
Yunchang cheered coldly: "Mr. Wu Daozi, standing high, why do you want to save this mole ant?"

"How do I know?"

Murie shrugged his shoulders and said, "Mr. Wu Daozi is far sighted. Naturally, his ideas are reasonable."

"In a word, you can't kill this son!"


Yunchang snorts coldly and stares at Jiang Hao, killing him fiercely.

But he didn't dare to do it.

Once you do it, it's tantamount to disobeying Wu Daozi's orders. Then, he and even the cloud family will suffer.

"Mole ant, I'll spare you a dog's life this time. If you dare to fight against my cloud family again, even if Wu Daozi orders, I will frustrate you!" Yunchang said sternly.

Jiang Hao was silent and his eyes were cold.

He remembered this hatred!

This man, he remembered!

One day, he will take Yunchang's sword and take revenge.

Cloud Chang stares at Mu lie, cold voice way: "Mu lie, this matter, I remember, have an opportunity, I will certainly ask for advice from you!"

After that, he swung his sleeve and walked away.

Mu lie took a deep look at Jiang Hao and said, "boy, do it yourself."

Then, as soon as he turned around, he was ready to leave.

"Master, wait."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

He asked: "elder, I want to ask, I don't know Lord Wu Daozi. Why did he save me?"

"I don't know."

Murray left a word and went away.

Jiang Hao took back his eyes, sat down, picked two miraculous drugs, put them directly into his mouth and chewed them. Then he operated the nine day dragon formula to absorb the power of the medicine and recuperate the injured.

One hour, two hours

In the blink of an eye, four hours passed.

Exhale ~

Jiang Hao breathes out his turbid qi and opens his eyes.

His face, still very pale, but the injury is basically stable, better.

He stood up and hid the field.

Then, down the mountain.

Qingshan village, in front of my home.


A burst of air, an uninvited guest came.

Yang Kong's body is in a flash and appears in front of a villager.

He held out his hand, grabbed the villager's neck, lifted him up and asked, "where is Jiang Hao?"

Cough ~

the villagers coughed violently and their faces turned red.

"Let me go, let me go!"

He struggled and yelled.


Yang Kong snorted coldly, stretched out his other hand, grasped the villagers' arm and twisted it violently.

Ah ~

the villagers made a sad cry, and his cow was twisted off.

Yang Kong said coldly, "tell me, where is Jiang Hao?"

The villagers trembled and said, "village The most dilapidated house in the west of the village is It's his home

When Yang Kong heard the speech, he threw the villagers out.


Villagers hit the ground, head knock on the stone, a lot of blood on the spot, coma in the past.

Yang Kong turned around and went straight to the west of the village.

He is an elder of Wudao League and a half step master of Wang Bayi's department. He just left the pass recently.

However, as soon as he got out of the pass, he learned that Ding Xuefeng, his beloved disciple, had died miserably. It seems that the culprit was Jiang Hao.

Therefore, he rushed directly to kill Jiang Hao.

"Is this the house?"

Yang Kong looks at the dilapidated house, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He reached out and clapped across the air.


Suddenly, a wall collapsed.

"Earthquake, earthquake!"

Jiang Fugui and Li Guiqin, pale with fright, rushed out of the room.

As soon as they came out, they realized that there was no earthquake, only their house collapsed.

Jiang Fugui stares at Yang Kong and asks, "are you..."

However, before he finished his sentence, Yang Kong flew away and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"You What are you doing? "

Li Guiqin glared.


Yang Kong appears in front of Li Guiqin.

Then he grabbed her throat, lifted her up, drank and asked, "where is Jiang Hao?"

"No I don't know! " Li Guiqin is very difficult.

It's not good who comes!

She guessed that this person is likely to be Jiang Hao's enemy, this time is to revenge, so she will never reveal where Jiang Hao is.


Yang Kong snorted coldly and scolded: "old man, his mouth is hard. Tell me where Jiang Hao is, or I will kill you!""No I don't know. " Li Guiqin said again.


Yang Kong is angry.


He raised his hand and slapped Li Guiqin in the face, which made her face swollen.

"Where is Jiang Hao?" He snapped.

"No Know "Yes

Li Guiqin refused to say even if she died.

"The old man who didn't know what to do!"

Yang Kong's eyes, flashing from the murder.

He grabbed Li Guiqin's left arm and twisted it abruptly, breaking her arm.

Ah ~

Li Guiqin screamed bitterly and nearly fainted in pain.

When Jiang Fugui saw this scene, his eyes began to crack.

"Beast, I'll fight with you!"

He struggled to get up, roared and rushed to Yang Kong, intending to do his best.

"Go away!"

Yang Kong raises his foot and kicks Jiang Fugui into the air, making him vomit a few mouthfuls of blood in the air. Before landing, he faints.

"Old man, since you don't tell me where your son is, I'll kill you. First I'll charge some interest, and then I'll kill your son!" Yang Kong said grimly.

He raised his arm and patted Li Guiqin on the head.

"Let go of my mother!"

Suddenly, a roar of anger rang out, and Jiang Hao rushed back.

When he saw that Li Guiqin was strangled, Jiang Fugui didn't know whether he was alive or dead. His eyes turned red in an instant. In his eyes, he shot a blazing murder.

"Scum, I'll kill you!" Jiang Hao roared.

Then he rushed to yangkong.

"Jiang Hao, you finally show up!" Yang Kong grimly smile, cold voice way.

Immediately, he threw Li Guiqin out.


As soon as his face changed, Jiang Hao changed his direction. With a push of his foot, he speeded up, opened his arm and caught Li Guiqin.

Hey, hey

Yang Kong gave a ferocious smile and said harshly, "little bastard, you are in the trap!"

He clapped it with one hand.

Jiang Hao couldn't dodge at all. He got a slap in the back and was directly patted away.


Jiang Hao opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His face turned pale. His injury, which had just stabilized, broke out again.

"Mom, are you ok?"

He steadily put Li Guiqin down and asked.

Li Guiqin burst into tears, "Hao'er, you You vomited blood

Jiang Hao light smile, "Mom, I'm ok, you take dad to leave, this person, give it to me."

"No, I won't go!"

Li Guiqin shook her head and said, "Hao'er, I can't leave you here alone."

"Mom, if you stay here, it will only become a burden to me. Don't worry, I will be OK." Jiang Hao advised.


Li Guiqin wiped her tears and said, "Hao'er, you must be safe and sound!"


Jiang Hao nodded.

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