"Sow discord?"

Yu Fei raised his mouth and gave a scornful smile.

"It's a joke. Do you think Yu Fei needs to use this kind of trick?"

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, he gave a cold rebuke.

All of a sudden, Ge Yun trembled all over and immediately retreated. He did not dare to have any hesitation at all.


Yu Fei snorted arrogantly, and then sat down.

He glanced at the fruit plates and snacks on the table and said, "these are just like rubbish."

"I said Suchen, is your Su family so poor? Hold a martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting, and then treat us with garbage that these beggars don't eat! "

"If the Su family has no money, don't hold a martial arts exchange meeting. Let me come!"


Su Chen angrily stares at Yu Fei, and fires out of his eyes.

"I think it's delicious!"

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

Suddenly, Yu Fei's face became gloomy.

He glared at Jiang Hao and yelled, "shut up!"

"When is your turn to cut in when I'm talking?"

"What are you? You deserve to sit here? Get out of here


Su Chen cheered coldly: "Yu Fei, today is the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting, not your splash meeting. If you want to splash, get out!"

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo

"It's not good. As a warrior, he most taboo that before fighting, his mood fluctuates too violently, especially his anger. Otherwise, it will affect his performance."

"When the time comes, I'll lose the contest. Don't cheat me!"

His tone was frivolous and sarcastic.


Su Chen scolded angrily, her face turned red.

"It's him, it's him!"

Suddenly, Yu Mei was carried over. He saw Jiang Hao and cried out.

He pointed to Jiang Hao and yelled: "brother, it's him. My hamstring is broken!"


Yu Fei suddenly stood up.

In his eyes, he watched Jiang Hao and said: "boy, is what Yu Mei said true?"

"So what?" Jiang Hao's light tunnel.


In Yu Fei's eyes, he shot out moriran's killing machine.

"Of course, it's to break you to pieces!"


His body a shock, a violent and mighty breath, spray thin out, the people around, shock back a few steps.

He's ready to do it!

"Stop it

Su Chen cheered coldly: "Yu Fei, the competition has not started yet. You are not allowed to fight privately. Do you want to break the rules of the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting?"

"I just want to break the rules, OK?"

Yu Fei said: "rules are used to bind the weak, the strong can ignore, and even change the rules!"

"No one should stop me. Today, I must use his flag of blood sacrifice. Whoever dares to stop me is my enemy, and I will kill him!"

As soon as this remark came out, people around them all stepped back for fear of causing trouble.


Suchen trembled with anger.

Yu Fei is too arrogant to pay attention to him.

"What are you doing?"

Yu Fei squinted at Su Chen and said coldly, "Su Chen, I advise you not to take care of this matter, otherwise, don't blame me for not giving you face, even you are useless!"

Ha ha

Su Chen was very angry and laughed.

He sneered: "well, I'll see how you ruined me!"

"To die!"

Yu Fei stares at him, killing him in his eyes.

For a time, the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind all around. Two strong and matchless breath clashed with each other, causing air convection and forming a strong wind.

"Brother Su, you did it wrong."

Suddenly, Ge Yun spoke.

"Brother Su, this boy, actually caused brother Yu's younger brother's hamstring to be broken, and killing pays for his life. Brother yu should kill him."

"As the organizer of the martial arts exchange, you should not save him!"

He hated Jiang Hao so much that he wanted him to die.

So, he began to embellish it.

"Shut up

Su Chen gave a cold rebuke.

Suddenly, Ge Yun's face was a little ugly.

He said coldly, "brother Su, don't go too far!"

"Although you are the organizer of the martial arts and Taoism exchange meeting, you cover up this boy many times. Do you really think that all of us are puppets at your disposal?"His intention is very poisonous. He deliberately pulls on everyone and stands on the commanding height to attack Suchen.

Sure enough, people's faces were not very good-looking.

"Shut up, it's not your turn to be presumptuous here!" Su Hua cheered coldly.


Ge Yun snorted coldly, "it's you who should shut up!"

"What are you? The people in the hall are all top experts. You are a brilliant rookie. What qualifications do you have to interrupt?"


Su Hua is angry.

"That's good. You're very smart." Yu Fei said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ge Yun immediately bent down and said with a flattering smile, "thank you very much, brother Yu!"


Yu Fei nodded and said, "in the future, you can follow me."

"Yes Ge yundao.

Yu Fei glanced at Su Chen and said with a sneer, "Su Chen, get out of the way. On the Qianlong list, my ranking is higher than you, and my strength is stronger than you. You can't stop me!"

"Don't worry, I only killed this boy and your brother. I won't kill the others!"

"No way!"

Su Chen cheered coldly: "if you want to move them, pass me first!"

"Good, good!"

Yu Fei's eyes were cold in an instant.

"Suchen, since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being rude!"

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, two mighty breath, climb again.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, the calm surface of the lake burst open in an instant, and water columns burst into the sky.

Momentum confrontation, set off a storm.

"Oh, it's very lively."

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

This sound is not loud, but it can be clearly introduced into everyone's ears in the roar of the waves.

Huala ~ huala ~

with the sound wave rippling, the water wave will fall rapidly.

Lake, calm again.


Su Chen and Yu Fei raised their eyebrows and looked up.

I saw a figure, flickering, appeared in the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

This man is very young, about twenty-three four.

His breath is very ethereal, not very strong.

"Who are you?" Yu Fei leered at him and asked.

The young man had no bird. He went directly to the table, reached for a piece of cake, tasted it, and exclaimed, "it's delicious, it's delicious."

Then he gobbled it up.

"Hey, why are you robbing me?"

Jiang Hao is not happy, but the young man turns a deaf ear to his duty.

No way, Jiang Hao can only snatch food from him.

A moment later, all the snacks and fruits on the table were swept away.

"Hello, hello."

Young dissatisfied, looking at Jiang Hao, blame: "why do you eat so fast, you robbed all."

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