Suddenly, Wei Xun stares at Jiang Hao and says faintly, "you can make your own decisions. We may leave you a whole body."

"Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao cheered coldly: "this matter has nothing to do with you. What I want to kill is Yang Kong. If you stop me, I will kill you together!"


Qin Yun scolded: "little bastard, you are too arrogant."

"What are you? You are going to kill brother Yang. Do you know that brother Yang is a powerful elder in Wudao League?"

"You intend to murder the elder of Wudao League. You deserve to die. Do you believe that I will kill you now?"


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and his sleeves were thrown.

All of a sudden, a majestic gas, gushing out.


Qin Yun flew out, hit the back of the wall, spit out a mouthful of blood, instantly seriously injured.

"Good courage!"

Wei Xunfeng yelled: "little bastard, you are lawless. How dare you beat the elder of wudaomeng, hehe Now, even Lord Wu Daozi can't protect you! "

"I'll kill you now!"

Having said that, the inner strength of his body, drum up, ready to start.

"Back off!"

Suddenly, Yang Kong gave a cold drink.

He said in a cold voice, "you are not the opponent of this little bastard. Step back quickly."

"Brother Yang, I..."

Wei Xun opened his mouth, a little angry.

"Back off!" Yang Kong rebuked coldly.

Suddenly, Wei Xun shrunk his neck, no longer dare to talk, stepped back a few steps.

Yang Kong glanced at Jiang Hao and said with a smile: "little bastard, it seems that you really don't see the coffin and don't shed tears. Yesterday, I spared you a dog's life."

"Today, you took the initiative to die!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao raised the corner of his mouth and sneered scornfully.

"You are the one who died today!"

Jiang Hao said in a grim voice: "yesterday, if I had not fought with master Gangjin, I would have been seriously injured and consumed a lot. How could you hurt me with this mole ant?"

"What? Master Dagang

Yang Kong's face changed when he heard the words.

There was a deep fear on his face.

The great master of Gangjin is terrible. He knows most clearly that there is a natural gap between dark Jin and Gangjin. Ninety nine percent of the dark Jin masters are trapped outside the threshold of Gangjin.

It can be said that vigorous strength and dark strength, one in the sky, one in the ground.

Ten masters with perfect dark strength can't beat a great master with vigorous strength. If they make 20 moves at most, they will die.

Jiang Hao's ability to survive in the hands of great master Gangjin is absolutely more terrible than that of ordinary master banbu.

Yang Kong is scared.

In a moment, his eyes brightened and he seemed to understand something.

He stares at Jiang Hao and shouts angrily: "little bastard, you cheat me, don't you?"

"You deliberately lie to me, just want to shake my confidence, and then, take the opportunity to attack me!"

Ha ha

Jiang Hao sneered, "do you think it's necessary to use this method to deal with mole ants like you?"


Yang Kong Leng snorted: "little bastard, how about it? I have seen through the treacherous scheme. Are you flustered? "

"I have to say, little bastard, your acting is very good. I was almost cheated by you. Unfortunately, I saw through it."

"So go to hell!"


Suddenly, a huge explosion came out of Yang Kong's body, which made the air around him ripple.

The smell of fury swept all over the place.

Yang Kong's toes cracked the hard floor, just like an arrow, shooting at Jiang Hao.

At the same time, his five fingers, curved and open, like dragon claws, respectively grasp Jiang Hao's throat and heart.

Whine whine ~

the fingers seem to tear the air and make a whine.

His fingers, full of cold light, are as sharp as swords with the help of inner strength. If he catches them, his heart will be crushed.


Jiang Hao gave a cold hum.

Then, grab a beer bottle and smash it.

When Qin Yun and Wei Xun saw this, they all laughed.

"Is this little bastard scared out of his mind? He used a beer bottle to shake brother Yang's Dragon grip

"Idiot, brother Yang's Dragon gripper is a unique skill of wudaomeng. It's powerful and terrifying. It can tear gold and break iron. Can a beer bottle stop it?"

They began to sneer.

Even Yang Kong, the corners of his mouth are tilted up a touch of radian, his face is full of disdain.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.Ah ~

then, a miserable and numbing scream seemed to tear the roof and resound in the private room.

Yang Kong is holding his arm, his face is ferocious, and his face muscles are twitching.

His fingers are broken.

On the back of my hand, there were pieces of sharp glass debris.

These glass debris, embedded in the meat, a piece of flesh and blood.


Qin Yun and Wei Xun, seeing this scene, were all dumbfounded.

What about the Dragon gripper?

What about the excellent martial arts?

Said that the power of terror, tearing gold and breaking iron?

How can such rubbish be discarded by a beer bottle.

You know, ordinary people, with a little training, can resist the beer bottle without damage, not to mention the master Yang Kong?

Then, there is only one possibility: Jiang Hao, who uses beer bottles, is unfathomable!


Jiang Hao throws away the beer bottle and kicks Yang Kong in the stomach.

Yang konggen couldn't dodge, so he was kicked away. He was like a toad, lying on the ground.

Jiang Hao went over and took out a set of silver needles.

All of a sudden, he grinned and said coldly: "scum, yesterday, you tortured my father and my mother. Today, I want to give it back to you a hundred times."

"Do you know that there is a acupoint in the human body, which is called Xiaoxue. As long as you hit Xiaoxue, this person will laugh madly and never stop."

"Unless you die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Hao, holding a silver needle, stabbed Yang Kong's smile point.

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, Yang Kong grinned wildly.

He kept laughing, he kept laughing.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes

In the blink of an eye, he laughed for half an hour, and his whole body twitched. His face muscles were stiff, his saliva was flowing, and liquid was flowing from his crotch.

He couldn't stop laughing.

"Ha ha Ask for Please, ha ha Rao Forgive me, ha ha... " Yang Kong laughed and begged for mercy.

He's scared. He's scared.

Because he felt that if he went on like this, he would laugh to death.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there's half an hour left." Jiang Hao said with a harmless smile.

EH ~

beside them, Qin Yun and Wei Xun shivered and shivered.

Another half hour has passed.

Yang Kong's face and lips were all white, his whole body collapsed, and a string of white foam came out from the corner of his mouth. His whole body was convulsed, just like sheep's madness.

He's dying of laughter!

"Take it!"

Jiang Hao gave a low drink and put away the silver needle.

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