Kaiya hotel.

Five cold eyes, face ferocious, staring at Xie Rong, vulgar way: "mole ant, money?"

"Half I'll call you in half an hour. " Xie rongdao.


Suddenly, old five slapped him in the face and said, "half an hour? Mad, it's too long. I'll give you ten minutes. "

"Ten minutes, the money didn't arrive. I'll cut off each of you one leg!"

"Not in ten minutes. I'm here."

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Here comes Jiang Hao!

Yo ~

the fifth man gave a strange cry, glanced at Jiang Hao and said with disdain: "boy, are you the one who came to send money? It's very fast. "

"And the money?"

"No Jiang Hao's light tunnel.


Five smell speech, immediately angry.

"Grass Mud Horse, no money, what are you doing here? Are you kidding me? "

Jiang Hao looked at him coldly and said indifferently, "let Xie Rong go, then break your arm and get out of here. I'll spare your life!"

"Damn it

Five words: "you're so cold? Do you know who we are? "

"A group of ants, don't need to know who you are!" Jiang Hao said calmly.

"Lying trough!"

Now, not only the fifth is angry, but also the sixth and seventh are furious.

"Mad, it's the first time I've seen such a fool. How dare I say something in front of us? I don't know what to do!" The fifth said sarcastically.

Jiang Hao said quietly: "give you three seconds, make the top."


He began to count.

"One, your sister!"

The fifth scolded: "idiot, three seconds? I can beat you out in a second


Jiang Hao ignored and continued to count.


As soon as he lifted the corner of his mouth, he outlined a cruel arc and said harshly, "mole ant, since you want to die, I will help you!"

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and was ready to shout.

When Xie Rong saw this scene, he immediately heard a roar, and lifted more than a dozen security guards.

Suddenly, his face changed and he reminded him, "Haozi, be careful!"

Roar ~

the sudden and terrifying sound wave is rampant and can't be resisted.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a moment, the nearby glass, all cracked, even at the foot of the hard floor, all cracked.

Ah ~ ah ~ ah ~

Xie Rong and others hold their heads and scream, bleeding in their ears.


Jiang Hao uttered a word coldly.

All of a sudden, the terrible sound wave dissipated in an instant, just like the rough sea, instantly calm, calm, without a ripple.


Five eyebrows pick, slightly surprised.

He said in a cold voice: "Yo, I've lost my sight. I didn't expect that you are also a member of the martial arts circle."

"But with your little accomplishments, you want to compare with Laozi?"

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, he said, "well, you're lucky. Before you die, let's feel the horror of master dark strength!"


Suddenly, a majestic and mighty breath burst out from his body.

At the same time, his body, floating, toes two feet above the ground, suspended in mid air.

Poop! Poop!

In a flash, Xie Rong and others all fell to the ground. There seemed to be a big mountain on their back, which made them breathless and unable to move.

"This What's this? " Xie Rong's eyes are dull and he murmurs unconsciously.

"Fly Flying up, he Is he a fairy? " Niufeng horror tunnel.

At this moment, they were all confused.

Because the scene in front of them shattered their three outlooks and overturned their imagination.

The fifth is floating in the air, with open arms, full of energy, emitting a faint light, like a god bathed in the divine light.

"See? Humble mole ant, to you, I am God Old five is solemn.

"Meet the gods!"

"Meet the gods!"

"Meet the gods!"

Suddenly, the manager, security and others kowtow and kneel down.

Ha ha ha

Old five looked up at the sky and laughed, "I am God!"


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao said coldly, "it's disgusting to be forced!"

Suddenly, on the old five's face, appeared the angry color.He solemnly said: "humble mole ants, stupid human beings, I am the son of heaven, the gods come down to earth, you do not respect me, you deserve to die!"

"I'm acting for heaven, except you..."


Suddenly, a shoe, draw a streamer, PA, patted on the old five's face, patted him fly.

"Grass Mud Horse, who threw the shoes?" Five roared.

"I threw it!"

Jiang Hao said faintly: "three seconds have passed, you have no chance!"

"Chance, your sister!"

Five scolded: "son of a bitch, I want to ruin you!"

He was really furious. His lungs almost exploded.

Just now, he pretended that he was working hard. Jiang Hao threw his shoes at him and made him a fool.

Only blood can wash away this hatred!

Roar ~

old five roared and pointed his feet like a shell, shooting at Jiang Hao.

He opened his hand, five fingers like a sword, with cold light, and grasped Jiang Hao's head.

This grab, if hit, Jiang Hao's head, there will be five holes.

"Go away!"

Jiang Hao angrily reprimanded, raised his hand and waved his sleeve gently.

All of a sudden, a force of Qi came out.

Click! Click!

Old five's fingers, even palms, arms, inch by inch fracture.

For a while, the rain of blood flew.

Ah ~

old five screamed like a pig. He flew out and smashed two walls before he stopped.


Sixth and seventh, shocked.


Suddenly, old six burst out to drink, like a streamer, rushing to Jiang Hao.

Old seven followed.

One on the left and the other on the right, they fight Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's face didn't change. He swung his sleeve to the left and waved it to the right and fanned them away.

Their arms, too, were shattered.

For a moment, the shrill scream echoed in the hotel.

The fifth three were frightened and frightened.

It's terrible!

Jiang Hao is terrible.

"Go away!" Jiang Hao said coldly.

Five, six, seven, bear the pain, get up, faltering, ready to leave.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao gave a cold drink.

"I told you to get out, don't you understand?"

Five smell speech, face changed a change.

He gritted his teeth and said, "don't deceive people too much!"

"We can't beat you, but the boss, the second, they..."


Suddenly, a silver light, from his side face across, cut off his left ear, interrupted his words.


"If you don't go away, you'll never have a chance!" Jiang Hao said


Old five opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but his throat was dry and he couldn't make a sound.

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