"Boy, who allowed you to sit there?"

"Boy, you can't sit in that position. Get out of here!"

"Hey, hey I don't know how to sit there! "

"I heard that the position had been reserved by GE Yun for a long time, so everyone didn't dare to sit. Unexpectedly, this lengtouqing actually occupied it!"

People either scold, or sneer, a face of irony.


Jiang Hao eyebrows pick, feel Ge Yun this name, seems to be a little familiar.

So he asked, "who is Ge Yun?"

Su Hua quickly explained, "master, Ge Yun is a genius, ranking 47th in the list of Qianlong."


Jiang Hao Oh, did not care, and then, concentrate on enjoying the fruits and vegetables on the table.

Ranking 47th on the Qianlong list is really not worth his attention.

After all, he killed Dou Guang, the 28th in the Qianlong list.

"Who took my place?"

Suddenly, a cold cry, like thunder, sounded in everyone's ears.

The sound wave is rampant, arousing water spray after water spray.

The eardrum trembled and people turned to look at it.

"It's him!"

"Here comes Ge Yun!"

"Come on, come on, get out of the way!"

All the people were flying, and then they gave way immediately.

Ge Yun came slowly to Jiang Hao, looked down at him and said, "who are you? Who allowed you to take my place? "

Jiang Hao continued to taste the delicious food and didn't give a bird to him at all.

Suddenly, Ge Yun's face was a little cold.


Suddenly, he was shocked, a mighty breath, spray out, under his control, rolling to JiangHao.

At the same time, he said coldly, "this position is mine. Get out of here!"

Jiang Hao slowly raised his head and said faintly: "you say it's yours, it's yours?"

"Your name is not engraved on the seat!"

"How dare you talk back?"

Ge Yun's eyes were cold and twinkling.

He stretched out three fingers and said in a cold voice, "I'll give you three seconds and disappear from my eyes, otherwise, this lake will be your burial place!"


Su Hua coldly scolded: "Ge Yun, you are too arrogant to talk to my master like this."

"Your master?"

Ge Yun frowned and was surprised.

"Is this boy your master?"

"What? Can't you? " Su Hua said coldly.


Ge Yun snorted coldly and said, "even if he is your master, he is not qualified to sit in this position!"

"Boy, get out of here!"


Su Hua stood up, glared at GE Yun, and said: "Ge Yun, don't be too arrogant. This Wushu and Taoism exchange meeting was held by my brother, not you."

"You don't have the right to act recklessly and tyrannically!"

"I have no power, and you have no power!"

Ge Yun retorted: "the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting has always been based on strength. The four positions of Huxin pavilion are always for the strong."

"Even if Suchen is your brother, you don't have the right to sit here. You two, get out of here!"


Su Hua glares and wants to hit people angrily.


Suddenly, a cold rebuke came, and Su Chen came over with a cold face.

He scanned the crowd and said in a cold voice, "this is the end of it."

"Ge Yun, Xiao Hua, you two go out!"


Ge Yun was not satisfied. He choked his neck and said, "Suchen, no one can break the rules of the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting, neither can you!"

Su Chen light way: "I did not break the rules!"


Ge Yun pointed to Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "then why do you let this boy sit here?"

"Because he's better than you, he's qualified!" Su Chen's tone was cold and genuine.

"Better than me?"

Ha ha ha

Ge Yun laughs at the joke

"I, Ge Yun, though not a great genius, also ranked 47th in the Qianlong list. I can't be regarded as invincible among my peers, but in Jiangnan

"I ge Yun, except you Suchen, Yu Fei and Dou Guang, ask myself that no one is my opponent!"

"What is this yellow boy?"

"No one is your opponent?"

Su Chen shook his head, sneered, and admonished: "Ge Yun, half a year ago, I advised you not to be too conceited, and not to look down on the world."

"Today, I still say that!""If you don't listen to me, sooner or later, you will be too late to repent!"

"Too late to repent?"

The corner of Ge Yun's mouth lifted, showing a touch of disdain.

He sneered: "what a joke. I never regret it!"

"Hum, Suchen, don't be too proud. Although you rank higher than me in the Qianlong list, it's only temporary. One day, I will surpass you!"

Ha ha

Suchen sneered and didn't want to talk to him.

"That's enough. You don't listen to me, but get out now!"


Ge Yun pointed to Jiang Hao and said angrily, "Su Chen, didn't you say that I'm inferior to him?"

"Well, I challenge him!"

"If you win, go away. This position is mine; if you lose, I'll go!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to fight you," he said

"What? Are you afraid? " Ge Yun sneered.

Hey, hey

He gave a cold smile, "boy, don't worry, I will be merciful, I won't kill you!"

Jiang Hao waved his hand and said impatiently: "you are too weak to fight with you. It's a shame!"


When this remark came out, people were in an uproar.

"I'll go. This boy is crazy!"

"That is, how dare you ignore Ge Yun like this!"

"It's not disregard, it's contempt!"

There was a lot of discussion.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

Ge yunqi burst out a rude sentence.

He glared and roared: "boy, how dare you look down on me?"

"Mad, have seed, stand up and let's fight. I'll make you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Hello, hello

Jiang Hao quit.

He retorted, "I don't look down on you, because I'm telling the truth!"


Su Hua's hands on his forehead, completely speechless.

Shifu's ability to pull hatred is absolutely explosive!

"Spicy next door!"

Sure enough, the corners of Ge Yun's mouth were grinning and shaking.


Suddenly, he was shocked, and a violent breath broke out.

He's going to do it by force!

"What's the matter? Is there internal strife? "

Suddenly, a sarcastic sound rang out, and several people came slowly.

All of a sudden, the chattering crowd shut up, silent, obediently give way to a road.

Here comes Yu Fei!

He sneered, "go on, don't stop."

"You keep fighting, hehe I like watching good plays best. Hurry up and do it. Who will win? Maybe I will get a reward. "


Su Chen snorted and said, "Yu Fei, it's useless for you to sow discord."

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