"It's interesting."

Dou Guang faintly smile, the corner of the mouth tilted up a touch of radian.


Suddenly, he raised his sword and cut it down.


All of a sudden, the eldest of the seven kills retreated suddenly, and his feet were on the ground, dragging out two gullies.

"Second move!" Dou Guang light tunnel.

Immediately, it was a sword to split in the past.

Seven kill eldest brother, eyelid son a pick, immediately make defense.


He was split away again. This time, the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Third move!"


Seven kill eldest brother, the whole person tumbles, flies out, his arm, everywhere is or deep or shallow sword mark, blood dripping.

"Fourth move!"


Seven kill eldest brother, open mouth gush out a mouthful of blood, chest, many a deep visible bone sword wound.

"I'll fight with you!"

Seven kill eldest brother, burst roar, completely gave up defense, rushed to Dou Guang, intend to hurt for injury, life for life.

"Fifth, sixth, seventh!"

Dou Guang's three moves are just like a storm. There's no chance to breathe at all.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

He spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood, and his desperate momentum and posture were instantly destroyed by Dou Guang.

"The last move, take you on the road!"

Dou Guang's cold voice echoed in the sky.

Chi ~

suddenly, a dazzling white sword light filled the whole world. In a flash, it covered up the sunlight in the sky.

Ah ~

seven kill the eldest brother, and he screams like a pig.

He was injured before the light of the sword fell.

Countless sword Qi, rampant in heaven and earth, will his skin, and even the body, cutting holes.


The sword light falls, instantly envelops the seven kill boss, submerges him in the dazzling sword light.


Seven kill eldest brother's body, burst broken, cut into countless pieces of meat.

"Eight moves!"

Dou Guang put away his sword and shook his head. He was not satisfied.

If at the beginning, he will break out with all his strength, he should be able to kill the seven killed boss in five moves.

However, there is still a gap compared with Yu Fei, a master who killed half a pace in one move.

Tick! Tick!

The sky is full of blood, and I know that suoso's falling down.

In the mountains and forests, there was a dead silence, and the needles could be heard.

Dou Guang glanced at scar king and the white faced scholar and said indifferently, "you two, are you going to cut yourself or wait for me?"


Suddenly, scar Wang and the white faced scholar, looked at each other and made a decision.

At the same time, they bent down, bowed their heads and said, "Dou Shao, we are willing to submit to you. Please let us go."

Seeing the massacre of seven killers and others, they couldn't resist at all.

Because, they know, resistance doesn't work.

"Submit to me?"

Dou Guang was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, he asked, "why should I accept you? What do you use? What can you do for me? "


Scar King's language has been stopped.

The white faced scholar said with a faint smile, "Dou Shao, you are a famous genius on the Qianlong list. There are many small things. If you do them yourself, you will lose your identity."

"Take us and we'll do it for you!"


Dou Guang picked to pick eyebrow, nod a way: "this pour is a good attention."

"Well, I'll spare your life and take you."

"Thank you for not killing me!" Scar king and the white faced scholar, bending down, said in unison.

"Dou Shao?"

Dou Guang shook his head. "It's time for you to change your tongue and call me master!"

Scar king and the white faced scholar changed their faces.

"What? You don't want to call me

Suddenly, Dou Guang sent out a dangerous breath.

Scar king and white faced scholar, trembling all over, even busy way: "yes."

"Thank you for not killing me."

"That's about the same."

Dou Guang nodded with satisfaction.

Then he turned his eyes to Jiang Hao.

"Boy, it's your turn to see such a good play for a long time. Hand over Neidan quickly. Maybe I can still keep your whole body." He said faintly.

Suddenly, he chuckled.

"By the way, don't try to beg for mercy, and don't try to be my slave!"

"You have a grudge against taishanmen. I won't spare your life!"He is confident and arrogant.

In fact, he has the capital of confidence and arrogance.

Ha ha

With a sneer, Jiang Hao raised a curve in the corner of his mouth.

"Beg your pardon? Be your slave? "

"Sorry, you think too much!"

"Is it?"

Dou Guang sneered: "so, you don't want to hand over Neidan?"

"Congratulations, that's right. Unfortunately, there is no reward." Jiang Hao blinked and said with a smile.


This is the mockery of eating fruit.

"Son of a bitch!"

Scar King scolded angrily: "little bastard, what are you? How dare you talk to my master like this? Do you believe I pulled out your tongue? "

He was very conscious, and instantly adapted to the role of a slave.

"Little guy, it's better to hand over Nathan." The white faced scholar whispered.


Dou Guang sighed, shook his head and said, "several people have been killed today. Originally, I didn't intend to kill again."

"Why, you always want to die!"

"Well, I'll work harder and take you on the road."


Qin can roared: "cousin, kill him quickly!"

"Shut up

Jiang Hao gave a cold rebuke.

"I think it's you who should shut up!" Sinus light cold channel.

In a moment, he raised his sword and cut it gently.

Chi ~

suddenly, a bright sword light cuts at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao suddenly raised his hand and grasped Jianguang.

Immediately, suddenly a pinch.


All of a sudden, the sword light smashed, turned into countless pieces of starlight and dissipated in the sky.


Scar king and the white faced scholar both changed their faces when they saw this scene.


Dou Guang eyebrows pick, slightly surprised.

He sneered: "ha ha I can't believe that you have some strength. "

Jiang Hao shook his head, a little disappointed.

"Is this the only strength of the 28th genius in the Qianlong list? Weak, weak, so weak, what a disappointment

"Son of a bitch!"

When Dou Guang heard the words, his angry eyes glowed.

"Boy, since you've been looking for death many times, I'll let you open your eyes before you die!" He cried angrily.


Suddenly, a dazzling white sword light filled the world and chopped at Jiang Hao.

Another sword!

In the face of the sword, Jiang Hao's face does not change.

He stretched out a finger, and his inner spiritual power was surging wildly, constantly compressing and compressing, and then converging on the tip of his finger.

His fingertips, appeared a ray of light, very small, but full of terror.


Jiang Hao, be gentle.

Suddenly, the big light of rice shot out.

Bang! Boom!

In an instant, the sword light filled the whole world, like glass, was smashed.

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