When SUN Hao opened his mouth, everyone was quiet.

After he had enough to eat and drink, SUN Hao coughed and announced: "at three o'clock in the afternoon, there is a banquet in Xiaguang mansion. It's a gathering of Qingshan county's sons and brothers."

"It was held by Wang Biao Wang Shao. Who wants to go?"

"I, I, I!"

All of a sudden, everyone called.

Wang Tu flattered him with a smile and said, "brother sun, take me, take me."

"And me, and me." Zhang Fan raised his hand.

SUN Hao light smile, "don't worry, don't worry, since you all want to go, then I'll take you all."


Liu Jian hesitated and said, "brother sun, we have too many people. Can we do it?"

"Don't worry."

SUN Hao said with a faint smile: "in the circle of Qingshan County childe brother, I still have a little weight. I can take a few people to the banquet, no problem at all."


The crowd cheered.


All of a sudden, Qian Xiaoyu opened her mouth. She said gently, "I like parties too much. It's too noisy, so I won't go."

Jiang Hao said faintly, "I won't go either."


Liu Jian snorted and said sarcastically, "ha ha Some people are so cheeky that sun didn't even say he wanted to take him, so he pretended not to go. "

"That's funny."

Jiang Hao's face was cold when he heard the speech.

He glared at Liu Jian and said coldly, "what did you say?"

The eyes were so sharp and cold that Liu Jian trembled.

He trilled, "I I said you... "

"All right!"

Suddenly, SUN Hao gave a cold drink and said, "Jiang Hao, give me face. Everyone in the class will go together. Xiaoyu, don't refuse."

"Good All right Qian Xiaoyu nodded.


SUN Hao took the lead and walked out of the hotel.

Wang Tu, Zhang Fan and Liu Jian followed him like a dog.

A quarter of an hour later, they arrived at Xiaguang building.

Wow ~

as soon as they went in, they were amazed.

This banquet is too grand and grand.

SUN Hao light a smile, the face reveals a thick proud color, way: "you casually stroll, casually eat, but, don't make trouble."

"This banquet was hosted by Wang Biao Shao. If someone makes trouble and makes Wang Shao angry, I can't save him!"

"In particular, all the Gongzi brothers who attended the banquet were of extraordinary origin. They must not be provoked."

"Do you hear me?"

"I hear you." Everyone said in unison.

SUN Hao turned around and left.

As soon as he left, the crowd was high.

"My God, this Is this truffle? I heard it's expensive? "

"You see, you see, isn't this red wine that we just drank in the hotel?"

"Oh, my God, a bottle of more than 30000, there is More than ten bottles, too What a luxury

"Also, these fruits, I have seen on the Internet, are imported, there is no domestic!"

"I'll go. This party is too luxurious!"

The crowd was amazed.

After exclamation, he began to eat.

At the wine table just now, they didn't have enough to eat. Now, they just have enough to eat.

Jiang Hao glanced at them, found a seat, sat down and ate with a glass of wine.

"You Go away

All of a sudden, a cheering sound of Jiao rang out.

They turned to see Qian Xiaoyu, who was haunted by a young man who was obscene, thin and short.

The young man, with a smile, grabbed Qian Xiaoyu's hand and said with a smile, "little beauty, you are so beautiful. Be my woman."

"You Go away Qian Xiaoyu struggled.

"Little beauty, let's open a room." The youth is obscene.

Then he took Qian Xiaoyu and was about to leave.

When people saw this scene, they were indifferent.

There is a man who can't watch any more and is ready to stop him.

Suddenly, Liu Jian held on and asked, "what are you going to do?"

"Stop him, don't you see that boy bullying Xiaoyu?" This is humane.

"Sit down!"

Liu family reprimands a way: "the words that sun elder brother exhorts, forget?"

"He repeatedly told us not to provoke these childe brothers. We can't provoke them. If you want to die, stop them."


The man hesitated.

He thought for a moment, then sat down and chose to watch."That's right." Liu Jian said with a smile.

Qian Xiaoyu saw this scene, beautiful eyes, flashed a trace of disappointment.

As she struggled, she yelled, "you let me go, you let me go."

"Let go of you? No way

The young man grinned and said, "no matter who the woman is, I don't want to run away."

He grabbed Qian Xiaoyu's wrist and put his other hand around her waist.

"Little beauty, let's open a room."

"Help, help!"

Qian Xiaoyu yelled.

However, the crowd glanced at it and ignored it. No one dared to stop the youth.

Obviously, this person's identity and background are not simple.

"Little beauty, it's useless for you to break your throat. These people don't dare to save you. You are destined to be my woman, hehe..."

With a licentious smile, the young man forced Qian Xiaoyu to leave.

Ah ~

suddenly, he gave a scream.

Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh.

Because, on the youth's face, glued a piece of orange skin, just like dog skin plaster.

"Who? Who is it? " Roared the young man.

In the pupil of his eye, gushed out the raging anger, the whole person was furious.


Suddenly, another orange peel cut through the air and made a sharp whistling sound, slapping on the young man's face.


The young man stares at Jiang Hao, his face is ferocious, and he seems to eat people.

He scolded: "Grass Mud Horse, little bastard, I will kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed over, swung his fist and hit Jiang Hao in the face.

Jiang Hao raised his eyes and glanced at him.

Then, raise your foot and kick it.


Suddenly, the young man, like a shell, flew out directly and rolled several times on the ground.

"Huang Shao, Huang Shao."

People around, seeing this scene, immediately rushed up and helped him up.

"Go away!"

Huang Shao was so angry that he tried his best to retreat them and ordered: "give it to our young master and kill him!"


The bodyguard behind him immediately stood up and surrounded Jiang Hao.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

At this time, SUN Hao heard the news and came over.

"Get out of here!" Huang Shao scolded angrily.

SUN Hao shrunk his neck and asked respectfully, "Huang Shao, what's the matter?"


Huang Shao couldn't help but slap him in the face and yelled angrily, "SUN Hao, grass mud horse, is this little bastard the one you brought?"


SUN Hao nodded and asked: "Huang Shao, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?"

Huang Shao's face twitched for a moment, and his eyes erupted with anger.


Suddenly, he slapped SUN Hao in the face and scolded him: "you are so special, you dare to ask me what happened to my young master?"

"Grass Mud Horse, I will kill you!"

After that, he rushed up, grabbed SUN Hao's hair, and punched and kicked.

SUN Hao was beaten passively and did not dare to fight back.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

Huang Shao was panting, and he stopped when he was tired.

He glared at SUN Hao and swore, "SUN Hao, you are so tired of living. Your people, who destroy our young master to pick up girls, dare to beat our young master."

"I'm going to abolish you today."

He yelled, "somebody, break his leg!"


Suddenly, SUN Hao got down on his knees and begged for mercy: "Huang Shao, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

Pointing at Jiang Hao, he scolded: "Huang Shao, although this boy is my classmate, he has a grudge against me. He has nothing to do with me when he beats you."

"I don't care if you have anything to do with me!"

Huang shaoleng scolds a way: "give this young master to break his dog leg!"


Suddenly, a bodyguard came, pulled out a retractable baton and hit SUN Hao's leg.

Ah ~

SUN Hao screamed like a pig. He was convulsed, sweating and almost fainted.

Hiss ~

when people saw this scene, they gasped.

Especially Liu Jian, Zhang Fan and others, heart and liver are trembling, legs and stomach spin, shivering all over.

Too cruel, too cruel!


Huang shaoleng snorted and stared at Jiang Hao. He said harshly, "kill him!"

"No, no!"

Qian Xiaoyu grabbed Huang Shao's arm and begged for mercy: "please, don't kill him. This matter has nothing to do with him!""Little beauty, just watch it." Huang shaoleng said.

He put his arms around Qian Xiaoyu.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao raised his head, spat out a grape seed, and said faintly, "let go of Qian Xiaoyu, I will spare you not to die!"

The whole room was silent.

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded and confused.

Who is Huang Shao?

He is the top-level childe in Qingshan county. His identity and background are frightening. It can be said that no one can match him except Wang Biao.

What about Jiang Hao?

He was a peddler. He was full of silk hanging temperament. Compared with Huang Shao, he was not as good as a beggar.

However, he denounced Huang Shao in public, and even said wildly that he would spare Huang Shao's life.

What a shock!

They all doubted that they had heard wrong.

Huang Shao also Leng for a while, subconsciously asked a sentence.

"What did you say, boy?"

Jiang Hao spat out another grape seed and casually said, "let Qian Xiaoyu go, I will spare you not to die!"

Suddenly, Huang Shao's face became ferocious.

He growled: "son of a bitch, I've lived for more than 20 years. No one has ever talked to me like this. You are the first one. I want to reward you."

"I'll reward you Die

He waved and yelled, "go, kill him!"


All of a sudden, several bodyguards pulled out their retractable batons and hit Jiang Hao on the head, beating him to death.

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and his face was cold.

He reached out and grabbed some grapes on the table.

Then, throw it away, throw it out.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, a few grapes burst into the air and shot in the past.

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