Li Guiqin gave Jiang Hao a reluctant look.

Then, turning to Jiang Fugui, he helped him up and left together.

Yang Kong looked at it quietly without any obstruction.

Because he doesn't care.

As long as you kill Jiang Hao, two unarmed old men, he can kill them at any time.

He stared at Jiang Hao, grinned and said, "little bastard, when I kill you, I'll kill those two old things and let your family get together on huangquan road."

"Scum, I'll kill you!"

Jiang Hao's eyes were red. He burst out and rushed to Yang Kong.

Yang Kong looked disdainful, raised his fist and gave a blow.


All of a sudden, a huge wave of air swept away, like a tornado, raging everywhere, smashing everything around.

Even the ground is cracked.

Deng Deng Deng!

Yang Kong retreated two steps, Jiang Hao retreated three steps, and there was a blood line in the corner of his mouth.

This time, Jiang Hao fell into a bad situation.

He was so badly injured that he had no fighting power.

If it is the heyday, at most three moves can kill Yang Kong.

Ha ha

Yang Kong sneer, disdain way: "little bastard, I thought you are more powerful, did not expect, so vulnerable."

"In that case, I'll take you on the road."

Suddenly, he shot a blow through the air.

Jiang Hao moved under his feet and dodged.


The terrifying force of fists bombarded the ground and made a huge hole in the ground. Even the houses of neighboring families were affected and cracks appeared.

Jiang Hao glanced at it and rushed to the top of the green mountain.

This is not a place to fight, otherwise, innocent people will be affected.

"Little bastard, where to escape!"

Yang Kong gave a big drink and ran after him.

They ran and fled, fighting as they ran.

All of a sudden, Jiang Hao's wound tears open again, and his clothes are stained red with blood.


He snorted, held back the pain, bit his teeth and continued to fight.

Both sides have killed each other, hoping to take each other's life.

A quarter of an hour later, they reached the top of the green hill.


They fight for a punch, suddenly, rocks burst open, vegetation, dust all over the sky.

Deng Deng Deng!

They retreated one after another and stopped for the time being.

Wheezing ~ wheezing ~

Jiang Hao gasped violently, with a string of blood bubbles in every breath.

His condition is very bad, old injury is not healed, and add new injury, resulting in his combat effectiveness, plummeting.

Of course, Yang Kong had a hard time.

His consumption is also very big, and his body is bleeding in many places. He is hurt a little, and his face is full of fatigue.

"Little bastard, I didn't expect that you were so cheap. You're going to die and last so long!" He sneered.

In Jiang Hao's eyes, the killing is fierce.


He spat out a word coldly and rushed up.


Yang Kong stepped on his feet and met him.

The two fought together again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosion continued, and everything around was destroyed by the aftershocks of the battle. The ground was full of potholes and cracks.

The fighting is fierce and the fighting is upgraded.

However, Jiang Hao's injury is too serious to sustain.

Hey, hey

Yang Kong gives a cold smile and suddenly blocks Jiang Hao's attack.

At the same time, Jiang Hao hit in the stomach.

Tear 锝?

suddenly, the clothes behind Jiang Hao split in an instant, and his whole body flew out.

Ha ha ha

Yang Kong looked up at the sky and laughed. He said in a cold voice, "little bastard, you are really strong. Maybe you are not weaker than me in your heyday, but you are still going to die in my hands today!"

"Go to hell!"

Yang Kong yelled, his fists glowed, and his inner strength was surging and converging to his fists.

This punch, he wants to kill Jiang Hao!

"Stop it

Suddenly, a big drink sounded, two figures suddenly appeared.

"Dad, mom?"

Jiang Hao's eyes were shocked.

The next second, he yelled: "Dad, mom, run, get out of here!"

"No, Hao'er, we won't go. We can't leave you here alone. If you want to die, we will die together!" Jiang Fugui is excited.

Li Guiqin roared at Yang Kong: "beast, let Hao'er go, kill me if you want to!"The two of them were unkempt, their palms and fingers were skinned, their blood was dripping, their shoes were worn out, their bodies were scratched by thorns, and their flesh and blood were blurred.

They went through difficulties and dangers before climbing up.

"Get out of here!"

Yang Kong scolded: "two mole ants, if you don't go away, I'll kill you!"

"Beast, you can't kill Hao'er with me!" Li Guiqin roared.

"To die!"

Yang Kong's eyes, burst out a wisp of murder.


Suddenly, he pointed.

A finger awn cuts through the sky and penetrates Li Guiqin's abdomen. Blood splashes out.


Li Guiqin fell down and fell on his back.

"Gui Qin!"

Jiang Fugui yelled and his eyes were red.

"Beast, I'll fight with you!"

He roared, rushed to Yang Kong, rushed over, and then swung his fist.

Yang Kong was stunned for a moment and was beaten.

Immediately, he was furious.

"Mole ant, how dare you hit me!"

He grabbed Jiang Fugui's fist and twisted his arm.

Then he grabbed Jiang Fugui's other arm and twisted it.

Then he broke Jiang Fugui's two legs.

Jiang Fugui is completely abandoned!

He was trembling all over, and the muscles on his face were convulsing due to severe pain, and he almost passed out.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Hao yelled, and his eyes were full of murders.

He struggled, trying to get up.

"Rich and noble!"

Li Guiqin glared at Yang Kong angrily and roared: "beast, I'll fight with you!"

She jumped to Yang Kong's back.

Then he opened his mouth and bit Yang Kong's ear.

All of a sudden, blood flowed out.

Ah ~

Yang Kong screamed.

He roared: "mole ant, how dare you bite me, I will kill you!"

He reaches out his hand and grabs Li Guiqin.

Then, with a strong pull, she was pulled down.

However, half of his ear was bitten off.

"Die, die!"

Yang Kong roared and slapped Li Guiqin on the head.

All of a sudden, blood gurgled and gushed.

Li Guiqin rolled her eyes and fell straight down.

Yang Kong touched his ear and blood in his hand.

"Kill you, kill you, kill you!"

He roared, roared, raised his foot, one foot after another, and stepped on Li Guiqin.

Fresh blood gushed out of Li Guiqin's mouth as if he didn't want money.


When Jiang Hao saw this scene, his eyes began to crack.

Suddenly, he stood up.

Then, kill Yang Kong.

"Scum, I'll kill you!"

He roared and suddenly raised his hand and pointed to the sky.

"Nine turn Yin thunder, chop him to death!"

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