"You took it first." Jiang Hao retorts.

"It's you!" Youth road.

"It's you!" JiangHao road.

The two quarreled.

On Yu Fei's forehead, black lines appeared.

The corner of his mouth twitched a few times, and he said coldly, "that's enough!"

"You two, if you want to eat, go out and eat!"

The young man's face was cold. He suddenly raised his head and said harshly, "do you want to die?"

His eyes were sharp and cold, very terrible. Yu Fei's heart trembled and stepped back.

People around, in an uproar.

"I'll go. What's the origin of this guy? He's so arrogant!"

"That's right. How dare you scold Yu Fei

"I see, it's another thing that doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Yes, you know, Yu Fei is the 22nd genius in the Qianlong list. It's said that he killed a half step master in one move a few days ago. It's terrible!"

The crowd whispered.

"Wow, are you a genius on the Qianlong list?" Looking at Yu Fei, the young man was surprised.


Yu Fei snorted, raised his chin and said, "now that you know who I am, why don't you go away?"

"No roll, no roll!"

The young man shook his head and said, "after more than ten years, the old man has finally released me. The task he gave me is absolutely to be completed?"

Yu Fei frowned and asked, "what's the mission?"

"He told me to sweep the genius on the Qianlong list." Youth light tunnel.


This remark surprised everyone.

Ha ha ha

Yu Fei looks up at the sky and laughs, not concealing the irony in his laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Asked the young man.

Hey, hey

Yu Fei grinned and said in a cold voice: "I laugh at your ignorance, I laugh at your stupidity, and I laugh at your overconfidence!"

"How dare you beat the Qianlong list with your goods?"

He said sarcastically: "even if I give you another ten years, you mediocrity will improve the Qianlong list!"

"Is it?"

The young man's face was cold.

Yu Fei disdained a smile, harshly way: "Yo Yo how to drop?"? Get angry? Do you really want to hit me? "

He hooked his finger and said defiantly, "if you want to hit me, come on."

"I'll give you a hand!"

He's arrogant!

The young man looked at him up and down, shook his head, and said seriously, "no, you are too weak. If I give you one hand, you can't win me."


Yu Fei was furious when he heard the speech.

Who is he?

He is the 22nd genius in the Qianlong list. In the next few years, he will be in the top 20 or even the top 15.

His great achievements spread all over the south of the Yangtze River and became a beautiful talk.

He is one of the most dazzling geniuses of our time.

Now, they are despised in public.

How unreasonable!


Yu Fei's whole body was shocked, and his violent breath poured out.

He said coldly, "boy, go to die!"

Suddenly, he raised his fist and hit the young man.

This punch, like streamer, is fast to the extreme.

At the same time, the power is also strong and terrible. In the fierce fight, the water on the lake is lifted up and rolled to the sky.

"So strong!"

"It's a terrible blow. I can't stop it

"Me too. Facing this blow, I will definitely die!"

The crowd exclaimed and retreated.

On one side, Ge Yun was pale with a touch of fear in his eyes.

At this moment, he realized how terrible the top 25 talents on the Qianlong list were.

It's funny that he provoked Suchen repeatedly just now. It's a joke.

The air burst.

The young man's clothes were blown up, and his hair was flying.


Su Chen saw that the young man was stunned and cried out anxiously.

When people saw this scene, they all shook their heads and sneered.

"I'll go. Isn't he scared?"

"Shit, what's the matter? I thought he had some skills when he was so arrogant. Unexpectedly, he was just a useless straw bag!"

"Rubbish, what a disappointment!"

Jiang Hao smiles.

Everyone thought that the young man was scared silly, only he saw the young man's contempt.

Yes, it is contempt!

Obviously, in his view, Yu Fei's fist did not pose any threat to him at all."Ha ha ha Are you scared? "

Yu Fei said with a laugh: "in that case, I'll send you to the West with one punch!"

Suddenly, his fist accelerated again.

Suddenly, the young man raised his sleeve and waved it gently.


Suddenly, Yu Fei was fanned away, retreated three or four meters, and almost fell into the lake.

Wow ~

the crowd was in an uproar.

"What just happened?"

"I don't know, I didn't see clearly!"

"My God, Yu Fei was beaten back?"

"It's not to beat back, but to be fanned away by this man!"

"Damn, isn't it abnormal? Is it because I'm blinded and wrong? "

After a lot of discussion, people kept talking.

The scene in front of me was so shocking.

Even Su Chen was shocked and silly.

He knows best how strong Yu Fei is.

Even he is not sure that he can win Yu Fei.

However, young people can Fan Yu Fei with one sleeve, which is a bit abnormal.


Yu Fei's eyes became angry.

In full view of the public, he was fanned by a little-known boy. It's a shame.

He must be ashamed!

"Boy, I didn't expect you to hide deep enough. Just now I was careless and let you take advantage. Now, I'm serious. I want to crush you!" He cried angrily.

The young man waved his hand.

"No, no, I've been lenient just now. I don't want to abuse you!"


Yu Feiqi's head was smoking and inflamed.

"I'll kill you!"

He let out a roar.

Immediately, clusters of flames were released from his body.

These flames, rotating at high speed, turn into blooming fire lotus in the blink of an eye, very charming.

"The anger of Buddha? Fire lotus burns the sky!"

Yu Fei gave a low drink and pushed his hands.

Suddenly, one after another fire lotus, shot out, the air is burning, emitting a burning smell.

Ah ~

all of a sudden, the scream sounded.

Two people, unfortunately, were wiped by Huolian and immediately turned into huoren. In the fire, they turned into ashes.

Hiss ~

the crowd took in the cold air, got cold all over, and retreated suddenly.


the young man exclaimed: "what a beautiful fire lotus, and its power is also very strong."

"I want to play, I want to play."

So, he raised his hands, palms issued a strong suction.

Suddenly, the fire lotus all over the sky was sucked by him.

"Seek your own death!"

Yu Fei saw this scene and gave a grim smile.

He was worried that the youth would dodge and Huolian couldn't hit him. Unexpectedly, the youth tried to kill himself and sucked Huolian.

"Fun, fun."

The youth laughed.

One after another, the fire lotus floats in his palm

Suddenly, Yu Fei gave a cold drink.

All of a sudden, one after another fire lotus, fury up, all expanded, on the verge of explosion.

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