Jiang Hao returned home, left a note and left.

Take revenge on him!

Whew! Whew! Whew!

He ran all the way, the strong wind in his ear, whistling, slapping on his face, set off his eyes more fierce.

On the other side.

Yang Kong left Qingshan village and immediately returned to Chuzhou, where he closed the door for healing.

Three hours later, he came out ruddy.

Suddenly, two men came up.

"Brother Yang, is your injury all right?" Qin Yun asked.

Yang Kong shook his head, "it's OK."

One side of Wei Xun, eyebrows pick, surprised way: "brother Yang, that JiangHao, really so powerful?"

"Even if you went out in person, you were hurt."

Yang Kong smell speech, complexion a coagulate, nod a way: "that little bastard, really fierce, his heyday, should be not much weaker than me."

"However, after this battle, he is basically half disabled. Even if he is cured, he will still have a dark wound. It's hard to get into his cultivation."

All of a sudden, Qin Yun arched his hand and congratulated him: "Congratulations, brother Yang. You've avenged Wang ba. After Wang Ba leaves the pass, you'll get a lot of rewards."

"Yes, yes."

Wei Xun echoed: "brother Yang, you will be prosperous in the future. Don't forget our brothers."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Yang Kong smile, elated way: "don't worry, as long as you obediently follow me, I promise you will also prosper."

"Brother Xie Yang, brother Xie Yang!"

Qin Yun and Wei Xun quickly give thanks.

Yang Kong waved his big hand and yelled: "go, I'm in a good mood today. Go and have a few drinks."

Then the three walked into a bar.

In the bar, the lights are flashing and dazzling, the music is harsh and annoying.

Yang Kong frowned and didn't adapt.

Suddenly, he gave a gentle rebuke.

All of a sudden, endless sound waves rippled.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, countless wine bottles and cups burst, the shelves broke, the guitar strings broke, and the sound went dumb.

The music stopped and it was quiet for a moment.

The dancers in the middle of the dance floor were stunned.

"What's the matter?"

"What's the matter, music?"

"Let's play the music and get up!"

The crowd yelled, and the shouts mingled. In the bar, there was another uproar.

"Shut up

Yang Kong gave a cold rebuke.

His voice was not big, but it covered all the people's shouts and made the noisy bar quiet again.

"Who are you, old man?"

"Grass Mud Horse, old man, what are you shouting about?"

"Go away, old man. This is a place for young people to play. It's not suitable for you, an old antique who has half of his body in the coffin!"

A few non mainstream youths with strange clothes began to scold.

"I don't know how to live or die!"

Yang Kong's eyes are cold, and his fingers pop up.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, blood is flying, charming and beautiful.

A few non mainstream youth, a soft body, collapsed on the ground, blood from them, flowing out.

At this moment, the bar was silent.

There was a deep fear on everyone's faces, and they were shaking all over.

"Get out of here!" Yang Kong cheered coldly.

All of them rushed out of the bar.

In a flash, only Yang Kong, Qin Yun, Wei Xun and the manager of the bar were left in the bar. Even the bartender and the waiter ran away.

Yang Kong looked at the manager and ordered, "prepare a quiet private room for us."

"Yes, yes."

The manager did not dare to disobey, immediately took them into the president's private room.

On the other hand, after Jiang Hao arrived in Chuzhou, he immediately called Heige and asked him to search Yang Kong's whereabouts.

A quarter of an hour later, black brother called back.

Jiang Hao immediately got through and asked, "Hello, how are you? Did you find the trace of Yang Kong? "


Brother Hei nodded and said respectfully, "master Jiang, I have a little brother under my hand. Half an hour ago, I saw Yang Kong and two people and went into a bar."

"Send me the address of the bar." JiangHao road.


Black brother hung up and immediately sent the address of the bar to Jiang Hao.

After receiving the information, Jiang Hao set out immediately.

A few minutes later, Jiang Hao arrived at the bar.

He camouflaged, looked and slipped in. Then, he explored and confirmed Yang Kong's position.

In the private room, Yang Kong and his three people were drinking and talking freely.Qin Yun worried and said, "brother Yang, you said that little JiangHao bastard is half useless, isn't it true?"

"The potential of this little bastard is really terrible. It's said that before he was 20 years old, he was a half step master comparable to brother Yang."

Yang Kong light smile, "don't worry, that little bastard, absolutely half waste, not to worry about."

Wei Xun frowned and asked, "brother Yang, why don't you kill him? It's always a disaster to keep him. "


Yang Kong heard the words and gave a cold hum.

"I wanted to kill him, but I was stopped by Mu lie because Lord Wu Daozi ordered to protect him."


Suddenly, the faces of Qin Yun and Wei Xun suddenly changed.


Qin Yun said anxiously: "this boy has something to do with Lord Wu Daozi. Then we Isn't it dangerous? "


Wei Xun nodded and said, "a word from Mr. Wu Daozi can kill us. We can't resist at all."

"What are you afraid of?"

Yang Kong snorted coldly: "we are the people of Lord Wang ba. Even Wu Daozi dare not touch us lightly."

"No way!"

Qin Yun's face was solemn, and his eyes flashed.

"Little Jiang Hao, we can't stay. We can't be at ease until he dies."


Wei Xun said: "this son will die!"

"All right."

Yang Kong nodded and said, "tomorrow, I'll go to Qingshan village again. I'll get rid of him in secret to avoid future trouble."

"As for now, drink and drink."

Dong Dong!

Suddenly, outside the private room, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Yangkong cold tunnel.

Creak ~

Jiang Hao opens the door, walks in, and then locks the door with his backhand.


Yang Kong heard the movement and looked up.

Suddenly, his face changed.

"It's you!" He exclaimed.

Jiang Hao grinned and his killing intention was boiling.

"It's me. I'm coming. You should die!"


Yang Kong snorted coldly: "little bastard, I spared you a dog's life only when Murray protected you yesterday. Unexpectedly, you came to the door automatically today."

"Just in time, I'll kill you forever!"

Qin Yun and Wei Xun smell speech, Shua of stand up.

"Are you Jiang Hao?"

Jiang Hao has no birds for them.

Oh ~

Qin Yun gave a strange cry and said with a sneer, "I've heard that Jiang Hao is very proud for a long time. I see him today. It's worthy of his reputation!"

Wei Xun glanced at Jiang Hao with a smile.

"Little bastard, we are still discussing whether we want to go to Qingshan village tomorrow to kill you. Unexpectedly, you've sent yourself to the door."

"Well, it'll save us time for a trip."

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