
Dou Guang snorted coldly, "how does it have nothing to do with me?"

He pointed to Qin lie and said, "he's my cousin!"


Scar Wang and others smell speech, the facial expression is instantly ugly.

Dou Guang glanced at the crowd and said in a cold voice, "you guys, you don't know how to fight my uncle. You want to kill him. You really deserve to die."

"Do it now, do it yourself. Don't force me to do it!"


After hearing the words, scar Wang and others turned black, and their eyes sparkled with anger.

How irritating!

This Dou Guang didn't pay attention to them.

"What? You don't want to make your own decisions? "

Dou Guang sneered and said arrogantly, "do you really want me to do it myself?"


The fifth in the seven kills, with a cold hum, disdains to say: "little boy, don't think you are invincible if you rank 28th in the Qianlong list."

"If the boss is not over age, he can at least rank in the top ten. What kind of thing do you dare to be cool in front of us?"

Dou Guang's eyes narrowed and he asked, "who are you?"

Hey, hey

Old five patted his chest and grinned: "it's very good. I'm the old man in the seven kills..."


Suddenly, a string of blood, from his neck, out of the air.


His head flew out, and plasma came out of his neck.


A moment later, the headless body fell to the ground.

"Those who speak ill deserve to die!" Dou Guang slowly put down his hand, light tunnel.

"Old five!"

The eldest in the seven kills, called.

"Asshole, I'm going to kill you!"

"Damn it, you killed Lao Wu. I want you to bury him with me!"

"Son of a bitch, you're dead!"

"Together, kill the little beast!"

Seven kill etc., roar in succession.

Then, he rushed to Dou Guang in a murderous manner. His whole body was full of light. His killing intention was fierce and his momentum was terrible.

"Wait, don't rush..." The eldest of the seven kills, yelled.

He wanted to remind, he wanted to stop.

However, it is still a step too late.

"A group of ants!"

The corner of Dou Guang's mouth turned up and outlined a radian of disdain.

Immediately, he slowly raised his hand, five fingers together, a palm knife, chop out.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

All of a sudden, a good head, with the gushing plasma, flew to the sky.

The fourth, sixth and seventh died, the third was seriously injured, and the second was slightly injured.

"So strong!"

The second one covered his arm and was shocked.

Scar king and the white faced scholar were shocked to see this scene.


It's terrible.

You know, the seven murders are the most famous murderers in the whole Jiangnan area. They have been chased by the Wudao League many times and saved the danger.

It can be seen from this that their strength is very strong.

However, Dou Guang killed three people with one sword.

"Is this the strength of Qianlong top 30?" The white faced scholar closed the folding fan and muttered to himself.

His face was very grave.

Dou Guang put his hands in his pocket and looked down at the crowd. He said in a cold voice, "mole ants, do you want me to do it? If you are wise, you should make your own decisions. "


In the flame of hatred, he bites his teeth.

"You want revenge?"

Dou light a light smile, hook hook finger, way: "good, come on."

"I heard that a few days ago, Yu Fei killed a master banbu in one move. Today, I want to have a try. I need several moves to kill master banbu."

"Yu Fei?"

Scar Wang and others, hearing the name, their pupils suddenly shrank.

Yu Fei, the No.22 fierce man in Qianlong list, is still higher than Dou Guang in ranking. His strength is unfathomable.

The eldest brother in the seven kills bit his teeth and struggled a few times.

Then he made a decision.

He bowed his head and said, "Dou Shao, we know we are wrong. We will go away immediately. We won't rob Neidan any more. Can you spare our lives?"


The second and third of the seven murders immediately quit.

You know, their brother just died under Dou Guang's sword.

"Shut up

The eldest brother rebuked coldly: "the fourth and fifth are dead. We can't die. We have to save our lives!"

Then, he bent down, lowered his head, pleaded: "we are willing to withdraw, give up seizing Neidan, and implore Dou Shao to spare our lives!""No way!"

Dou Guang said coldly: "I said that since you want to kill my cousin, you must pay the price of bleeding!"


The eldest of the seven murders is angry.

He is low-key and complacent. He takes a low attitude and gives in to Dou Guang, but Dou Guang refuses to let them go.

How unreasonable!

The eldest brother suddenly raised his head, and a cold light came out of his eyes. He said harshly, "Dou Guang, don't deceive people too much!"

"If the rabbit is in a hurry, it will bite. If we are in a hurry, even if we die, we will pull you on the back!"

"Pull me on my back?"

Ha ha ha

Dou Guang laughed scornfully.

He cold voice way: "depend on you a few rubbish, have qualification?"

"Waste your sister!"

The second of the seven murders made a rude remark.

At last he couldn't help it and his anger broke out.

Boom ~

in his body, there was a roar, and the whole person shot at Dou Guang.

The eldest in the seven kills, looking at the third, spit out a word.


All of a sudden, three people rushed to Dou Guang and surrounded him.

"Just in time."

Dou Guang faintly smiles and shakes his hand. Suddenly, a long sword appears in the palm of his hand, full of cold light.


He raised his sword and cleaved down.

All of a sudden, forced back the boss and the second.


Then, in a flash, he ran to the third man.


The third one's pupil shrinks and his face changes greatly.

He's on the tip of his foot, and he's retreating.

"Can you run away?"

As soon as Dou Guang's arm swung, his magic weapon, long sword, cut Lao San's neck and cut off his head.

"Old three!"

The eldest in the seven kills, seeing this scene, his eyes are about to crack.

"Son of a bitch, I'll kill you!"

After that, a blow went through.

Dou Guang moved his feet and dodged.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll kill you when I get rid of the obstacles," he said with a smile

The eldest brother heard the speech, and his heart thumped.

He yelled, "second, run!"

The second one responds, turns around and runs away in a hurry.

However, his speed is too slow.

No, it's not that he's slow, but that Dou Guang's speed is too fast.


Dou Guang smiles a little. The blade splits the second man's body and cuts him in half.


This is a one-sided massacre, and the second has no resistance at all.

Ah ~

the eldest among the seven murders is very angry and his eyes are red.

He looked up at the sky and roared, "beast, I'll break you to pieces!"

Whoosh ~

he turned into a streamer and rushed to Dou Guang.

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