Xie Rong's face was cold. He gazed at the manager and said in a cold voice, "what's the matter with you? Unexpectedly let this kind of local ruffians and hooligans come in, don't you drive them out quickly? "


The manager hesitated.

After all, five, six and seven are customers.


Xie Rong snorted coldly and said, "I don't want to say the same thing twice!"

"If you don't get rid of them, I'll complain to your boss and promise to let you go."

The manager trembled all over and knew that he was afraid. He said in a hurry, "Xie Shao, Xie Shao."

"I'll drive them out now!"

Then, as soon as he turned his head, he scanned the three people and said coldly, "you three, leave the hotel immediately!"


However, in response to him, it was a slap in the face from Lao Wu.

Old five scolds a way: "mole ant general dog thing, also dare to drive us out?"


The manager covered his face with anger in his eyes.

He yelled, "asshole, how dare you hit me!"

"Security, security..."

He cried out.

"Chirp, it's so noisy!" Old five cold voice way.

Immediately, he raised his hand and slapped the manager in the face.

This time, he was even more ruthless. He took the manager away directly, slammed into the wall and fainted on the spot.


When Xie Rong saw this scene, he was a little scared.

This ruffian is too ruthless. He has no scruples and looks like a madman.

The old five glanced at Xie Rong and jokingly said, "mole ant, if you have the courage, I'll have a look."



Xie Rong opened his mouth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and a thin cold sweat oozed from his forehead.

Ha ha ~

he said with a smile, "man, this matter..."


Suddenly, five slapped Xie Rong in the face and scolded him: "brother? Which onion are you? What's the right to call Laozi brother? "


Xie Rong opened his mouth and was ready to explain.


Suddenly, five slapped him again.

"I what I, garbage!" He cursed.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Xie Rong burst out a rude remark and roared: "what's special, a rascal dare to beat me, grass, I want to..."


All of a sudden, the fifth slapped him and interrupted him.

"Laozi, your sister!"

The old five said in a fierce voice: "the things like mole ants are arrogant in front of me. Do you believe me to kill you?"


"Let go of old Xie!"

Niu Feng and Bao Xing on one side, seeing this scene, yelled and rushed up, and raised their fists to Lao Wu.

Bang! Bang!

Two fists, hit five's face, issued a sonorous sound, like hit on the iron plate.

Ah ~ ah ~

there is nothing wrong with Lao Wu. On the contrary, Niu Feng and Bao Xing screamed bitterly.

Their arms, all in spasm, were almost broken by the force of anti shock.

Bang! Bang!

Old five raised his foot and kicked them off easily.

He has to fight.

But old seven held him.

"That's enough. Don't fight any more. In case of human life, the seven of us will run around again." Lao Qi advised.

"All right, all right, why bother with a few mole ants."

Old six also advised.

"These mole ants seem to have a lot of money. The auction is going to be held tonight. Isn't the boss worried about the lack of money all the time?"

"We just used them to blackmail a sum of money."

Pa Pa!

The fifth clapped his hand and exclaimed, "well, well, this proposal is good."


Lao Qi frowned and retorted: "blackmail is against the law."

Hey ~

the fifth one gave a strange smile, "seventh, are you out of your mind?"

"Are we still doing little to break the law? We've even killed people. Are we afraid of blackmail? "

"That's it." Old six.

Old seven nodded, "OK."

In the end, he agreed with Liu's proposal.

Hey, hey

Old five ferocious smile, cold looking at Xie Rong and others, harshly way: "mole ants, you also heard it? I'll tell you to call me at home

"Otherwise, I promise you all, you'll live as if you were dead."

"Presumptuous!"Suddenly, the manager yelled: "three little bastards, want to be wild in Kaiya hotel? Still want to kidnap and blackmail them? "

"What a delusion!"

"Come out!" He cried.

as soon as the security guards came, they surrounded the crowd.


The manager gave a cold Snort and said with pride, "you little bastard, you'll have to..."


He did not finish a word, the whole person flew out, directly hit the wall, vomit blood, broke several bones, unconscious.

"Long winded mole ant!"

Old five despised a sentence.

Then, he put his hands in his pocket, glanced at more than a dozen security guards, and dragged the tunnel: "mole ants, you don't want to die, get away!"

His voice is not big, but contains a strong evil spirit.

Suddenly, more than a dozen security guards, one excited, trembled all over.

The security captain, choking his neck, said, "what are you afraid of? There are only three of them. Let's go up together and take them down!"


In a flash, a dozen security guards rushed over.

Xie Rong saw this scene, lips a hook, showed a smile.

Niu Feng, Bao Xing, Qi Qi and others are at ease.

In their opinion, more than a dozen players will win three games.

"Stupid mole ant!"

Five shook his head and murmured.

In a moment, he raised his head, opened his mouth and gave a gentle rebuke.

"Go away!"

All of a sudden, boundless sound waves, like the tide in general, surging.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All the security guards who rushed over were thrown away and vomited blood.


Xie Rong's face was startled, and he was stunned.

Niu Feng and others are completely stupid.

There is no hand at all, just yelled a word, lifted more than a dozen tall and burly security guards, this is too scary, a bit scary.

Hey, hey

Old five grinned, looked at Xie Rong and others, said in a cold voice: "well, now, no one should disturb."

"You guys, call quickly and ask someone to pay."

"Or I'll break one leg every ten minutes!"

"I fight, I fight!" Xie Ronglian said busily.

Niu Feng and others also took out their mobile phones and dialed the numbers.

They were afraid and did not dare to resist at all.

Xie Rong takes out his mobile phone, clicks on the address book, and sees Jiang Hao's number in it.

All of a sudden, he had an idea and ordered it.

The phone is through.

"Hey, Dad, something happened to me. I'm going to pay for it. Yes, five million. I'm in Kaiya hotel. No, don't come here." Xie rongdao.

The other end of the phone.

At first, Jiang Hao was at a loss. Later, he knew.

Xie Rong is in danger!

"I understand."

Jiang Hao returned two words and immediately set out for Kaiya hotel.

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