All the people continued to move forward. Along the way, they were attacked by several waves, with heavy casualties.

Only eight survived.

After adventure and life and death, people finally came to the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage is a grassland.

"No way."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's face changed. He shrugged his nose and sniffed.

Suddenly, his face changed greatly, and his eyes burst out in horror.

"These These are all miraculous medicines

Obviously, Wan Lao also found this point. In his eyes, he burst out a very hot light, and his whole body trembled slightly, excited.

Looking around, a large area of green, full of panacea, exudes a strong medicine fragrance, which makes the pores relax and the whole body comfortable.

"This This This... "

The sea of clouds was too excited to speak.

"It's all mine, it's all mine!" He cried.

Ha ha ha

"With these elixirs, my cultivation will be able to go a thousand miles a day. At that time, my young master can suppress that damned guy with one hand."

He laughed a few times, ready to rush up and harvest the elixir.


Suddenly, master Wan stopped him and warned: "don't be reckless, master Yun. This place is very strange. Be careful."

"I see."

Yunhai nodded, gently raised his feet, ready to approach.

Suddenly, a man screamed.

"Well What's that? "

When they looked up, their pupils contracted and their faces changed dramatically.

A huge coffin was suspended above a field of medicine.

The coffin was painted black, suspended in mid air, motionless, neither ascending nor descending, which was very strange.

"Floating coffin, this How is that possible? "

The sea of clouds exclaimed in surprise. Obviously, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Jiang Hao was also shocked.

There is no rope hanging on the coffin, and there is no support under it. It's so magical that it can't be believed if it's not seen with my own eyes.

"This What's going on? " The sea of clouds fluttered.

There was a deep fear in his heart.

Yes, he was scared!

As we all know, great master Gangjin can be called a land immortal. He can fly in the air just by his body, just like a bird flying.

However, a coffin, clearly dead, can be suspended in mid air.

It's weird!

"Master Yun, this place is weird and unpredictable. Don't act rashly." Wan Lao's face was solemn, he reminded.


The sea of clouds is anxious.

He was unwilling to say: "Wan Lao, there are so many elixirs in front of me. I can't miss them. As long as I get these elixirs, my accomplishments will soar."

"At that time, I may be able to surpass my grandfather, surpass everyone and dominate the martial arts world."

"I can't miss such a divine opportunity!"

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

his breathing was a little short.

"Master Yun!"

Suddenly, Wan put out his hand, patted on the shoulder of the sea of clouds, and said, "master cloud, calm down."

"This place is very strange and dangerous. You must not be reckless."

Suddenly, the sea of clouds calmed down.

He took a look at the elixir not far away, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and was unwilling.

All of a sudden, his eyes lit up and he fixed on Jiang Hao.

He ordered: "boy, hurry over and pick the elixir!"

He wants to treat Jiang Hao as a mouse and test whether it's dangerous to pick the elixir.

Jiang Hao squinted at him, then continued to look up at the coffin in mid air.


Cloud sea gas angry, scold a way: "boy, you special deaf, still don't understand this young master's words?"

"Wise, hurry up and take action for me, or I will kill you now!"

"Shut up

Jiang Hao scolded him coldly and glared at him. He said coldly, "idiot, if it wasn't for your sake, I would have killed you!"

"If I don't kill you, it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you. I don't care what you are, young master of the cloud family. I'll kill you according to you!"


Suddenly, Wan shouts angrily.

He narrowed his eyes and gazed at Jiang Hao. Under his control, the terrible master dark strength rolled over Jiang Hao.

"Boy, master Yun is willing to bring you here. It's a gift to you. How dare you disrespect him!"

"Kneel down, kowtow, apologize, and then go to pick the elixir!"

Jiang Hao glanced at him and said, "do you want to die?""You..."

All of a sudden, wanlaohuo three Zhang.

He scolded: "if you don't know how to live or die, go to pick the elixir immediately, and give play to your last function. Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth and outlined a radian of disdain.

Ha ha

With a sneer, he said sarcastically, "old man, you can't hurt even one of my hairs. I advise you to shut up. If you dare to beep again, I'll kill you!"


Wan Lao burst out a rude remark.

He was really angry. His white hair was flying, and his robes were bulging and hunting.

At the same time, a terrible breath, from his body, burst out, swept to all directions.

Dark strength is complete!

He is a great master of dark strength.

"Calm down, calm down!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yu stood up and said: "old man, little cloud, you calm down, calm down."

"Master Jiang is a bit grumpy and has no way to stop. I apologize for him."

Then he made a bow.


Jiang Hao opened his mouth and was ready to speak.

"Master Jiang, stop talking."

Zhang Yu pulled him and whispered.


Cloud sea cold hum a, sternly way: "Zhang Yu, this kid, you have promised, he can't be presumptuous, but he now, dare not listen to my young master's words."

"There's nothing to say. Kill him quickly. Do you do it or do you do it?"

"No, no, No

Zhang Yuquan said: "Yunshao, we have encountered so many dangers along the way. Master Jiang has contributed a lot to our safe passage."

"It's not appropriate to kill him."

He said with a smile: "Yunshao, don't you just want to find someone to test and pick the elixir? Is there any danger?"

"I'll do it!"

After that, he went to the medicine field.

"All right, all right."

Suddenly, the sea of clouds waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "go back, this matter, you don't have to do it."

After all, Zhang Yu is a master of dark strength and an important fighting force.

In case of danger, if he's in, there's more safety.

So the sea of clouds looked at the bodyguard and ordered, "go and pick the elixir!"

"I I... "

Suddenly, the man trembled, opened his mouth, and his face was reluctant.

"What? You won't? " The sea of clouds is cold.

He narrowed his eyes and smelled of danger.

"I don't want to, I don't want to..." The bodyguard, shaking his head violently, yelled.


The cloud sea hears speech, the facial expression is instantly gloomy go down, hum a, from the pocket, take out a small object.

He shakes with his hand. Suddenly, the small object becomes bigger and becomes a sharp sword.

This is a magic weapon!

The sea of clouds swung its sword and chopped it down.


All of a sudden, blood gushed out, the bodyguard was split in two, the body fell to the ground.

Yunhai raised his sword, pointed at another bodyguard, and said in a cold voice, "you, go and pick the elixir."


The man opened his mouth and swallowed.

On the forehead, beany beads of sweat rolled down.

"You don't want to, either?"

In the eyes of the sea of clouds, the blood is killing.

"Yes, yes, I do!"

The bodyguard, with a cry, went to the medicine field immediately.

After a few steps, he slowed down and moved forward inch by inch, not daring to take a big step.

One step, safety.

Two steps, safety.

Three steps, safety.

Five minutes later, the bodyguard finally arrived at the edge of the field safely without any danger.

"Try picking a panacea." The sea of clouds cheered coldly.

The bodyguard was a little afraid, stretched out his hand, tried several times, but did not dare to start.

"Hurry up!"

The sea of clouds was impatient and yelled, "if you don't pick it again, I'll chop you with a sword!"

The bodyguard shivered with fright, bit his teeth and reached for the elixir.

His fingers just touched the leaf of the elixir.


Suddenly, a thunder like explosion reverberated in all directions, frightening him directly back to the ground.

Boom ~ boom ~

suddenly, the coffin, suspended in mid air, vibrated as if there was something inside that was about to rush out.

For a moment, people's hearts were raised, a little creepy.Whew! Bang!

Suddenly, the coffin fell down and hit the center of the medicine field, an open place.

Crash ~

when it fell, it caused a lot of movement, the coffin lid slipped, and then, it fell.

All of a sudden, a dazzling golden light, spray out, a glittering ring, suspended.


The sea of clouds let out a cry, his face full of excitement.

He's going to rush over and grab the ring.


All of a sudden, a burst of air came out.

Ah ~

then, the bodyguard beside the medicine field screamed and a blood light splashed out from his heart.


He collapsed, his heart pierced, and died on the spot.

Ah ~

suddenly, another scream came out.

The bodyguard beside Yunlan also falls down, and the red and white things flow out of the hole in his eyebrow.

Ah ~

Yunlan made a piercing scream. She was so scared that her face turned white in a moment. She was soft all over and almost fell down.

Wan Lao's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He grabbed her and pulled her to his side to protect her.

Ah ~

when the last bodyguard saw that his companions had been killed one after another, he was so scared that he cried out, "I'm going out, I'm going out!"

Immediately, he ran out.


Another burst of air.


A string of blood, gushing out, poop, the last bodyguard, also fell to the ground, instantly out of breath.

This time, people saw that it was a blood light that killed the three bodyguards.

No, a mouse, to be exact.

The mouse, as big as a rabbit, stood on the coffin, with eyes like blood agate, staring at the crowd.

"Blood mouse!"

Jiang Hao's face changed and he let out a cry.

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