"Seventeen thousand!"

As soon as Jiang Hao's voice fell, Qin can called the price.

"180000." Jiang Hao's light tunnel.


Qin can scolds, stands up and glares at Jiang Hao.

"Two hundred thousand, boy, I like this stone. If you rob me again, you will be against me!"

"It's master Qin can of the Qin family!"

"You see, the man beside him is Qin lie. Because of his age, he didn't rank in the Qianlong list, but his strength is up to the previous 40!"

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion.


Su Hua snorted and stood up.

He said sarcastically, "Qin can, what if I'm against you?"

"It's su Hua, the young master of the Su family!"

The crowd was surprised again.

They didn't expect that this auction attracted such a big man.


Qin can glared, and in his eyes, a fire broke out.

"Su family boy, you are too arrogant. Do you really think there is no one in Qin family

Suddenly, a cold cry rang out, and Qin lie stood up slowly.

Ha ha ~

Su Hua sneered, "you're right, there's no one in your Qin family!"

"The big Qin family is full of such rubbish as Qin can. If it had not been for the support of the Qin master, the Qin family would have been in decline long ago!"

"Son of a bitch!"

Qin lie burst to drink, in the eye shot a cold awn.

"Is it possible for a younger generation like you to discuss the affairs of the Qin family?"

Suddenly, he raised his hand and pointed.


All of a sudden, a finger awn, cut through the sky, like an arrow from the string, shot over, awe inspiring.

Qin lie, the half step master, gave a blow at random and agreed that it was terrible.

Ah ~ ah ~

in the auction house, many people turned pale and screamed with fear.

With the approach of his fingers, Su Hua's skin was pricked.

His face was white, too.


All of a sudden, Jiang Hao reaches out his hand, grabs the sharp finger, pinches it hard, and crushes it directly.


Qin lie's eyebrows were a little unexpected.

He sneered and said, "no wonder I dare to fight against the Qin family. I have some skills."

"However, this skill is insignificant in front of my Qin family."

"I want this stone from the Qin family. If you don't want to die, give up immediately!"

Ha ha ~

Jiang Hao responded with two sneers.


Qin lie clenched his fist and said, "those who don't know how to live or die dare to ignore my words!"

He raised his hand to discard Jiang Hao.

"Stop it

All of a sudden, a burst of empty sound, a person, quietly appeared on the auction table.

With a cold face, he scanned Jiang Hao and Qin lie and said in a cold voice: "at the auction, you can't fight privately. If you violate it, you can abolish your accomplishments!"

Qin lie's face changed when he heard the speech, and his eyes showed a strong fear.


He gave a cold hum and put down his arm.

Then, staring at Jiang Hao, he threatened: "boy, you are lucky. If you dare to raise the price again, the end of the auction will be the time for your death!"

Jiang Hao didn't care about him at all. He just sat down.

"Master Qin can offered 200000 yuan. Is there anyone else The host said.

"Two hundred thousand!" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.

Slap in the face!

The face of chiguoguo.

Qin lie's face turned red and angry. He wanted to rush up and kill Jiang Hao immediately.

He just dropped his cruel words and threatened Jiang Hao.

In the twinkling of an eye, Jiang Hao raised the price, clearly did not pay any attention to him.

"Boy, wait for me!"

In Qin lie's eyes, the murderer was circulating, and his whole body sent out a terrible chill.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand!" Qin can stares.

"Two hundred and sixty thousand."

As soon as he made a bid, Jiang Hao immediately raised the price.

"Asshole, 300000!" Qin can gritted his teeth.

"Three hundred and ten thousand." Jiang Hao's quiet tunnel.


Qin can is ready to bid. Suddenly, Qin lie holds him.

"Don't follow him. Just leave this stone with him for the time being. When the auction is over and kill him, the stone will be ours." He was murderous.

"Yes, the third uncle is still wise!" Qin can said with a smile.

Immediately, he glared at Jiang Hao and said in secret, "dog, let's jump for a while. When the auction is over, I'll wring off your dog's head!Jiang Hao spent 300000 yuan to photograph the solidified five colored soil.

The five colored soil has been solidified, which is useless for the time being. It is only useful to remove the solidification.

It's very easy to remove the solidification, just need the water containing aura to water it.

The auction will continue.

The next auction items are more and more precious. Naturally, the transaction price is getting higher and higher.

"Hello, everyone. Next, please enjoy the 30th auction, which is also the last auction of this auction." The host said.

"That's great. It's time for the final auction!"

"I don't know what the final auction is?"

"Whatever it is, it must be rare!"

People are hot and ready to move.

Shua ~

with a wave of the host's hand, he lifted the red cloth and revealed the final auction.

This is a pearl, about the size of an orange. It is white, pure and crystal clear, just like a top-quality night pearl, emitting a faint luster.

"This is..."

Jiang Hao's face was a little dignified.

Because, from this bead, he felt a great sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression is like facing a vigorous master.

"My God

"Final auction, it's this baby!"

"Priceless treasure, this is priceless treasure!"

The crowd yelled, their eyes were hot, and their breath was short.

If it wasn't taken in the background of guardian's auction house, everyone would rush up and snatch the bead.

"Presumably, we all recognize what this bead is. Yes, this bead is Neidan. Only a master with more than five stars has the chance to condense Neidan!" The host said in a loud voice.

Master Gangjin is divided into nine stars. One star is the weakest and the other nine are the strongest.

Only a master with five or more stars can produce inner elixir. The chance is very small.

Once the inner elixir is formed, it is almost invincible at the same level.

"Oh, my God, it's endosulfan!"

"Neidan is mine. Even if I lose my family, I will take Neidan!"

"As long as I refine this inner elixir, it is very likely that I will break through to master Gangjin. This inner elixir is what I have to win!"

The crowd screamed, excited.

Even Qin can and Qin lie were thrilled.

They looked at each other and said in unison: "we must take pictures of Neidan!"


When Su Hua saw Neidan, he was stunned.

As a young master of the Su family, he knew more about the value of an inner pill, which was priceless.

Refining inner elixir can improve your accomplishments!

Wear it with you, you can live a long life!

There are not many such treasures in the Wudao family. Each one is very valuable. It will never be sold by auction.

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