"Low key, low key."

Master Jianxian, pretending to be modest, said with a smile, "my achievements are nothing more than brilliant deeds. There is no need to publicize them."

"Besides, I haven't broken through to master Gangjin yet. There are some people who are more powerful than me in the world."

"If you don't become a master, you will become a mortal!"

The man with long hair arched his hand and boasted: "master Jianxian, you are too modest."

"Although you are not master Gangjin, you are absolutely invincible. Besides, it won't be long before you can break through to master Gangjin."

"Yes, yes." The man in blue nodded.

A burly man with a reverent face.

"Master Jianxian, his achievements in kendo are rare. He is destined to become a great master."

"Where, where."

Master Jianxian said modestly: "dark strength and vigorous strength, such as the gap between heaven, how many arrogance of heaven, blocked in the door, until old death, also can't break through."

"Master Gangjin, is it so easy to break through?"

He stroked his beard and said with a smile: "however, I have accumulated some experience and insights over the years. I am a little sure of breaking through the vigorous master."

Three men with long hair look at each other.

Immediately, at the same time, he bent down and said, "Congratulations, master Jianxian. He is going to be a master of vigorous force."

Ha ha ha

Master Jianxian, with his hands caressing his beard, looks up at the sky and laughs. He is very proud.

It's as if he has broken through and become the master of Gangjin, accepting the worship of thousands of people.


The burly man, with a cold snort, glared at Su Chen and scolded: "boy, don't you stop your momentum? Do you want to force master Jianxian to do it? "

Su Chen was shocked all over and immediately restrained his momentum.

He was angry and resentful.

However, I dare not be presumptuous.

After all, master Jianxian killed Lei long, who was No.21 in the Qianlong list. If he wanted to kill him, he would never escape.

"All right."

Master Jianxian glanced at Suchen and said faintly, "little guy, step back. The fierce beast is about to appear. Don't get in the way here."


Suchen arched his hand and retreated ten meters.

When master Jianxian saw Jiang Hao, he didn't move. He frowned and said in a cold voice, "little guy, didn't you hear me?"

"I hear you." Jiang Hao is indifferent.

"Blue robed man scolded:" heard, not quickly back down


Jiang Hao lightly spits out two words.

Master Jianxian, his face is cold.

"Little fellow, if you don't step back, don't blame me if the fierce beast goes mad and hurts you?"

Jiang Hao put his hands in his pockets and said calmly, "it's just a beast. It can't hurt me!"

"It's very loud."

Master Jianxian said with a sneer, "OK, little guy, if something happens later, don't regret it."

"No way." JiangHao road.

Roar ~

as soon as the voice fell, an earth shaking animal roar spread.

Ah ~

Lin Feng screamed.

He is just an ordinary person, can't bear the damage of sound wave at all.


Suddenly, master Jianxian's hand was on his shoulder, and his inner strength spurted out.

Suddenly, he was cut off from the attack of sound waves and protected him.

"Thank you, master Jianxian."

Lin Feng bent down to thank him.

"Mr. Lin, you're welcome." Master Jianxian said with a smile.

Roar ~ roar ~ roar ~

the roar of animals is continuous, more and more sonorous, more and more urgent.

Shua ~

suddenly, a dark shadow rose from the pool and jumped to the shore.

This is a crocodile.

This crocodile is too big. It's six or seven meters long. It's painted black. Its scales shine like metal.

Two demon pupils, red as blood, just like two red lanterns, transmit a palpitating cold light.

Roar ~

the crocodile opened its mouth and gave a roar.

All of a sudden, a strong smell came to my face, very choking and disgusting.

What sharp fangs

Su Chen's eyelids jumped, slightly surprised.

The tusks in the crocodile's mouth are so terrible, sharp and long, they are like two rows of hacksaws, and they emit a terrible evil spirit.

Ah ~

seeing the crocodile close at hand, Lin Feng was scared to death and trembled all over.

He cried out in a panic: "master Jianxian, master Jianxian, kill this crocodile quickly, quickly!"

Master Jianxian, smile."Mr. Lin, don't panic. I'm here. This animal can't hurt you."

Suchen's face was a little dignified.

Although this crocodile is only full of strength, it has rough skin and thick flesh. Even if it is an ordinary half step master, it is difficult to get it.

Even if he comes out, at least he has to fight to kill.


The crocodile roared, opened its mouth and bit it.

Ah ~

Lin Feng screamed with fright, turned pale and closed his eyes.

"Brute, how dare you do it?"

Master Jianxian, he gave a big drink and made an instant move.

He flipped his fingers, pinched out the magic formulas one by one, and beat them out.

All of a sudden, light came out in all directions.

These lights, like ropes, bound the crocodiles on the spot.


Su Chen was surprised.

Array was popular in ancient times, but now it has declined. Looking at the whole country, few people are proficient in it.

This sword immortal master is good at array, which is rare.

You know, when the master of array raises his hand, he can set up a set of array to encircle, restrain and kill the enemy, which makes it impossible to defend.

Some arrays can even kill master Gangjin.

Huala ~ huala ~

the crocodile struggled violently, moved the pattern and made a sound.

"Beast, do you still want to get rid of my fairy array?"

Master Jianxian grinned.

Suddenly, he gave a cold drink.


All of a sudden, the lines that bind the crocodile give off a bright light. They shrink quickly and deform the body of the crocodile.

The more tight the pattern is, the more tight it is


Suddenly, the crocodile's body was broken by the lines.

For a while, blood and flesh were flying.

The crocodile died on the spot.


Su Chen glanced at master Jianxian, and his eyes were full of fear.

Before, he had doubts about master Jianxian's killing leilong.

But now, he saw it with his own eyes, and there was no doubt.

Hu ~

Lin Feng breathed a long breath and said, "master Jianxian, as expected, his martial arts are unparalleled. He easily killed the fierce beast."

Master Jianxian waved his hand and said modestly, "it's nothing."

"This crocodile is too weak. If I were not afraid of an accident, I would have let the fierce beast go. Why do I have to do anything more to bring disaster to the world

"Master Gaode of Jianxian."

Lin Feng boasted.

Then he faltered and said, "master Jianxian, look The fierce beast has been eliminated, isn't it Is it time to pick the nine Yin fruit? "

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