"Great, great."

Yunlan is so happy that she almost jumps up.

She excitedly said: "listen to my grandfather, there is treasure here. Next month is my grandfather's birthday. We just need to dig out the treasure and give it to my grandfather."

"Grandfather will be very happy!"

"That's right!"

Cloud sea grinned, "this time, we are right."

He looked at the people around him and said, "come on, take out all the things we've prepared. We're going down!"


All of a sudden, people took action and took out a lot of tools.

Including steel cable, strong lighting, etc.

They tied the steel rope to the strong tree trunk on one side, then tied the safety rope, put on the safety clothes, and prepared to go down.

Roar ~

all of a sudden, a dull animal roar burst into the sky.

Ah ~

suddenly, the crowd screamed, covered their ears and fell to the ground.

For those who are weak in cultivation, their eardrums are broken, their ears bleed, and they become deaf.

Other people, also feel bad, the body Qi and blood surge, face red.

Only Jiang Hao, Wan Lao, Zhang Yu, Yunhai and Yunlan are safe.

Jiang Hao glanced at the sea of clouds and the haze of clouds, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

There was a faint light on both of them. It was obvious that they had the most precious body protection.

After the roar disappeared, there was silence on the edge of the cliff.


Yun LAN swallowed a mouthful of saliva, pretty face, showing a strong fear.

She looked at the sea of clouds and said, "brother Brother, I want to Otherwise, I Let's go back. "

"No way!"

Although Yunhai was afraid, he refused.

He said firmly: "Xiao Lan, don't be afraid. It's just a roar of animals. What's to be afraid of?"


Yun Lan's face turned white and said weakly: "it's just a roar. It's so terrible. The monster below must be very powerful."

"It's going to be very dangerous if we go down."

"Don't be afraid!"

"So what if there are monsters? There's Wan Lao. It's OK. "

"Besides, I've brought that treasure here. With that treasure, you don't have to be afraid of any kind of monster."

Yunlan smell speech, face a change.

"Brother, you You put... "

Shh ~

suddenly, Yunhai makes a silent gesture and interrupts Yunlan's words.

Yun LAN nodded and said, "brother, did you steal that treasure?"


The sea of clouds gave a cold hum and said, "what is stealing? This baby belongs to me, but it was taken away by that damned guy. "

"This time, I must win the treasure, let grandfather see, I'm not inferior to him."

Cloud LAN smell speech, a sigh of relief.

"There's that baby. Don't be afraid."

"Well, let's go down." Yunhaidao.


Everyone answered, and then, ready to go down.

All of a sudden, the sea of clouds swept Jiang Hao's eye, and a wisp of murder shot out of his eyes.

"Boy, now that you know this, you don't have to live in the world. Wan Lao, do it and send him to the West." He was murderous.


The old man nodded.

Then, he raised his hand to pat Jiang Hao on the head.

"Wait, wait..."

Suddenly, Zhang Yu spoke.

He looked at the sea of clouds and said with a smile, "Yunshao, master Jiang is my good friend. He is very powerful. If you have him to protect you, you will be safe."


All of a sudden, Wan Lao Wen, a cold hum.

He said in a cold voice: "master Yun, it's enough to have my protection. I don't need anyone else!"

"You can't say that."

Zhang Yu explained: "less cloud, under the cliff, what is the situation, no one knows, just the beast roar, so terrible."

"Explain below, must have ferocious monster, perhaps, still more than one."

"At that time, there will be danger. No matter how powerful Wan Lao is, he will not be able to protect you two. If something happens, it will be too late to regret."

"If you take master Jiang, you don't have to worry."

Cloud sea smell speech, nodded, "reasonable."

He rubbed his chin, glanced at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "you are lucky. I won't kill you for the time being. I'll save your life to protect me."

"Remember, if I miss anything, you will die!"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, there was a cold light.Suddenly, Zhang Yu rushed over, pressed Jiang Hao and whispered, "master Jiang, calm down, don't be impulsive."

"Yunshao, we can't stir it up!"

"What are you staring at?"

Pointing at Jiang Hao, Yunhai scolded: "boy, it's lucky for you that I left you alive. If you stare at me again, I will kill you immediately."

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes when he heard the speech.

Zhang Yu hastened to make a comeback and said with a smile, "OK, Yunshao, it's OK. We'll hurry down. If we delay, I'm afraid we won't have time."

"We have to come up before dark, or it won't be good."


The sea of clouds shook its sleeve and gave a cold hum.

Then, looking at old Wan, he said, "old Wan, if this boy is a little dishonest, don't be merciful and kill him directly!"

"Yes, master Yun." The old man bowed.

They tied the ropes and slid down slowly.

Under the cliff, a mist, mist hit in the face, like thin rain, wet and cool.

Half an hour later, it's finally over.

They untied the ropes, took out all kinds of tools, turned on the powerful lights and began to explore.

It was quiet all around, and occasionally there was a tinkling sound of flowing water.

Through a dark, suddenly, suddenly, into a primeval forest.

Tall trees, lush, crisscross with vines and thorns, everywhere.

On the ground, there is a layer of slightly rotten leaves, emitting a faint smell of decay, which makes people have the illusion that they are back to prehistoric times.

"Well What's that? "

Suddenly, there was a cry.

All of them changed their faces.

Even Jiang Hao's eyes shrank and his face was shocked.

In the primitive and desolate forest, stands a simple, vicissitudes of the palace, very abrupt, very conspicuous.

This palace is full of historical atmosphere. Obviously, it has existed for a long time.

"It's the palace. Yes, it's the palace."

The sea of clouds cried out, shaking all over with excitement and blushing.

Yunlan is also excited.

"When my grandfather was young, he entered the cliff and the palace by mistake, and got a chance. Then, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds. Now, he has become a great master of vigorous force."

Cloud excited tunnel: "I look for two years, and finally found the palace."

"I'm going in, I'm going to get a chance, I'm going to fly, I'm going to surpass that damned guy, I'm going to prove it to everyone."

"I am the successor of the cloud family!" He roared.

A moment later, the mood of the sea of clouds calmed down a little.

However, his eyes, revealed a fiery light.

He waved his hand and said, "come on, let's go in."


Suddenly, Wan Lao spoke.

He reminded: "master Yun, be careful. There may be danger in the palace."


The sea of clouds nodded.

People look back in three steps and look around in five steps. They are very careful.

It took only ten minutes to finish the journey.

Simply, the journey was safe and there was no crisis.

After entering the palace, a breath of boundless came to my face.

Inside was a dark passage.

Peng ~ Peng ~ Peng ~

suddenly, clusters of flames light up, and the lights on both sides of the passage light up automatically.

The sea of clouds was startled.

"Master Yun, don't worry, there is no safety," Wan explained

"Well Go ahead, then The sea of clouds licked his lips and said.

So the crowd moved on slowly.

Squeaky squeaky squeaky ~

all of a sudden, strange sounds sounded in the narrow passage.

This kind of voice, very noisy, harsh, but also very sharp, listen to people can not help but upset.

"This is..."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face changed.

"It's the cry of the vampire bat!"

Suddenly, a large dark shadow, from far and near, flew over.

In the dark shadow, a blood red light appeared from time to time.

No, it's not the light, it's the eyes of the vampire bat.

These blood sucking bats are very small, only the size of the palm, but they are very fierce. They have a few sharp teeth and can easily pierce the skin.

Ah, ah, ah, ah, for a moment, the shrill screams were interwoven and resounded in the passage.

The two people in the front, poop, fell to the ground.

Their bodies were shriveled and their skin was wrinkled. They were a pair of mummies and their blood was sucked dry.Poop! Poop! Poop!

One after another, someone fell.

These people did not become mummies. However, other parts of their bodies were bitten by blood sucking bats. The toxin of blood sucking bats entered their bodies and made them fall to the ground in a coma.

"Damn it, kill me!" The sea of clouds broke and scolded.


Suddenly, people began to bombard.

Peng! Peng! Peng!

All of a sudden, a blood sucking bat exploded, and the stinking blood splashed all over the floor and the wall.

Although the blood sucking bat is terrible, its strength is not strong. The ordinary martial arts with bright energy and small success can blow up one with one punch.

However, groups of blood sucking bats are a nightmare.

As long as the quantity is enough, even the master of dark strength will be sucked into a corpse.

Unless you are the master of vigorous force, you can't bite the blood sucking bat if you have vigorous force to protect your body.

A moment later, all the people were injured and died, with heavy losses.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

the sea of clouds is covered with blood, leaning against the wall, gasping, looking very embarrassed.

Even Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed.

Only Jiang Hao and WAN Lao were almost clean, and their clothes were not damaged or stained with blood.

Wan glanced at Jiang Hao in surprise.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's strength surprised him.

After a short rest, the sea of clouds stood up.

"Come on, keep going!" gfbmmjd6vtlsadjnamr7x + cajfrxmldwh / zzyo8z5gisjlpbdedigjfyq9n6alntkpnlifskmt6m4khqwjra = = / span >

he firmly said: "it took two years to find the palace, I must get the chance!"

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