"A group of ants!"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, a wisp of cold light burst out.

Suddenly, he moved.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five seconds later, more than 30 younger brothers with machetes lay on the ground, rolling and wailing.

All this happened so fast that no one could see Jiang Hao's actions clearly, only the shadows were flashing.

"This This This... "

Wang Tianhong was so shocked that he almost bit off his tongue.

Jiang Hao squinted at him and said in a cold voice, "it's your turn."

Suddenly, Wang Tianhong shivered and retreated.

"You Don't come here

As he retreated, he yelled, "I I warn you, you If you dare to touch me, I will I promise you, you'll be in jail all your life! "

"Threaten me?"

Jiang Hao lifted the corner of his mouth and showed a disdainful smile.

"Ha ha Looking at the whole Jiangdong Province, no one dares to threaten me, Jiang Hao. You are the first one. "

"What What? "

Wang Tianhong was horrified. He stared and said, "you Are you master Jiang

"It's me." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.


Suddenly, Wang Tianhong knelt down in front of Jiang Hao.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

He kowtowed and begged for mercy: "master Jiang, master Jiang, I have eyes and don't know Taishan. I've offended you. Please spare me a dog's life!"


Seeing this, Zhao Li was stunned.

Among the people present, he is the only one who knows Wang Tianhong's horror best.

In such a big Qingshan County, Wang Tianhong has people, regardless of the underworld or the white road. He has a close relationship with heaven, and even has a backer in the city.

It can be said that Wang Tianhong was in Qingshan County, covering the sky with only his hands.

However, he is now kowtowing to a poor little boy. I can't believe it.

"Why should I spare you?"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "didn't you just say that you wanted to kill me and avenge your son? Besides, even my parents have to chop. "

"Do you think I can spare you?"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wang Tianhong kowtowed hard. His forehead was on the stone, and his skin was broken and bleeding. He still didn't stop.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong!"


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, and his face was a little cold.

All of a sudden, he raised his hand and chopped it with a knife.


Suddenly, blood gushed out, a broken arm, flying to the sky, and then, fell to the ground.

Ah ~

Wang Tianhong screamed in pain, and his blue veins burst on his forehead.

However, he did not dare to stand up.

Jiang Hao looked down at him and said in a fierce voice, "I'll take your arm off as a punishment. Do you have any complaints?"

"No, No."

Wang Tianhong immediately shook his head and said, "thank you for not killing Jiang Ye. Thank you for not killing Jiang Ye."


Jiang Hao hummed coldly: "take your people and get out of here!"

"Yes, yes

Wang Tianhong stood up slowly with the help of his younger brother.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he took many younger brothers to the car and ran away.


Jiang Fugui, Li Guiqin, Aunt Wang and others are all silly.

As soon as Jiang Hao turned his head and stared at Zhao Li coldly, he said faintly, "it's time to calculate the accounts between us."


Without hesitation, Zhao Li knelt down.

Joking, even Wang Tianhong kowtowed to beg for mercy.

Zhao Li kowtowed: "Jiang Mr. Jiang, I will certainly give you your money back. I will sell the house now and make up for it! "

After that, he stood up abruptly, ready to leave.


Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke.

All of a sudden, Zhao Li's body was stiff, and the whole person seemed to be fixed. He wanted to run, but his legs and feet were weak, and he couldn't move at all.

He turned his head mechanically and asked, "Jiang Master Jiang, you still What else can I do for you? "

Jiang Hao looked at him coldly and said, "you just saw the consequences of offending me."

"Break your own arm, do it now!"


Zhao Li opened his mouth and his face was full of fear.


He knelt down again and kowtowed to beg for mercy, "master Jiang, master Jiang, I'm wrong. I'll die. Please don't break my arm, please."


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "I don't like to say the same thing twice.""Don't force me to do it. If I do it, you will lose two arms. This is the consequence of your embezzlement of my parents' money!"

"No No

Aunt Wang yelled, "little bastard No, Xiaojiang, Mr. Jiang, please. Everyone is from the same village. When I was a child, I cooked for you. Please spare my son once! "

"Shut up

Jiang Hao coldly rebuked: "I've been very kind since I broke his arm. Otherwise, I would have abandoned you yesterday!"

Aunt Wang was depressed and scared.

All of a sudden, she rubbed a few times on the ground and came to Li Guiqin. She hugged her leg and cried, "Guiqin, please, I beg you."

"Over the years, I have helped your family in times of difficulties. Please, for the sake of these things, spare my son once."

Pop! Pop! Pop!

Suddenly, she slapped herself with a big mouth.

"Gui Qin, I should die. I'm greedy. I'm blindfolded by lard. I shouldn't be greedy for your money. Please let my son go. If you have anything, come to me."

Li Guiqin is very kind and soft hearted.

Aunt Wang's entreaties made her feel unbearable.

So, she looked at Jiang Hao and said, "Hao'er, if you don't care about this matter, we all belong to the villagers, so we don't have to break our hands and feet."

"We just need to get the money back."

"Money, we will pay it back. Tomorrow, oh no, tonight, I will give it back to you." Zhao Li is in a hurry.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly, "this time, for the sake of my mother's pleading for you, I'll spare you once. Next time, I'll kill you!"

"No, No." Zhao Li and Aunt Wang said in a hurry.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao scolded: "remember, this evening, you must pay back the money!"


Zhao Li and Aunt Wang helped each other and ran away quickly, even if this was their home.

"Dad, mom, let's go back." JiangHao road.


Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin nodded.

The crowd went home.

Li Guiqin immediately questioned Jiang Hao, "Hao'er, how did you suddenly become so powerful? And how could you be so rich? "

"Did you do something bad outside?"

"Ma ~"

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "you misunderstood me. Do you remember what I said to you in the hospital?"

"That expert not only taught me medical skills, but also taught me to practice martial arts. I'm very good now."

"Moreover, I used the medical skills he gave me to invent a kind of herbal tea and open a herbal tea company. Every month, I can earn two or three million yuan."

"What? So much money? "

Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin were shocked.

"That's nothing."

Jiang Hao light a smile, "wait for the popularity of herbal tea to improve, the money will certainly be more."

"Yes, yes."

Jiang Fugui burst into tears. "My old Jiang family has finally become a talent."

"Hao'er, dad is useless, but dad is very proud to have a son like you."

"Dad." Jiang Hao gave a cry.

Father and son, hugging each other.

After a while.

Jiang Hao scanned the dilapidated and leaky house and said, "Dad, mom, I have a house in Chuzhou. You can move there and live with me."

"No, No

Jiang Fugui shook his head and said, "I've lived here all my life. I'm used to it. I can't bear to leave."

"Besides, there are many rules in the city, and there are no acquaintances, so we won't go."


Jiang Hao said, "since you don't go, I'll live here in the future."


Jiang Fugui frowned, ready to persuade him.

"Dad, you don't have to say that."

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "it's nice to live here because of its beautiful scenery and good air."

"But the house is too shabby. I'll have it built tomorrow."

"All right."

Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin did not persuade them.

The next day, Jiang Hao began to explore the terrain and determine the location of the villa.

After three days of exploration, he finally located himself.

The rest is the construction team.

He took out his cell phone and made a call to Ma Fu.

"Hello, Mr. Ma."

Suddenly, Ma Fu was flattered, "Jiang Master Jiang, you What can I do for you? "

"It's like this."

Jiang Hao said: "Mr. Ma, the house in my hometown is too dilapidated. I plan to build a new villa. I'll trouble you about this.""No trouble, no trouble."

Ma Fu said hastily, "it's my honor to serve master Jiang."

"Don't worry, I promise to help you build a comfortable and luxurious villa."


Jiang Hao nodded and hung up.

Ding Ling Ling ~ Ding Ling Ling ~

suddenly, his mobile phone rings.

It's a strange number.

He frowned and got through.


On the other end of the cell phone, a familiar voice came.

"Haozi, I'm Liu Jian. I heard that you've met Qingshan county. Why didn't you come to play with me?"

"Liu Jian." Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

Liu Jian, Jiang Hao's childhood playmate, is also a primary school classmate. However, his family moved to the county as early as six years ago.

"What can I do for you?" Jiang Hao asked.

Liu Jiandao: "Haozi, we have a party tomorrow. We are all primary school classmates and playmates. It happens that you are in your hometown. How about coming?"

"Come, you must!" JiangHao road.


Liu Jian said with a smile: "at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the Longma hotel in the county, don't forget."


Jiang Hao hung up and went home.

The next day, at ten in the morning, he set out.

We walked out of Qingshan village, took a tractor for a quarter of an hour, and then took a three wheeled motorcycle to reach the county.

Jiang Hao looks up at Longma Hotel and is ready to walk in.

Suddenly, a man came out.

It's Liu Jian.

He looked Jiang Hao up and down and asked, "are you Jiang Hao

"Why don't you recognize me?" Jiang Hao said with a smile.

His clothes were all street goods and covered with dust. They were like refugees who had escaped. They were dirty and sloppy.

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