Ten minutes later, Jiang Hao and others arrived at the Yangtian building.

However, he was stopped by the security guard at the door.

"Wait a minute." Xie Rong said with a smile.

Then he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, brother Zhao, it's Xie Rong. I arrived at Yangtian mansion, but I was stopped. Can you come out and take me in?" He said respectfully.


On the other end of the mobile phone, two cold words came.

"Well, thank you, brother Zhao."

Xie Rong quickly thanks.

Niu Feng touched Xie Rong and asked, "Lao Xie, who is brother Zhao?"

"The whole Jinling City, in addition to the Zhao family, who is Zhao, who can make me humble?" Xie rongdao.

Niu Feng's face is awe inspiring.

"You mean Real estate tycoon Zhao Kun's Zhao Yang

"That's him."

Xie Rong nodded.

Then, he glanced at the crowd and reminded them solemnly: "I remind you that Zhao is not easy to make trouble with."

"Don't offend him, or I can't protect you."

Immediately, he light smile, proud way: "of course, in addition to the top childe brother, the rest of the people don't have to be afraid, something happened, I bear."

"I'm in Jinling City, and I'm a bit thin and connected."

The crowd nodded.

Suddenly, a young man in a suit came out of the building.

Xie Rong immediately went up and said with a smile, "Zhao Dashao, I'm really troubling you."

Zhao Yang glanced around and frowned, "what's the matter? Didn't you say you were the only one? Why so many? "

"What do you think of Su Shao's party? Do you have a family dinner? I'm a drag on my family! " He reprimanded.

"Yes, brother Zhao is right." Xie Rong nodded and said in a low voice.

"But these people are all my brothers. I want to open their eyes."

Suddenly, Xie Rong took out a piece of green jade pendant and handed it to Zhao Yang.

"Brother Zhao, this is a good treasure I found a few days ago. Now it belongs to you."

Zhao Yang played with the jade pendant a few times, then nodded reluctantly.

"All right, just this once, never again." He said in a cold voice.

"Yes, yes."

Xie Rong nodded busily.

Zhao Yang waved his hand, "come in with me."

"However, I can warn you that this banquet is hosted by Su Shao. No one can make trouble. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, brother Zhao, we promise not to make trouble." Xie Rong promised.


Zhao Yang snorted coldly and took the lead in.

Jiang Hao and others followed.

This time, the security didn't stop them.

Wow ~

as soon as they went in, everyone exclaimed, especially some girls, their eyes were bright.

The arrangement of the banquet was too luxurious.

"Don't make trouble!"

Zhao Yang admonished a, go to crowd, chat.

"Wow, you see, that man is so handsome!"

"And that, mature and steady, full of mature male god!"

At the banquet, there were too many handsome and mature men, and several girls screamed from time to time, their eyes full of peach hearts.

Keke ~

Xie Rong coughed a few times and said awkwardly, "hold back, we're still here."

Hee hee ~

a few girls, hee hee a smile, and then, the team went to visit, Niu Feng also followed.

"Haozi, I'll go and say hello to some friends."

Xie Rong said and turned to walk away.

As for Bao Xing, he is very smart and has long been in the discussion circle with red wine.

It's a great opportunity to meet a lot of big people and expand your network.

Instead of leaving, Jiang Hao sat down nearby and began to enjoy snacks and wine.

Suddenly, he stood up and rushed out.

On the other side.

A young man with a pale face and serious dark circles under his eyes gave Niu Feng a rude push and scolded him: "boy, get out of my way!"


Niu Feng burst out a rude sentence and said angrily, "you are very salty pig hand. You take advantage of my girlfriend and her best friend, and you tell me to go away?"

"Wipe, believe it or not?"


The young man glanced at Niu Feng and said with disdain, "smelly boy, it's your honor that my young master takes a fancy to your woman. You have to thank me!"

"Thank you, sister!"

Niu Feng got angry and rolled up his sleeve to hit someone.

Suddenly, his girlfriend Qiqi, grabbed him, advised: "forget it, ah Feng, let's go, don't make trouble.""What are you going to do?"

Nana stared at the young man and said coldly, "he dares to touch our farts He must not be let go. "

Bao Xing's girlfriend, Ruth, frowned and whispered, "forget it, Zhao Shao warned us not to make trouble."

"What are you afraid of?"

Nana fork waist, Jiao said: "there is Xie Rong brother in, nothing to be afraid of!"

She glared at the young man and scolded: "smelly hooligan, we are all friends of brother Xie Rong. Now you have time to apologize."

"Otherwise, when brother Xie Rong comes, you will be finished!"

"Brother Xie Rong?"

The young man grinned and said, "what kind of bullshit can he do when he comes?"

"With a word from my young master, I can make him kneel down!"

"What to blow?"

Nana took out her cell phone and said contemptuously, "I'll call brother Xie Rong now, you hooligan, you wait!"

"When brother Xie Rong comes, you will cry!"

Then she began to dial the number.


All of a sudden, the young man slapped her cell phone.


The cell phone smashed on the floor and broke up.


Nana raised her head, glared at the young man and scolded: "you broke my new mobile phone, I..."

She raised her hand as if to beat the youth.

However, the youth's speed, faster than her, jerked her into her arms, and immediately put his right hand around her waist and put his arm around her.

The young man gave a dirty smile, "Hey, hey Beauty, a broken cell phone is nothing. As long as you follow my master, it's a car and a house. "

"As long as you want, I'll buy it for you right away!"

"You Let go of me

Nana struggled and yelled.

"No, no!"

The young man hugged her tightly and lowered his head to kiss her.

"Beauty, I want to kiss."

"Let go of Nana!"

"Hooligan, stop it!"

Qiqi and others, curse up, come forward to stop.


Niu Feng scolded, rushed up and punched the young man in the face, then rescued Nana.

The young man staggered several steps and almost fell down.

The corner of his mouth, bleeding.

"Grass Mud Horse, you are so tired of living that you dare to beat me!" The young man cried angrily.

Niu Feng glared angrily, "you are the kind of hooligan you are fighting!"


The young man burst out a rude remark and yelled: "give it to our young master, and catch him. Our young master must break his leg today!"


Suddenly, the bodyguards behind the young man rushed up and took control of niufeng.

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