"This inner pill is mine. I must take a picture of it!"

Qin can yells in his heart: as long as I refine the inner alchemy, my accomplishments will soar. At that time, Su Hua and Jiang Hao will be killed!

"Quiet, quiet."

The host pressed his hand and said with a smile: "the final auction is a five-star master Neidan. The starting price is five million. Each time the price is increased, it should not be less than 100000."

"Now I announce that the auction begins!"

As soon as the words came to an end, the auction began.

"Five and a half million!"

"Six million, Nathan is mine!"

"Don't argue with me for seven million dollars!"

"Bastard, eight million. I've made up my mind. Whoever dares to bid is against me!"

"Bah. What are you? I'm offering nine million! "

Everybody's fighting.

However, there are also some people who are stable and very calm.

These people are the ultimate competitors of endosulfan. They have a lot of money.

In just three minutes, the bidding price of Neidan reached 20 million yuan.

At this time, there are obviously fewer people bidding.

"Thirty million!"

All of a sudden, Qin can asked for a price.

He glanced at the crowd and said: "this inner pill belongs to the Qin family. Anyone who dares to compete with me can't get by with the Qin family. The consequence is that..."

"Hey, hey, you know that!"

As soon as this remark came out, many competitors changed their faces.

They clenched their teeth and got entangled.

In the end, he sighed and gave up again.

Of course, there are many people who refuse to give up.

"Well, your Qin family is powerful, but I'm alone. I can hide in the mountains and forests. What can you do for me?" A scar face, a cold drink.

On this man's face, there was a scar of more than ten centimeters, which almost split his face. When he spoke, the muscles on his face trembled. The scar was like a creeping centipede, ferocious and terrifying.

"It's scar king!"

"This guy is a bloodthirsty man. He once slaughtered the whole village in order to cultivate magic skill!"

"God, I heard that he was wanted by wudaomeng. Unexpectedly, he was still alive!"

There was a lot of talk and fear on their faces.

Especially the people beside scar face, almost scared to urinate, directly ran away, escaped from the auction house.

Hey, hey

All of a sudden, a ferocious laugh rang out.

A man in a long robe gently shakes the folding fan in his hand and says: "Qin family? Is it great? It's not like I didn't kill the Qin family. "

All of them turned their heads and saw that their pupils suddenly shrank and their faces changed greatly.

"It's him!"

"White faced scholar Luo Yao!"

"My God, he didn't die. It is said that he slaughtered several descendants of the Qin family last year. The Qin family was furious and chased him for thousands of miles. Unexpectedly, he didn't die! "

"This madman, even the elder of wudaomeng, dares to kill. He is called a white faced scholar. In fact, he is a white faced hell!"

The crowd was terrified.

At this moment, at least 30% of the people ran out of the auction house.


All of a sudden, the eldest of the seven kills gave a cold hum.

He said faintly: "the Qin family wants inner elixir. Use their life to exchange it!"

The crowd turned to look at it, looking surprised.

"Oh, my God, it's seven kills!"

"Seven of them, aren't they being pursued by the Wudao League? How did you come to Jinling City? "

"My grandma, scar king, white faced scholar, seven kill, these ruthless people all appear!"

They were so scared that their hearts trembled and their bodies were cold. Even their breathing was a little difficult.

In the auction house, the atmosphere was depressing, dignified and chilling.

"Three thousand once, thirty million twice..." The host said.

Suddenly, the scar king raised his hand and cried, "forty million!"

As soon as the words came out, the white faced scholar raised the price.

"Fifty million!"

"Sixty million!" The eldest of the seven murders, cold tunnel.


Qin lie snorted coldly, his face was cold, and his eyes were angry.

He said coldly: "scar king, white faced scholar, seven kill, do you live impatiently?"

"I'm wanted by the wudaomeng. I'm not hiding like a mouse, but I'm tired of going out to show off."

Hey, hey

Scar Wang grinned and said, "I'm going to show off. What can you do?"


Qin lie's eyes were full of anger.

He tried to do it, but restrained himself.

Because, just now, he was warned that private fights are not allowed in Gardner's auction house."OK, I see how long you can be arrogant!"

Qin lie raised his hand and yelled, "I'll give you 70 million!"

"80 million!" White faced scholar light tunnel.

He didn't even blink when he raised the price by 10 million at a time.

"Ninety million!" The eldest in the seven kills, cold voice way.

"Big brother."

Old five's face slightly changed, and reminded: "brother, our money, together, is only 100 million. We're afraid we can't compete for this inner pill."

"Shut up

The boss gave a cold rebuke.

"100 million!" Qin lie cheered.

He glanced at scar Wang and others and said with disdain, "Hey, hey If you have the ability, raise the price and bid. "

"My Qin family has nothing else, but a lot of money!"

"I don't know. Do you poor people have so much money?"


For a moment, scar king and others all stare at him, as if to kill.

Scar Wang and others really don't have so much money.

After all, they are fugitives. Although they have killed people and stolen goods and saved some money, they are not as good as the Qin family.

White faced scholar, mouth a Yang, outline a touch of strange radian.

"I don't have so much money, but there's no need to have so much money. Even if you shoot Nathan and kill you, Nathan is still mine." He said in a cold voice.

Qin lie's eyes narrowed, and there was a killing shot in his eyes.

"Can you kill it?"

The white faced scholar shook the folding fan, and said with a gentle smile, "you can have a try!"

Hey, hey

Scar Wang grinned: "this attention is good, not only can get Neidan, but also can save a sum of money, good good!"

"Qin lie, I've abstained. You'll have the inner elixir!"

"I abstain, too!" The eldest in the seven kills, cold voice way.


Qin lie scolded, his face was cold, and his eyes were cold.

He was so angry that he wanted to kill one person in ten steps!

Scar Wang and others are too arrogant and arrogant to pay attention to him.

"100 million once, 100 million twice..." The host said.

"A hundred million, the Qin family is really rich!"

"A hundred million is a sky high price. Should no one bid?"

"Auction? Who dares

"That is, this inner elixir has been targeted by scar king, white faced scholar, Qisha, Qin family and so on. Anyone bidding for it is tantamount to offending them at the same time. Isn't he looking for death?"

There was a lot of talk.

"100 million!"

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

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