Looking at the blood red mouse standing on the coffin, Jiang Hao was shocked.

In his inheritance, he recorded the blood hairy mouse.

Blood hair mouse, the whole body hair blood red, as if stained with thick blood, root inverted vertical, very hard, like a steel needle.

Once in danger, the blood colored hair of the rat will burst out and pierce the enemy.

The blood red pupil of the eye is full of creepy blood light, some frightening.

According to the records, the most terrible part of the blood mouse is its teeth.

The teeth of the blood mouse are terrible. Even if they are hard rocks and steel plates, they can be crushed and penetrated in an instant.

The three bodyguards who had just died, namely the heart and the head, were bitten by the blood mouse.

"Be careful."

Jiang Hao looks at Zhang Yu and reminds him.

"Watch out for the wool!"

The sea of clouds despised: "isn't it just a mouse? Even if it's bigger, it's still a mouse. What's to be afraid of? It's useless waste. "

"Wan Lao, help me to sweep the array, and watch me kill this stinking mouse with one sword!"

"Master Yun."

Or frown old danger, let me be careful


Cloud sea full face smile, relaxed way: "ten thousand old, a smelly mouse just, again fierce, also be a mouse."

"Just now those three guys, too careless, just hit the road, I have a sword in hand, don't worry."

"That's it."

Yunlan echoed: "old man, don't worry. It's just a stinky mouse. I can kill it with a sword."

The old man nodded.

However, he still reminded, "master Yun, be careful."

Yunhai nodded and strode to the coffin.


He raised his sword and gave a loud shout, ready to chop it out.


All of a sudden, the blood haired mouse moved, made a sound of breaking through the air, left a shadow in the air, and rushed to the sea of clouds.

Ah ~

the sea of clouds screamed with fright, and his chest was impacted by an impact force.

He staggered under his feet and sat down on the ground.


Suddenly, the jade pendant hanging around his neck cracked.

As soon as the blood mouse flees, it falls on the coffin again, with fierce eyes and staring at the sea of clouds.

The sea of clouds was almost scared to pee and ran to the back of Wan Lao.

Wan asked: "master Yun, are you ok?"

"No It's OK. "

The sea of clouds was shocked and said, "this beast is very fast. If I didn't have a jade pendant on me, I would have been hit."


Wan Lao nodded, his face slightly dignified.

"This mouse is more powerful than expected. It can't be careless."

"What a rat!"

Zhang Yu exclaimed, and there was still a trace of shock on his face.

Blood hair mouse's speed, too fast, he sighed inferior, even, can't resist, can't avoid.

He looked at Wan Lao and suggested, "Wan Lao, this mouse is too fast. Let's get rid of it together."

"No need!"

Wan Lao squinted at him and said in a cold voice: "to deal with a small mouse, you need other people's help. Do you think I have such rubbish?"

"Get out of here, I'm a great master of dark energy. How can I need the help of a new kind of rubbish like you?"

"Get out of the way now. Don't get in the way here. It affects my performance."

When Zhang Yu heard the speech, there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

However, he dare not speak, can only obediently retreat.

Wan walked slowly, with one hand on his back, looking straight at the blood mouse.

Then he spread out his palm and inhaled.

Suddenly, a stone flew into his palm.

He didn't aim at it at all. He just threw it.


Small stones, poured into the surging inner strength, just like arrows, shot out, friction air, issued a sharp explosion.

Suddenly, the blood mouse opened its mouth, showed two rows of sharp teeth, and suddenly bit.


In an instant, the stone was smashed and turned into a pile of debris, which was swallowed by the blood mouse.

The old man's eyelids jumped. There was something unexpected.

"Ha ha I didn't expect that, you little beast, you are still a bit of a Taoist. I really underestimate you. "

"But you're going to die!"

Wan Lao has two hands and five fingers.

For a moment, stones in all directions flew to him.

Each stone, all suffused with light light, covered with a layer of inner strength.

"GoA master's finger.

Suddenly, countless small stones, like a shower of arrows, all over the world, overturned to the blood mouse.

Click! Click! Click!

The blood mouse opened its mouth and bit at random.

One stone after another turned into debris and fell to the ground.

However, there were too many stones for the blood mouse to bite and hide.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The stones bombarded the blood haired mice, making a dull sound.

The skin of the blood mouse is very tough, and it has the hair protection of steel needles, so it is difficult to hurt it.

However, there are too many stones. Each stone is covered with a layer of inner strength and has terrible lethality.

Finally, with a cry of sadness, the blood haired rat was thrown out by the stone and landed on the ground.

It looks miserable with split skin and blood.


Ten thousand old hands bear after, cold hum a, pretend to force a tunnel: "small animal, also want to fight with me?"

Suddenly, in his eyes, shot a killing machine.

"Beast, send you reincarnation!"

He gave a loud drink, raised his hand and clapped it across the air.


Suddenly, the air vibrated.

It can be seen that this palm is extremely fierce and terrifying.

Sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing, sobbing.

"What the hell?"

Suddenly, Wan Lao's face changed, and he stood upside down, with a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

Whoosh ~

suddenly, a dark shadow came, like a black lightning.

Fast, too fast!

Wan Lao didn't react at all, so he was hit and flew away.

At the same time, on the arm, came a stabbing pain.

When he looked down, his pupils suddenly contracted.

I saw a snow-white wolf bite his arm.

"This is..."

Jiang Hao's eyes are full of light.

He was shocked.

"White wolf, this is white wolf!"

He muttered to himself with a look of shock.

If it is hard to find the blood mouse, then the white wolf is rare in the world.

This kind of monster should not exist in this era.

"Beast, let go

Wan Lao held back the pain, yelled angrily, his arm shook, and his violent inner strength spurted out.

He planned to break the White Wolf's mouth and get out of the trap.

Ah ~

all of a sudden, he screamed and spattered blood from his arms.

He underestimated the White Wolf, seriously underestimated.

The White Wolf chewed, and then swallowed Wan Lao's broken arm.


With a roar, Wan Lao's eyes were red with blood, and his killing was awe inspiring.

Just now, he was careless and paid the price of one arm, which made him furious.

Suddenly, he pulled out a knife.

This knife is a magic weapon. It's in the shape of a crescent moon, and it emits cold light.

When Zhang Yu saw this scene, his heart jumped.

He yelled: "old man, don't be impulsive, come back quickly, we will work together to deal with this wolf."

"Go away!"

However, in response to him, it was Wan Lao's explosion.

Zhang Yu frowned and reminded: "Wan Lao, come back quickly. This white wolf is too fierce. You can't deal with it alone. We have to work together."


Wan Lao was angry.

Zhang Yu's words, in his opinion, just look down on him.

At the moment, he is in a rage, killing heart.

Suddenly, he turned around and cut a knife through the air.

All of a sudden, a white light cut through the sky and chopped Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was startled, suddenly flashed and dodged.

Chih ~

the light of the knife cuts the ground open, and a gully like crack appears.

This time, Zhang Yu did not dare to talk more.

Wan laoqing held the knife with one hand, glared at the White Wolf, and burst out: "beast, come on, come again, I'm going to chop you alive!"

The white spirit wolf seemed to understand his words, and a blood light was emitted from the demon pupil.

Roar ~

it roared like thunder, which made the whole palace tremble for three times.

Jiang Hao shook his head and said in a low voice, "the old man can't fight the white wolf. If he tries hard, he will probably die."

"Shut up

When Yunhai heard this, he said angrily, "little beggar, if you dare to talk more, I will kill you!""You want to die!"

In Jiang Hao's eyes, a wisp of cold light burst out.

He said coldly, "sea of clouds, I think you are a member of the cloud family, so I tolerate you again and again, but my tolerance is limited."

"If you beep again, I don't care who you are. I will kill you!"

"Little beggar, you..."

The sea of clouds glared at him with fire in their eyes.

All of a sudden, Zhang Yu came over and said, "Yunshao, calm down, calm down. Now the situation is critical. We can't fight against each other."

"Otherwise, everyone will be in a crisis of death."


The sea of clouds gave a cold hum, shook his sleeve and didn't speak any more.

Although he hated Jiang Hao and wanted to kill him, his top priority was to deal with the crisis, not internal friction.

Jiang Hao glanced at old man Wan, looked at Zhang Yu and said, "director Zhang, go up and help that old man, or he will die."


Zhang Yu nodded and walked over.

Hiss ~

all of a sudden, old man Wan cuts out with his backhand.

Zhang Yu's heart trembled and he immediately dodged. He was almost struck.

"What are you doing?"

He got angry and not only gave a loud drink.

"Don't come here!"

Wan laonu yelled: "this beast, I alone, can solve it!"

He was red eyed.

The White Wolf bit off one of his arms. He had to take revenge.

What's more, he is a great master of dark power. Even if he is in the cloud family, he has a very high position. He needs other people's help to deal with a beast. Isn't he too shameful?

"No one is allowed to come here, or I will kill him!" he roared

Immediately, he looked at Jiang Hao and ordered: "little beggar, master Yun has given it to you. If he has any damage, I will cut off your dog's head!"

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