, put on a flattering smile, bent down, trotted over and said with a flattering smile: "Mr. Wang, you are welcome."

"Go away!"

Wang Tianhong gave him a sidelong look and a cold rebuke.


Zhao Li face a stagnant, immediately, flattery way: "Mr. Wang, my name is Zhao Li, is under the hand of brother Lei, welcome to Qingshan village."

"I told you to go away, don't you understand?" Wang Tianhong said sternly.


Zhao Li opened his mouth, a little embarrassed on his face.

He wanted to make up to Wang Tianhong.

Unexpectedly, Wang Tianhong did not give him face at all.

"Go away!"

Wang Tianhong gave a cold drink and kicked him to the ground.

Zhao Li quickly got up, dare not have half a complaint, obediently back to one side, no longer dare to talk.

Wang Tianhong squinted at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "boy, it's you who broke my son's hands and feet."

"So what?" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.


Wang Tianhong grinned at the corners of his mouth, his face suddenly became ferocious, and his eyes shone with bloodthirsty light.

"Of course, we have to pay it back twice as much!"

He said cruelly: "don't worry, I won't kill you, but I will break your hands and feet, remove your bones, and make you live in pain all your life!"

Suddenly, Jiang Fugui, Li Guiqin, aunt Jiang and others trembled.


They were so scared that they were cold all over.

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Did you hurt me?"


Suddenly, Zhao Li said angrily: "boy, you are too rampant. How dare you talk to Mr. Wang like this? You are impatient, aren't you?"

"Shut up

Wang Tianhong scolded angrily and slapped him in the face.

"Who allowed you to interrupt?" He stares at Zhao Li and asks.

"Mr. Wang, I..." Zhao Li explained.

Wang Tianhong's face was cold, and he ordered, "thirty palms and thirty mouths, execute immediately!"


Immediately, behind him, two people came out, one left and one right, holding Zhao Li up. The other one swung his hand and drew it on Zhao Li's mouth.

Pop! Pop! Pop!The sound of slapping is clear and loud.

In the blink of an eye, Zhao Li's mouth bleeds, and even spits out his broken teeth. It's very sad.

Jiang Fugui and others were even more frightened when they saw this scene.

"No No

When her son was beaten, Aunt Wang was very distressed. She rushed to stop him.

As a result, he was kicked by Wang Tianhong and couldn't get up for a long time.

After 30 slaps, Wang Tianhong's bodyguard released Zhao Li.

Suddenly, Zhao Li's body softened and collapsed to the ground.

Wang Tianhong raised his head, looked at Jiang Hao coldly, and said in a cold voice, "boy, it's your turn."

"No Don't

Li Guiqin cried out: "Wang Mr. Wang, you If you want to fight, hit me! "

"Yes, yes!"

Jiang Fugui echoed: "if you want to fight, fight us. This matter has nothing to do with Hao'er. Please let him go!"

Although they were very scared, they still stood in front and protected Jiang Hao behind them.

"Dad, mom, I'm fine. Get out of the way." JiangHao road.

"Shut up

Li Guiqin said coldly, "from now on, don't talk."

Then she turned to look at Wang Tianhong and begged, "Mr. Wang, please let my son go. What do you want? Come to me."

"For you?"

Wang Tianhong gave a cold smile, and said: "the old woman, who dares to stop me, can't miss it!"


Suddenly, six or seven bodyguards rushed over.

Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin were so scared that their legs and feet were shaking and their lips were trembling, but they still stood in front and refused to retreat.

"Dad, mom."

Jiang Hao was very moved.

He gently pulled Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin behind him.

Then, raise your foot and kick.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, six or seven bodyguards were kicked away, lying on the ground and unable to get up.

Oh ~

Wang Tianhong exclaimed strangely, "I can't see that you are very powerful, little bastard. No wonder you have the courage to interrupt my son's hands and feet."

Suddenly, his face became ferocious.

"But do you think it's useful if you can fight?"

With a wave of his hand, he ordered, "take out the guy and chop him!"


Suddenly, more than 30 bodyguards behind Wang Tianhong took out a machete from his clothes.

The bright chopper, shining cold, very sharp.

"Cut him off!" Wang Tianhong cheered coldly.


Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin cried out.

Their faces changed completely.

Shua ~ Shua ~ Shua ~

more than 30 bodyguards, waving machetes, rushed to Jiang Hao, as if to chop him into meat.

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