Jiang Hao said with a smile, "it's been more than ten years since you moved to Jinling City. How are you doing these years?"

"Very good."

Xie Rong said: "suddenly, I have a father. Someone is in pain. I've become a rich second generation. I can't spend all my money. It's much better than before in the orphanage."

"You are well developed, boy."

Jiang Hao gave him a punch.

Then he asked, "by the way, what about steamed buns and iron oxen? Have you been in touch over the years? "

"Of course there is!"

Xie Rong light smile, "steamed stuffed buns this guy, since childhood smart, grow up, really promising, in the mall for seven or eight years."

"Now, it's a real rich generation with tens of millions of wealth."


Jiang Hao gave a thumbs up and sincerely praised.

At the beginning, he and Xie Rong, Bao Xing and Niu Feng were iron brothers.

Unfortunately, before I graduated from primary school, I went my own way.

"What about the iron ox?" JiangHao road.

Suddenly, Xie Rong smiles.

"This boy is also very skilled. Although his name is rustic, he looks handsome and simple. In fact, he is full of flowery intestines."

"No, I finished the daughter of a boss in Jinling City last year. Now I'm my son-in-law. It's very interesting."

"I'll go."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "this boy really depends on his face to eat."

Xie Rong asked: "Haozi, it's not easy for you to come to Jinling City. I'll call now and call Baozi and Tieniu out. My brothers must have a good drink today."

"Good!" Jiang Hao nodded.

Immediately, Xie Rong took out his mobile phone and dialed two numbers to inform Bao Xing and Niu Feng.


He hung up the phone and said with a smile, "steamed stuffed buns and iron cattle will come right away. Let's go to Kaiya hotel first."

A moment later, they arrived at the Keya hotel.

As soon as they got out of the car, the doorman came up.

"Thank you, you are here."


Xie Rong nodded, took out three red banknotes and handed them to the doorman. Then he threw the car key to the doorman and said, "it's good to help me with the car."

"All right

The doorman said with a smile, "thank you for your reward."

Xie Rong waved his hand and went in.

Jiang Hao said: "it's bold enough. One hand is 300 tips."

Hey, hey

Xie Rong said with a smile, "my father has nothing else, but a lot of money. He used to be in an orphanage, so he was afraid of poverty."

"Come on, let's go first."

They went in.

At this time, the manager of the hotel welcomed him and said with a smile, "thank you, the Queen's box you want is ready."

"Thank you." Xie Rong light tunnel.

"Where, where."

The manager waved his hand and said, "it's my honor to serve Xie Shao."

Jiang Hao looks sideways.

It seems that Xie Rong's father is really rich.

"Let's go to the box and wait for Baozi and Tieniu first."

Xie Rong embraces Jiang Hao and walks into the Queen's box.

Ten minutes later, two men and four women came in.

Qifeng is his handsome fiancee. He is handsome.

Bao Xing is a calm young man. In his arms is his girlfriend Ruth.

Another graceful, white and beautiful woman is Lu Fei, the famous flower of Jinling University. Beside her is her best friend Nana.

Nana is petite, simple and lovely. Although she is not as beautiful as Luffy, she is also a beautiful woman.

Bao Xing and Niu Feng, seeing Jiang Hao, immediately relax the beauty in their arms, come over and hold Jiang Hao with a bear.

"Haozi, long time no see."

Jiang Hao patted them on the shoulder, "long time no see."

Yo ~

Xie Rong called and said, "Feifei, you're here, too."

He immediately stood up and gave Luffy a hug.

Luffy is his girlfriend.

"Come on, sit down, sit down." Xie Rong said.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

He clapped his hands, and then introduced: "I'll introduce you. This is my good friend Jiang Hao."

"Haozi, this is Qiqi, tie Niu's fiancee. This is Ruth, Baozi's girlfriend. This is Lu Fei, the flower of Jinling University, my girlfriend."

"This lovely little girl is Nana, Feifei's best friend."

"Hello, Jiang Hao."

Luffy and others politely said hello.

"Hello." Jiang Hao said with a smile."Haozi, Haozi."

Niu Feng asked impatiently, "Haozi, how have you been these years? Should you be in college now? "


Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I left school before I graduated from high school."


Niu Feng nodded.

"Have you found a job? If you don't find it, I can arrange for you to join Qiqi's father's company and start as a manager with an annual salary of 200000 yuan. "

"No need."

Jiang Hao shook his head. "I have a job."

"That's OK. When you come to Jinling this time, we'll have fun for a few days." Niu Feng Road.

"All right." JiangHao road.

A moment later, the food and wine came up and everyone began to eat.

While eating, they chatted about the past.

Jiang Hao seldom talks and is relatively silent.

"Haozi, why are you so stiff?"

Xie Rong said with a smile: "back then, you were the bully of our school."

"By the way, Nana little beauty, you don't have a boyfriend. It's said that you adore boys with good skills most."

"Haozi's skill is absolutely speechless. At the beginning, three or four boys in the class couldn't beat him. Haozi was also single."

"Why don't you two have a try?"

He became a matchmaker.

"No, No." Jiang Hao waved his hand.

Nana pushed the black frame glasses on the bridge of her nose and said quietly, "thanks for your kindness, brother Xie Rongge. I don't want to find a boyfriend yet."


"All right, I'll let it go." Xie Rong said with a smile.

After eating and drinking, Xie Rong proposed to go to KTV to sing.

As a result, three sports cars roared like beasts and ran to KTV.

After arriving at KTV, everyone got off and went in.

Xie Rong ordered a big box, ordered some fruit, snacks, beer, and then began to hi PI.

Jiang Hao can't sing, so he sits in the corner and looks at it quietly.

Suddenly, Nana came.


she gave a very impolite cry.

Jiang Hao frowned, raised his head and said, "what's the matter?"

"Your name is Jiang Hao, isn't it?" Nana said coldly.


Jiang Hao also indifferently back a word.

"Where are you from? What's your job? " Nana asked coldly.

It seems that he is interrogating Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was a little upset and said coldly, "people from Qingshan County, Chuzhou City are bodyguards."

"Ah, countryman." Nana said.

There was a slight disdain in her eyes.

She raised her chin, nose to the sky, looked down at Jiang Hao with white eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Hey, I don't care how good your relationship with brother Xie Rong is."

"No matter where you come from or what you do, we have nothing to do with each other."

Jiang Hao frowned, "what do you want to say?"

"I want to say, we are impossible!"

Nana glanced at Jiang Hao and said contemptuously, "brother Xie Rong's words are just a joke. You can't take them seriously."

"What's that?"

Jiang Hao blinked, a little confused.


Nana snorted coldly and said coldly, "it's brother Xie Rong who wants to set us up. I tell you, it's impossible for us!"

"Although I'm not a school flower, I'm also a department flower. My boyfriend can only be rich and handsome. As for you, you don't have any chance."


Jiang Hao said coldly, "I have no idea about you."

Cut ~

Nana rolled her eyes and gave a scorn.

"It's disgusting that the country bumpkin, with his right words and evil heart, pretends to be simple and honest." She said scornfully.

"What did you say?" Jiang Hao asked.

His eyes, a little cold.


Nana waved her hand and said haughtily, "you don't want to think about me, because even if I'm single all my life, I will never take a fancy to you."

"I don't like you either!"

Jiang Hao said in a cold voice: "besides, I have a girlfriend. I'm more beautiful than you!"

Ha ha ha

Nana made a shrill laugh.

, "Yo Yo Yo, I can't see. The woodlouse from the countryside has a strong sense of self-esteem. For the sake of face, they will lie." She sneered.

"What are you talking about? So happy to laugh. "

Suddenly, Xie Rong came.

The expression on Nana's face instantly converged and became a quiet and gentle little girl.She looked up and said shyly, "brother Xie Rong, we didn't talk about anything."


Xie Rong said, "you two have a seat. Please sing quickly."

"All right, brother Xie Rong, you go first." Nana light smile, quiet tunnel.

"Hurry up."

Xie Rong urged a, turn round to walk.

Suddenly, Nana's face was cold, staring at Jiang Hao, and warned in a bad tone: "I warn you, don't think too much of me."

"Besides, don't pester me or harass me, or I'll call the police!"


With a flick of her chin, she turned to the crowd and began to sing.

Jiang Hao shook his head and gave a silent smile.

This kind of girl has two sides, different appearance and vanity. He doesn't want any money worshippers.

Two hours later, everyone was tired of singing and playing, ready to go home.

"Back home."

Xie Rong said with a smile, "let's go. I'll take you to a good place."

"What's a good place?"

Bao Xing asked, "Lao Xie, what do you want to play?"

"At eight o'clock tonight, there's a banquet in Yangtian mansion. It's hosted by Su Hua, the young master of the Su family. Do you know that?" Xie Rong's mysterious tunnel.

"I know."

Niu Feng turned his lips and said, "so what if I know? This party is full of big people, and we can't get in. "

"Who says you can't get in?"

Xie Rong said with a smile: "come with me, I promise you can all go in."


Suddenly, everyone's eyes were bright.

They are also the second generation of rich people, but they are far worse than Su Hua.

"Of course it's true. Come with me." Xie Rong said haughtily.

Then they got on the bus and went straight to the Yangtian building.

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