
Suddenly, several bodyguards came and started to move their hands.

"Don't No

A few girls were so scared that they turned pale.

"Stop it

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

He stood up, looked at Qin Shao directly, and said faintly, "Qin Shao, right? They are all my friends. Give me face. That's it."

"Face for you?"

Ha ha ha

Qin Shao burst into laughter, which was very harsh.

He squinted at Jiang Hao and said sarcastically, "boy, what are you

"Give you face? How can I give you face? What qualifications do you have for me to give you face? "

Jiang Hao's eyes were cold.

"So you're determined to make it big?"

"So what?"

Qin Shao said: "all the women I like can't run away; all the men I hate can't come to a good end!"

With a wave of his hand, he said coldly, "do it!"

Suddenly, several bodyguards started to catch Xiang niufeng and others.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao suddenly raised his foot and kicked it out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Between lightning and flint, several bodyguards all flew upside down, hit the ground and fainted on the spot.


Qin Shao stares at Jiang Hao, surprised and angry.


Suddenly, Zhao Yang scolded: "boy, how dare you beat Qin Shao!"

"Xie Rong, take your people and get out!"


Suddenly, Qin Shao spoke.

The corner of his mouth, slightly raised a touch of radian, obviously a little surly.

"How can anyone who dares to beat me leave easily?"

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, he said in a cold voice: "none of them can escape today!"

Xie Rong, Niu Feng and others changed their faces when they heard the speech.

Lu Fei and several other girls were even more scared and pretty.

Nana's eyes turned and her heart began to plan.

With a charming smile, she twisted her hips and waist. She walked towards Qin Shao with all kinds of manners. She was soft and boneless. She leaned slightly and fell into Qin Shao's arms.

She charmed the way: "Qin Shao, people know wrong, you forgive people."

"As long as you spare others, they will do whatever you want."

She defected and wanted to curry favor with Qin Shao.

Because, from Zhao Yang's attitude, she can see that this Qin Shao must have an extraordinary origin. He is definitely a big man, far better than Xie Rong, whom she worships most.

In addition, Qin Shao looks handsome and is her ideal boyfriend.

"Go away!"

In response to her, it was Qin Shao's ruthless reprimand.


Nana was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, she adjusted, showed the most charming smile, pasted on Qin Shao's body, whine way: "Qin Shao, you are really joking."

"People love your humor."


Suddenly, Qin Shaoyi slapped her in the face and scolded her: "humor, your sister!"

"Bitch, get out of here!"


Nana was angry and her eyes sparkled with anger.

"What are you doing?"

Qin Shao scolded: "Stinky bitch, get away!"


He kicked Nana over.

"Are you all right?"

Jiang Hao went over and helped Nana up.

"Get out of here!"

Nana shook off Jiang Hao's hand and roared, "don't touch me, bumpkin!"

"It's all your fault, hillbilly, it's all your fault!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes were cold.

Originally, he wanted to vent his anger on her and beat Qin Shao. Unexpectedly, this woman, who was so hateful, was beaten. He helped her kindly, but was scolded.

"Nana, what are you talking about?" Xie Rong rebuked coldly.

His face, a little bad.

"Shut up

Nana scolded: "from now on, I have nothing to do with you!"


Luffy's face changed.

She said with a little heartache, "Nana, what are you talking about? Have you forgotten that we are good sisters and best friends?"


Nana cold way: "what good sisters, what good friends, are bullshit!"

She hysterically said: "you know I like brother Xie Rong, why do you want to rob me? Why? "

"We're done with each other. It's OK with us!""You..."

Luffy's face was a little ugly when he heard the speech.

Nana tearful eyes, pear with rain, looking at Qin Shao pitifully, Nuo said: "Qin Shao, I have nothing to do with them now."

"I can be your woman, don't worry, my body is absolutely clean!"

Jiang Hao heard the speech and shook his head.


This is a shameless to no bottom line, no integrity of the woman, disgusting.

"Go away!"

Qin Shao looked disgusted and kicked her over.

"I want a woman. What kind of one? You are not very beautiful and you are not in good shape. Why should you be my master's woman? "


Nana turned pale.

She didn't expect that in order to paste Qin Shao upside down, she would not hesitate to tear her face with her best friend, but Qin Shao didn't want her.

It's a blow!

She stood up and wanted to post it and fight for it.

However, Qin Shao did not say a word, directly kicked her again.

Qin Shao looked at the crowd coldly and cheered, "do it, kill them!"

"Yes Several bodyguards cheered in unison.

Then, surround Jiang Hao and others and get ready to start.

"Who's making trouble at my party?"

All of a sudden, a cold cry sounded, and a young man came slowly.

All of a sudden, people look a Lin, have given up a way.

"Su SHAOHAO!" they said in unison

Here comes Su Hua!

Zhao Yang's face, immediately showed a flattering smile, bent waist, to meet the past.

"Su Shao, here you are."


Su Hua nodded. His face was a little gloomy. He drank and asked, "what's the matter? Noisy, didn't I tell you to keep order? "

Su Hua shrunk his neck and explained, "Su Shao, it's not me who makes trouble, it's someone else who makes trouble."

"A few scoundrels beat Qin Shao, so Qin Shao was very angry!"

"Qin Shao?"

Su Hua raised his eyebrows and asked, "is it Qin Shao of the Qin family, the demon capital?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.


Su hualeng snorted, "why is he here? I didn't invite him! "

Hey, hey

Qin Shao said with a smile, "you didn't invite me, but I came uninvited."

Su Hua raised her eyes and saw a flash of disgust in her eyes.

Qin Shao is infamous. He is a complete dandy. He is a rich second generation. He is good for nothing. He looks down upon him very much.

Suddenly, Su Hua saw Jiang Hao and his face brightened.

He strode past.

"Su Shao, my young master..." Qin Shao saw Su Hua coming and said with a smile.

However, Su Hua ignored him directly, walked past him, came to Jiang Hao and said respectfully, "master, you are here."


Jiang Hao nodded.

Su Hua scan a circle, see several bodyguards, facial expression is not good, surrounded Jiang Hao, immediately, eyes cold.

"What's going on?" He asked.

Qin Shao curled his lips and said with a disdainful smile, "a few little scoundrels have beaten my young master's people, so my young master will abolish them."

"Shut up

Su Hua yelled.

Then, he turned his head and stared at Zhao Yang, and asked, "what's the matter?"

Zhao Yang shrunk his neck and said weakly, "Qin Qin Shao molested several women. They found him, so they started to make trouble. "


Su Hua was furious when he heard the speech.

He pointed to Qin Shao and yelled, "come on, grab him, break his leg, and then throw him out!"


Suddenly, a large group of people came.

Qin Shao's bodyguards are ready to fight back.

Su Hua cheered coldly: "who dares to resist, break a leg!"

This remark, several bodyguards face, all showed fear.

Qin Shao's face was ugly. He glared at Su Hua and said, "Su Hua, what do you mean?"

"You want to break my young master's leg for some little bastards? Do you want to fight against the Qin family? "


Suddenly, Su Hua slapped him in the face and scolded him: "be against your sister!"

"Can you represent the Qin family just because you are such a waste?"

"You make a fuss at my party, and you are ready to move my master. If I break your leg, you Qin family won't say anything!"


Qin Shao's face turned blue, angry and angry.

"Do it!" Su Hua cheered coldly.

Suddenly, his bodyguards all started.Qin Shao's bodyguards, basically did not move, but there are two people, stand up to stop.

"Break their legs!" Su Hua is cold.

As soon as the order was given, the two bodyguards were taken down, and then their legs were broken.

Then they captured Qin Shao.

"Let me go, let me go!"

Qin Shao struggled violently and yelled: "asshole, you dare to touch our young master. Our young master absolutely wants you to die without a burial place!"


Su Hua uttered a word coldly.

So his bodyguard started and broke Qin Shao's leg.

Ah ~

Qin Shao screamed like a pig and convulsed all over.

"Throw them out!" Su Hua ordered.


Suddenly, the bodyguards with Qin Shao and others, went to the door of the building, and then, threw them out.

Su Hua looked at Jiang Hao and bowed slightly, apologizing and saying, "master, I'm sorry. I'm not good. I've wronged you."


Jiang Hao waved his hand.

Then, he said, "these are my good friends."

"Since they are your good friends, they are naturally my good friends." Su Hua laughs.

"Hello, my name is Su Hua."

"Sue Su SHAOHAO Daodao and others, Niu Jingfeng.

Su Hua said with a faint smile, "come on, you are all good friends of master. Go to the VIP room."


Xie Rong and others are a little confused.

Because happiness comes too suddenly.

You know, in the VIP room, there are really big people. To be able to enter the VIP room is a symbol of identity. If you can get to know one or two people, you will make a lot of money.

"Let's go." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

So they went to the VIP room.

Suddenly, a figure rushed over and held Jiang Hao's arm.

It's Nana!

Her eyes are full of eyes and a charming smile. She says, "brother Jiang, I haven't seen you for several minutes. I miss you so much."

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