Suddenly, Jiang Hao's eyes were cold, and he pushed Nana away.

Nana blinked her eyes and said pitifully, "brother Jiang, people know that they are wrong. They are so scared. Don't ignore them."

Her voice is so artificial that it gives me goose bumps.

Su Hua looked at Jiang Hao and asked, "master, who is this woman?"

"A disgusting man!" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Then, push her away and scold her coldly: "roll, stick to me again, don't blame me for being impolite!"


Nana was a little annoyed.

You know, in school, she is a flower, chasing her people, a classroom can not sit down, now she inverted paste, unexpectedly repeatedly despised, how can not angry?

Immediately, she was enchanting smile, Nuo Nuo tunnel: "brother Jiang, people just joked with you, you don't take it seriously."

After that, she pounced on Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao's eyes were cold and his face was full of disgust. He slapped her back.


Nana covers her face and stares at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao looked at Su Hua and said coldly, "deal with it."


Su Hua nodded, then, looking at the bodyguard beside her, said: "break her leg, and then, throw it out!"


Immediately, two bodyguards walked past.

Nana trembled with fright and turned pale.

"Don't Don't... "

"Forget it, forget it."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"Don't break her legs, just drive her out."

As for Nana, after all, she is not vain.

Su Hua waved and ordered, "get rid of her!"


Two bodyguards, one left and one right, dragged Nana out.

"Master, please."

Su Hua made a gesture of invitation.

The crowd went to the VIP room.

The decoration of the VIP room is antique, elegant and quiet.

Jiang Hao casually found a seat and sat down to taste the snacks and wine.

A moment later.

Su Hua greets the guests and comes over.

"Master, there will be an auction at Gardner's tomorrow evening. Will you go?" He asked.

Jiang Hao raised his head and asked.

"Auction or something?"

Su Hua said with a smile, "master, I promise you will be excited."

"As the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting is about to be held, the martial arts people from all over the country have basically come. They have some treasures, more or less."

"Some of them are not needed, so it's the auction."


Jiang Hao's eyebrows were picked, and he became interested.

"Call me tomorrow night."


Su Hua nodded.

After talking for a while, Su Hua got up and left.

Suddenly, Xie Rong, Niu Feng and others came over.

Xie Rong quickly asked: "Haozi, I can't imagine that you are so capable that you become Su Shao's master. With this identity, even if you walk horizontally in Jinling City, it's no problem."

"Yes, yes."

Niu Feng nodded and said in a low voice, "Haozi, how did you become master Su Shao?"

"I heard that Su Shao is an expert in martial arts and Taoism. Even dozens of special forces can't beat him."

Jiang Hao light smile, "don't listen to his nonsense, I'm not his master."


The crowd nodded.

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed, the banquet was over, and the guests left one after another.

Xie Rong and others also left.

Jiang Hao stayed.

Because Su Hua has arranged accommodation for him.

Jiang Hao washed and sat on the bed and began to practice.

The next day.

Ding Lingling ~

suddenly, the phone rings. Jiang Hao opens his eyes and shoots a fine light. Then, his breath converges and returns to normal. He picks up his mobile phone and connects.

"Hello, Haozi, do you have time today?"

Xie Rong's voice came from the other end of the mobile phone.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Hao asked.

Xie Rong said with a smile: "our brothers, it's not easy to get together. They want to take you around."

Jiang Hao shook his head and refused.

"I have something else to do, so I won't go. Have a good time."


On the other side, Xie Rong hung up the phone, slightly disappointed, and said, "Haozi is not coming."


Niu Feng sighed.Bao Xing understood: "Haozi is different from us. He must be very busy. Let's play."

"Yes, yes."

Qiqi cheered and said, "let's go rafting."


All nodded and agreed.

One morning, they played rafting, went to the playground, and had a good time.

Xie Rong touched his stomach and suggested: "after playing all morning, everyone should be hungry. Let's go to dinner."


The rest nodded.

"Come on, let's go to the Keya hotel."

With a wave of his hand, Xie Rong took the lead.

When they arrived at Kaiya Hotel, the doorman immediately welcomed them.

"Thank you very much."

Xie Rong gave him the car key and gave him a tip of 200 yuan.

At this time, the hotel manager came.

"Thank you, you are here."


Xie Rong nodded and said, "old rules."

"All right

The manager bent down and said, "thank you, please."

The crowd went straight to the president's box.

Ouch ~

all of a sudden, Luffy let out a scream, and the whole person was hit, retreated, banged and hit the wall again.

"Mad, no eyes!"

Suddenly, a rude voice came out.

A thin man glared at Lufei fiercely and scolded: "smelly girl, you..."

All of a sudden, there was a dirty smile on his face.

Yo ~

he gave a strange cry, "the little girls are very beautiful. They are more beautiful than the girls who played last night."

Hey, hey

Suddenly, the man behind the skinny man, licentious smile, "three little beauties, just three of our brothers, one for each."

The man of medium build frowned.

"Old five, old six, old boss warned us not to mess." He cautioned.

"What are you afraid of?"

The skinny man, the fifth, said with indifference: "these people don't have any inner strength. Obviously they are ordinary people. We are afraid of a ball!"

"That's it."

Old six echoed: "seven of our brothers have been hiding for more than half a year. They haven't even touched a woman's hand."

"Although I ate meat last night, I didn't understand slander at all. This time, I finally met some top-notch chicks. How can I miss them?"


Old seven hesitated.

In fact, he is also very excited.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Suddenly, Xie Rong burst a rude sentence.

He was furious and yelled: "where are the three scoundrels? Don't open your dog's eyes and have a look. Lao Tzu's woman, how dare you move your mind?"

How can he bear these three men to speak foul language and humiliate his women in his presence?

Five smell speech, wretched eyes, shot out a cold.

"Those who don't know how to live or die dare to shout at me. Do you believe me to slap you to death?" He scolded.


Xie Rong uttered two words coldly.

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