Poof! Poof! Poof!

Each grape, carrying a huge impact, hit Huang Shao's face, instantly burst, juice splashed, Huang Shao staggered a few times.

In the end, he sat down on the ground.

His face, all red and swollen, some purple.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

He scolded: "son of a bitch, how dare you beat me! I want to kill you!"

"Give it to the young master and kill him!"


Suddenly, several bodyguards, all rushed up.

Without looking at it, Jiang Hao grabbed a few grapes and threw them out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In a moment, several bodyguards, like being hit by fists, flew out and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Hiss ~

when people saw this scene, they all took in the cold air.


Soft grapes, even a one-year-old baby, can be easily crushed. However, in Jiang Hao's hands, they are like stones.

No, it's more powerful than a stone. If you hit it on your body, you can smash a strong man with a big figure.

Qian Xiaoyu broke free and ran over to hide behind Jiang Hao.

"Boy, you are too presumptuous!"

All of a sudden, SUN Hao scolded angrily.

He pointed to the tip of Jiang Hao's nose and said, "grass, do you know who Huang Shao is? You dare to beat him, don't you want to live? "

"Don't get down on your knees and kowtow to Huang Shao!"

Jiang Hao looked up at him and said in a cold voice, "take your hand away. I hate people pointing at my nose."

"I hate your sister!"

SUN Hao scolded and said, "I mean you. How about that?"

"Mad, get down on your knees and kowtow to Huang Shao. Huang Shao is happy. Maybe he can spare your dog's life!"


Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a kick.


All of a sudden, SUN Hao, like a shell, catapulted out, hit the wall directly, vomited blood, rolled his eyes wildly, and almost fainted.


Jiang Hao cold hum a, "classmate a, I will spare you a dog's life, again have next time, definitely cut not Rao!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Huang Shao stood up and said, "I want you to live or die today

"Come on, beat him for me!"


Suddenly, interwoven into a cold cheers, resounding throughout the banquet, like thunder bursts, deafening.

Da Da!

Messy and heavy footsteps, more and more loud.

A moment later, more than 30 bodyguards burst in from the outside.

The leading bodyguard bowed his head and asked respectfully, "young master, what can I do for you?"

Ha ha ha

Huang Shao looks up to the sky and laughs, looking at Jiang Hao coldly, "son of a bitch, what's up? Are you scared? "

He pointed to Jiang Hao and ordered, "go up to me and kill him!"


The head of the bodyguard answered.

Immediately, he waved his hand, more than 30 bodyguards, ready to start.


Suddenly, a cold cry came.

The cold cheering was not loud. However, it made everyone tremble. The bodyguards who were ready to fight were also stunned and did not dare to move.

A young man, sitting in a wheelchair, with a thick plaster on his right hand, came slowly with the help of a bodyguard.

All the people spread out independently to make way.


All of a sudden, people bowed their heads and said respectfully.

The voice is uniform.

This young man is Wang Biao who was interrupted by Jiang Hao with one hand and one leg.

Wang Biao raised his head, glanced at Huang Shao and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Wang Wang Shao... "

Suddenly, Huang Shaoru was struck by lightning, which made him shiver.

"What's going on?"

Wang Biao's eyes were cold and he scolded: "don't you know that no one is allowed to disturb my party? Even you

Huang Shao shivered and explained, "Wang Shao, no I didn't make trouble! "

He pointed to Jiang Hao and said coldly, "it's this little bastard who made trouble."

"Yes, yes, that's the little bastard!" SUN Hao nodded and echoed.


Wang Biao snorted coldly. His face was cold and his eyes showed a fierce light. He slowly turned his head and looked at Jiang Hao.

Suddenly, he was shocked and stiff.

"Wang Shao Wang Shao, what's the matter with you? " Yelled Huang Shao.

"Come onSuddenly, he yelled: "this little bastard is arrogant. He dares to make a scene at Wang Shao's party. He starts at once and gets rid of him..."


Suddenly, Wang Biao slapped him in the face.

Huang Shao covered his face, a little confused.

"Wang Wang Shao, you Why are you hitting me? "

"It's light to hit you!"

Wang Biao scolded and said, "grass, what are you? How dare you be disrespectful to master Jiang and ask someone to kill him? I really want to kill you!"

"Jiang Master Jiang

Huang Shao pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "just him?"


Suddenly, Wang Biao slapped him again.

"Grass Mud Horse, what do you call him, master Jiang? And how dare you point at master Jiang? Who gives you the courage?" He said angrily.

"Wang Shao, I..."

Huang Shao opens his mouth, ready to explain.


Suddenly, Wang Biao slapped him again and scolded: "I, your sister, don't get down on my knees and admit my mistake to master Jiang."

Huang Shao's body was stunned, and his face became ugly.

"No way," he said with a stiff head. "It's absolutely impossible for me to kneel down to this son of a bitch!"

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Wang Biao burst into a rude remark and said angrily, "mad, even Lao Tzu dares to disobey his words. Are you so hard winged

"Somebody, break his leg for me!" he said coldly


Suddenly, two bodyguards came out from behind him, holding iron bars and walking towards Huang Shao.

The bodyguards behind Huang Shao stepped forward one after another and blocked them.

Wang Biao raised his head and threatened: "who dares to stop me? I promise that tomorrow, his body will float on the Liuyang River!"

More than 30 bodyguards were shocked.

They were scared, and then they took a step back.

"That's about the same."

Wang Biao shook his head and said, "do it!"

Two bodyguards rushed over, swung iron bars and hit Huang Shao's leg.

Ah ~

Huang Shao screamed bitterly. On his forehead, beany sweat beads rolled down. His eyes were red and covered with blood. He bared his teeth and twisted his painful face.

Wang Biao struggled a few times, slowly stood up, pushed the wheelchair away, and knelt down slowly.

He bowed his head and said, "master Jiang, I'm sorry that I'm late. You have been humiliated. Please punish me."

"Forget it, forget it."

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said, "get up."

"Master Xie Jiang is very kind

Wang Biao said thanks. With the help of the bodyguard, he stood up and sat in the wheelchair again.

Jiang Hao looked at him and asked, "where's my money?"

Wang Biao said respectfully, "master Jiang, the money has been ready for a long time. I originally planned to send it to you tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to come in person."

He looked at the bodyguard next to him and ordered, "go and get my bank card."


The bodyguard answered and turned away.

A moment later, he came back with a bank card.

Wang Biao handed out his bank card and said with a smile, "master Jiang, all the money is in it."

Jiang Hao took the bank card, vomited a grape seed, and then grew up.


Suddenly, he turned around and said, "by the way, the fruit here is delicious."

Wang Biao said: "master Jiang, just tell me how much you want. I'll send someone to buy it immediately."

"No need."

Jiang Hao waved and left.

As soon as he left, Wang Biao was relieved.

The party was so noisy that everyone was not interested and left.

Wang Biao looked at Huang Shao's bodyguard and said, "take him away."


Suddenly, Huang shaoleng drinks.

He looked at Wang Biao, gritted his teeth and said, "why? Wang Shao, why did you break my leg for that little bastard? "

"I'm your distant cousin!"

"Shut up

Wang Biao scolded: "do you know who he is? He is master Jiang. He broke my hands and feet, but my father didn't dare to take revenge on him! "

"Even, in order to calm his anger, he knelt down in public and lost money."

"Irritated him, don't say you, even me, my father, will die!"


Huang Shaowen was shocked.

"He Is he master Jiang, famous in Jiangdong province? " He was scared.


Wang Biao gave a cold hum and scolded: "now I know I'm afraid?""If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have broken a leg. It's estimated that your life would be gone."

He cautioned: "your character should be restrained. Although we are No. 1 in Qingshan County, we are not bullshit outside."

"In this world, there are too many people we can't provoke. If we are careless, we will be killed."

"Yes, yes."

Huang Shaolian nodded.

"Thank you for saving my life."

"All right."

Wang Biao waved his hand and said, "let's go back."


With the help of bodyguards, Wang Biao and Huang Shao also left.

Jiang Hao went around the county, bought a lot of things, and then went home.

The next day.

The construction team sent by Ma Fu arrived at Qingshan village. After Jiang Hao selected the site, the construction team began to work.

His life, at last, calmed down.

However, this calm, on the night of the eighth day, was broken.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

Jiang Hao was sitting on the bed, practicing meticulously. Suddenly, he heard the roar of animals coming from outside the window.


His eyes, suddenly open, shoot out two Jing Guang.

"Strange, the roar of the beast is full of dignity. Obviously, it's not from the beast. What would it be?"

He frowned and murmured to himself.

"Go out and have a look!"

As soon as he turned over, he got out of bed, put on his clothes and shoes, slipped out of the house quietly, and went straight to the place where the animal roared.


Suddenly, his face coagulated, and his eyes showed a dignified light.

He felt a sense of dignity.

It's dignified and powerful.

And the closer you are, the stronger you are. gfbmmjD6vtLSaDjNAMr7x+cAJfrxmldLwH/ZzyO8z5GisJlPbdeDIGJfyq9N6ALntkPrNLIFSkmT6M4KHQWJrA==
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