"Jiang Shao, we'll be there soon." Suchen baokundo.

"Let's go."

Jiang Hao nodded.

They move on.

A moment later, we arrived at our destination.

A piece of open ground, full of people gathered.

All of these people are full of breath. Obviously, their accomplishments are extraordinary.

Especially the man in the middle, with a straight body, hands on his back and sword like edge all over his body, is obviously better than others.

"Third uncle, I found it for you..." Cried Suchen.

Suddenly, a man dressed as a servant came up.

Shhh ~

he made a silent gesture and said in a low voice: "master Suchen, keep your voice down. Master Jianxian is casting magic for him. Please don't disturb him."

"Master Jianxian?"

Su Chen frowned and asked, "what's the origin of this Sword Fairy master?"

"Master Jianxian, it's the master who has spent 100 million. Master Suchen, please don't disturb him." The servant warned.

"I'm looking for my third uncle."

Su Chen pointed to Jiang Hao and said, "this Jiang Shao is the master I invited. With his help, he can pick the nine Yin fruit, which is much better."


The servant looked up and down at Jiang Hao and found that he was too young.

Suddenly, there was contempt on his face.

The servant looked at Su Chen and warned, "young master Su Chen, the master is old and his life is about to end. This nine Yin fruit is too important for him."

"But you've invited a yellow haired child. It's nonsense."

He waved his hand and said in a cold voice, "master Suchen, please go quickly, or the master will not be happy when he sees it."

Su Chen's eyebrows were twisted and her tone was a little cold.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you questioning Jiang Shao?" he asked

"Do you know who Jiang Shao is? How powerful is it? "

The servant turned his mouth and said sarcastically, "I don't know how powerful it is, but I know that he must be inferior to master Jianxian."

"I have witnessed the skill of master Jianxian, who can be called a living immortal."


Suchen was a little annoyed.

If it had not been for this old servant, who had been loyal to his third uncle for decades and was highly valued by his third uncle, he would have beaten people long ago.

What happened here attracted the attention of Lin Feng, the third uncle of Suchen.

"It's noisy. What's the matter?"

He said coldly, "didn't I warn you? Master Jianxian is casting. No one is allowed to make noise! "

"Third uncle, it's me."

Suddenly, Suchen came out.

When Lin Feng saw Su Chen, his cold face eased a little.

He asked, "morning, what are you doing here? Go back. It's too dangerous here. "

Hey, hey

Suchen said with a smile, "third uncle, I know you want to pick the nine Yin fruit, but you are blocked by the fierce beast. There's nothing you can do, so I've got a master for you."


As soon as Lin Feng's eyebrows were picked, his face showed a happy look.

"Where are the experts? Please bring him here

"This is it." Su Chen pointed to Jiang Hao beside him and said.


Suddenly, Lin Feng's face was cold.

"This is not a place for you to play," he said coldly. "Leave now."

"Third uncle."

Su Chen quickly explained, "third uncle, Jiang Shao is the master I invited. His strength is unfathomable enough to deal with fierce animals and help us pick the nine Yin fruit."


Lin Feng sneered, "how high can it be?"

"You've never seen the ferocious beast before? A few times ago, all the experts I hired were stuttered by the fierce beast. This hairy boy... "

"It doesn't look like twenty. It's not nonsense. What is it?"

He waved and drove away: "hurry up, hurry up, don't disturb master Jianxian's casting."

"It's OK."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

He said confidently, "although I haven't seen fierce beasts, I can deal with them as long as they don't reach the master's level."

"All right."

Lin Feng a face disgust tunnel: "young, what don't learn, just learned to brag."

"Well, let's go now."

"Third uncle, I..."

Suchen opened his mouth, trying to explain.

However, with a wave of his hand, Lin Feng interrupted him.

"Let's go!" He exclaimed.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

Suddenly, master Jianxian came over and asked.Lin Feng's face, suddenly showed a brilliant smile, respectfully said: "master Jianxian, nothing, is my nephew, too ignorant."

"This place is full of crises, but he brought a hairy boy here. It's just nonsense."

"But don't worry. I'll drive them away now. I won't let them disturb you in casting."


Master Jianxian nodded and said, "after a while, when my casting is over, the fierce beast will riot. This place will become a place of killing people step by step. It's not suitable to stay."

"Get rid of them."

"Yes, yes."

Lin Feng nodded.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he glared at Su Chen coldly and scolded, "Chen Er, do you hear me? Master Jianxian has spoken. Don't you go now? "

Suchen is not angry.

He retorted: "third uncle, Jiang Shao is really good. I can assure you that with his help, he will be sure to pick the nine Yin fruit."

"Shut up

Lin Feng angrily rebuked: "are you going or not?"

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, master Jianxian spoke.

Lin Feng immediately bent down and asked, "master Jianxian, what can I do for you?"

Master Jianxian looked at Suchen and said, "little guy, who did you just say is very powerful?"

"Jiang Shao." Su Chen said haughtily.

Master Jianxian glanced at Jiang Hao and said indifferently, "is that the little thing?"


Suchen nodded heavily.

Ha ha ha

Suddenly, master Jianxian looked up at the sky and laughed.

"Brag is not a good habit, kid."

He said kindly, "well, two little things, get out of here. Later, the fierce beast will come out. It will be very dangerous."

"If you're not careful, you may be swallowed by a fierce beast. Go quickly."

Suchen is in a hurry.

He explained: "master Jianxian, Jiang Shao is really good. If you don't believe it, you can have a competition with him."


Suddenly, a cold cry rang out.

Next to master Jianxian, a man with long hair reprimanded: "little guy, you are too arrogant."

"Who is master Jianxian? How can he fight with others?"

"That's it

The blue robed man echoed: "master Jianxian, it's an insult to win the contest with him!"

A burly and strong man, staring at Su Chen, said: "boy, I think you are the nephew of general manager Lin, and I will forgive you for the first time."

"If there is another time, it will not be spared!"


Continuously threatened, reprimanded, Suchen also some angry, eyes are cold.

Although the three men with long hair, blue robe and burly are all half step masters, he is confident enough to match them.

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