"Calm down, calm down."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "three masters, please calm down."

"Chen'er is too young to understand. I'm sorry to offend you."


The man in the blue robe snorted coldly and said, "Mr. Lin, you can eat the food, but you can't talk nonsense."

"Master Jianxian, who is extraordinary and has reached the peak of cultivation, may take a step at any time and be promoted to a real vigorous master. How can he be humiliated?"

The burly man cheered coldly: "the great master can't be humiliated. He who humiliates must be killed!"

"I don't want a second time in this matter!"

"Yes, yes."

Lin Feng quickly nodded yes.

Then, he turned his head, glared at Suchen with angry eyes, and scolded: "hurry up!"


Suchen opened her mouth.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng said angrily.

This time, he was really angry.

Master Jianxian was hired by him at a cost of 100 million yuan. It's about whether he can get the nine Yin fruit and prolong his life. He must not offend.

"All right, all right."

Suddenly, master Jianxian spoke.

"Two little guys, if you really want to stay here, it's OK."

Master Jianxian said with a light smile: "I have already set up the trap. As soon as the fierce beast comes out, it can be killed. I'm here. It's OK to keep them safe."

"What's more, it's a good thing to let them open their eyes and gain insight."

The man with long hair squinted at Jiang Hao and said in a cold voice, "do you hear me? Why don't you thank Master Jianxian? "

"Master Jianxian, with a broad mind and a lot of merits, deserves to be a Jianxian!" The blue robed man exclaimed.


The burly man bent down and said, "master Jianxian, please accept the three of us as servants!"

"What do you call that?"

Master Jianxian pretended to be angry and said, "I have said that four of us, as friends, share happiness and difficulties, can we accept you as servants?"

"In that case, don't say it again? Otherwise, I will be angry. "

"Yes, yes."

The burly man bowed his head and said, "master Jianxian, what I taught you is."


Lin Feng asked weakly, "master Jianxian, when can you get rid of the fierce beast and pick the nine Yin fruit?"

"I'm worried that the news of jiuyinguo will be exposed after a long time and attract others."

Master Jianxian, a faint smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin. the trap has been set up. We'll wait for the fierce beast to appear."

"Can you do it?"

Suchen murmured.


Suddenly, the man with long hair yelled: "boy, you are so bold that you dare to question master Jianxian?"

"It's rude to be disrespectful to master Jianxian. It seems that I have to teach you a lesson!" The man in blue said harshly.

"Let me do it!"

The burly man walked directly to Suchen.

His inner strength, also surging up, burst out a strong breath.

"Master, wait a minute, wait a minute." Lin Feng trills.

"Get out of the way!"

The big man glared at him and yelled.

At the same time, a fierce breath spread out.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng shuddered all over, and his legs and stomach turned straight, almost paralyzed.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Suddenly, master Jianxian said.


The burly man, with a cold snort, glared at Suchen and said, "boy, you are lucky. If master Jianxian had not been broad-minded, I would have killed you!"


Suchen scolded angrily.

He couldn't help it any more.

After all, he is also ranked 25th in the Qianlong list. How can he tolerate being scolded and reprimanded repeatedly?


A violent breath, from his body, spurted out, straight to Xiaohan.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind around, and the plants were staggering.

"This is..."

The burly man's eyes shrank and his face was shocked.

"Who are you?" His face was solemn.

Su Chen Yang Yang chin, proud of the way: "line do not change name, sit do not change name, Su Chen is also!"


The face of the burly man changed.

"Are you Suchen, the 25th on the Qianlong list?"

"It's me!" Su Chen said haughtily.

The man with long hair and the man with blue robe smelled the words and showed a touch of fear in his eyes.

Although they are half masters, no one is Su Chen's opponent in terms of strength and fighting alone. If they work together, they may be able to fight.Su Chen looked at them coldly and said in a overcast voice, "you guys, you scold me repeatedly. Do you really think I'm a bully?"

"If it wasn't for my third uncle's face, I would have turned over."


The burly man, glaring at him, was angry.

"What are you doing?"

Su Chen cold voice way: "not good?"

"If you don't like it, I'll give you one hand!"

The burly man's angry face turned black.

He said coldly: "boy, don't think you can be arrogant if you rank 25th on the Qianlong list!"

"Master Jianxian, much more powerful than you."

"Is it?" Su Chen doesn't think so.

Although he smelled a strong sense of danger from master Jianxian, he didn't think he couldn't beat master Jianxian. At most, he was equal.

Hey, hey

The blue robed man gave a cold smile, "don't you believe it?"

"Do you know Lei long, No.21 in the Qianlong list?"

"What about recognition?"

Su Chen said with a faint smile, "is he your man? You want him to deal with me? "

"Unfortunately, he died a few days ago!"

"Sorry, he was killed by master Jianxian." Blue robed man, light tunnel.


When Su Chen heard the speech, his pupils contracted suddenly and his face changed greatly.

"What did you say?"


The blue robed man sneered: "I said that leilong was killed by master Jianxian!"

"Hey, hey He wanted to escape, but after more than ten miles, he died. "

"This This This... "

Suchen's whole body was shaking and her lips were shaking.

"No way! Absolutely impossible Suchen shook his head.

Bang Dang!

Suddenly, master Jianxian threw something.

It's a token!

There are two words carved on the token, which are: leilong.


Suchen was horrified and had a kind of creepy feeling.

You know, Lei Long's ranking on the Qianlong list is higher than Yu Fei's, but now, unexpectedly Killed!

It can be seen from this that the strength of the master Jianxian is sure to rank in the top 15 of the Qianlong list.

Master Jianxian, a faint smile.

"This little guy is very powerful. He deserves to be a genius. I spent a lot of time to kill him." He was indifferent.

His voice was very soft, but it fell in Suchen's ears, which was like a bolt from the blue. Suchen was stunned.


It took a lot of effort to kill?

Nima, do you want to pretend like this?

Suchen was confused.


The burly man snorted a few times and said, "boy, do you know the power of master Jianxian now?"

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