Liu Jian glanced up and down at Jiang Hao, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Come in." He said faintly.

Then he turned his head and went in first.

Jiang Hao frowned and went in.

Creak ~

he opened the door and walked into the box.

All of a sudden, the people in the box looked up at him. Many people laughed contemptuously.

"Oh, isn't this our boss Jiang Haojiang?" He is a young man with a strange personality.

His name is Wang Tu, and he has never dealt with Jiang Hao since he was a child.

Wang Tu sneered: "boss Jiang, I remember that when we were young, you fought very hard. You were called the little bully of grade."

"At that time, you were all powerful. Why are you so down now?"

"Look at you. You're dressed in rags and dirty. People who don't know think you're a beggar."

He complained: "really, there is no money to buy clothes. You can tell me that I still have a few hundred yuan, so that you don't come to the party and lose our face."

"That's right."

Another youth, echoed: "this whole body is dirty, it has a smell. Go out to wash and change clothes."

Zhang Jiangfan was not beaten as a child.

As a result, he had a grudge in his heart.

"Nuo, here's 300 yuan. Take it to buy a new dress. It stinks!" Wang Tu pinched his nose, fanned the air and despised the tunnel.

Then, with a bang, he took out three red bills and threw them on the table.

Jiang Hao's face was cold, and his eyes were cold.

"Wang Tu, Zhang Fan, what are you two doing?"

All of a sudden, a cheering sound of Jiao rang out.

Qian Xiaoyu, slim and beautiful, stood up.

With a smile on her face, she waved and said, "Jiang Hao, long time no see. Come and sit with me."

With this remark, the boys in the box, including Wang Tu, Zhang Fan and Liu Jian, all showed deep envy and hatred in their eyes.

One by one, they are eager to sit beside a beautiful woman like Qian Xiaoyu.

Jiang Hao shook his head, "forget it, I'll just sit here."

After that, he sat on the sofa by himself.

"You're smart!"

Wang Tu glared at him and muttered.

"All right, all right."

Suddenly, SUN Hao stood up, "we are all classmates. We haven't seen each other in 1989. Why quarrel as soon as we meet?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was quiet.

Because among the people present, he was the richest and most powerful in his family. Everyone was flattering him.

"That's right."

With a faint smile, SUN Hao glanced at Jiang Hao sitting alone on the sofa.

Then he snapped his fingers and said, "waiter, serve."

A moment later, delicious dishes were served.

SUN Hao picked up a bottle of red wine, smelled it, and immediately frowned.

"What kind of wine is this? Can I drink it? It's rubbish. " He shook his head.

Wang Tu flattered him with a smile and said, "brother sun, I ordered this red wine. It costs more than 1000 yuan a bottle. I specially ordered it for you."

"More than a thousand dollars?"

SUN Hao disliked the way: "it's too rubbish. I'm afraid beggars don't want to drink this kind of red wine."


He snapped his fingers, called the waiter and asked, "how much is the most expensive wine you have here?"

"Thirty two thousand." Said the waiter.


All the people were surprised at the speech.

Almost all the people present can afford to buy 32000 bottles of red wine, but no one is willing to buy it.

SUN Hao scan a circle, light tunnel: "to two bottles."


Zhang Fan face side, admonish a way: "Sun Shao, too expensive, we drink other red bar."

"It's not expensive."

SUN Hao calmly smiles and says, "two bottles are only more than 60000. Don't worry. I'll treat you to this meal. You can eat it with open stomach."

All the people were smiling when they heard the speech.

"Thank you, brother sun!"

"It's still sun Gehao who is so cool!"

"Brother sun, come on, I'll take water instead of wine. Here's to you first!"

They flattered him.

"You drink, I don't drink water, I only drink." SUN Hao light tunnel.

He didn't give people any face.

However, without half a word of dissatisfaction, they all drank a glass of water.

A moment later, the wine came up.

Immediately, Liu Jian rushed up, grabbed the red wine, opened the cork and poured the wine to SUN Hao.

"Brother sun, I'll pour the wine for you." He said with a smile."Well."

SUN Hao nodded.

Liu Jian poured wine one by one with red wine.

However, when it was Jiang Hao's turn, he gave a scornful smile.

"Haozi, this wine is more than 30000 bottles. It costs at least several hundred yuan to drink a glass. You should never drink it in your life."

"Come on, now let's have a taste of it and have a taste of it."

After that, he bent down to pour the wine.

Suddenly, he stood up and said with a smile, "by the way, Haozi, it seems that you've never had a red bar before?"

"In this case, wouldn't it be a waste of such expensive red wine for people who don't know how to taste it?"

"Come on, Haozi, you'd better drink orange juice."

Ha ha ha

The crowd roared with laughter.

"Liu Jian, you have gone too far!" Qian Xiaoyu said.

Immediately, she came over and handed the red wine to Jiang Hao, "Jiang Hao, I haven't drunk this glass of wine. You can drink it."

"No more."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I never drink more than 30000 bottles of inferior red wine."

Cut ~

his words immediately led to a burst of boos.

Wang Tu grinned and said sarcastically, "cowhide doesn't blow like this!"

Ha ha

With a cold smile, Zhang Fan shook his head and said, "Alas, there are some people in this world. They are obviously incompetent. They are obviously poor. They are obviously hanging silk."

"Oh, but I have to pretend to be a rich family. I don't know that this kind of behavior is very stupid and stupid!"


Liu Jian echoed: "so many years, I have seen a lot of idiots, but I have never seen such idiots!"


Qian Xiaoyu glared angrily and rebuked coldly: "you are too much. Anyway, Jiang Hao is also our classmate and friend. It's impolite to say that to him."

Liu Jian shrugged, pondering a smile, "money big beauty, sorry, I don't have such classmates and friends."

"Neither do I."

Wang Tu and Zhang Fan immediately agreed.

They aim at Jiang Hao not only to vent their anger, but also to belittle Jiang Hao, set them off, and flatter SUN Hao.

Because, SUN Hao and Jiang Hao have a grudge.


Qian Xiaoyu stares at them, very angry.

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao said, "well, Xiaoyu, thank you for your red wine. Don't give them the same insight."

"Boy, who are you talking about?" Suddenly, Wang Tu stares at Jiang Hao and asks.

"All right, all right."

Suddenly, SUN Hao spoke.

"Let's eat and drink first."

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