Lin Feng grabbed his hand and yelled: "chen'er, hurry up, help my third uncle get back the nine Yin fruit."


Su Chen nodded and rushed to master Jianxian.

"The mole ant who is beyond his capacity!"

Master Jianxian raised his mouth and outlined a smile of disdain.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spat out a word.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, the sound wave, like the tide, surged out and swept toward Suchen.

Poof! Poof!

Su Chen spat out a few mouthfuls of blood and was directly swept out, without any resistance.

Whew ~

master Jianxian appeared in front of Su Chen, and then kicked him away.


Suchen spat out another mouthful of blood, which made the injury worse.

Keke ~

after coughing a few mouthfuls of blood, he stood up and said, "master Jianxian, do you dare to kill me?"

"I'm the eldest son of the Su family in Jinling. If you kill me, we Su family will come out to kill you. At that time, there will be no hiding place for you in heaven and earth."

When master Jianxian heard the words, his pupils shrank and his face showed a strong fear.

The Su family is very powerful and powerful. He really can't afford to offend the great master.

However, he would not let it go.

He is going to teach Suchen a lesson.


His body darts, appears in front of Su Chen, raises the foot, prepares to kick him.


Suddenly, the sound of breaking the air rang out, and a cold light shot at him.

Master Jianxian's eyelids jumped, and he immediately gave up Suchen and retreated abruptly.


Cold awn hit on the rock, directly broke the rock, at the same time, on the ground, leaving a big hole.

"Have you had enough?" JiangHao Langyang tunnel.

When Suchen is beaten, he doesn't save him. It's an outlet.

After all, Su Chen's third uncle repeatedly belittled and abused him. Su Chen should take some responsibility.

"Boy, how dare you meddle in my business?" Master Jianxian said coldly.

"Who are you? Why can't I meddle in your business? " Jiang Hao disdains the tunnel.


Master Jianxian, with a cold hum, narrowed his eyes and the cold light in his eyes.

"Boy, it seems you want to die."

"Well, you're right about that."

Jiang Hao said with a light smile: "I really want to die, but so far no one can kill me. It's a pity."


Master Jianxian said coldly, "in that case, I will help you today and send you to hell to be a kid!"

"Come on, come on."

Jiang Hao's finger is hooked and provocative.

Master Jianxian, your eyes are full of fire.

How hateful!

He is a powerful swordsman, almost an invincible one under master Gangjin. In terms of strength, he can rank in the top 18 or even the top 15 of the Qianlong list.

But now, he was ridiculed and provoked by a little boy.

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable!


Master Jianxian suddenly raised a finger and chopped it out.

All of a sudden, a dazzling sword light, cut to JiangHao.

"A small skill in carving insects."

With a faint smile, Jiang Hao raised his hand and grasped it gently.

Suddenly, he caught the sword light.

Then, squeeze hard.


The sword light was smashed, turned into countless light spots and dissipated in the sky.


Master Jianxian, it's a little unexpected.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's strength slightly surprised him.


He hums coldly: "on this ability, also want to stop me?"

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, he said, "go to hell!"

The sound of a sword resounds all over the world.

He drew out his sword and took it seriously.

"Oh, how lively."

Suddenly, a voice sounded, a figure, quietly appeared, standing on a rock.

This is a young man.

Although he is young, but a breath, but unfathomable, strong a bit scary.

"Wei Zifu!"

When Su Chen saw this man, her pupils shrank and she screamed.

Wei Zifu, ranked 13th in the Qianlong list, is one of the most evil geniuses in China.

"I smell the fragrance of Jiuyin fruit."

Wei Zifu locked on master Jianxian and asked, "is the nine Yin fruit on you?""So what?" Master Jianxian said coldly.

"Hand over the nine Yin fruit, I will spare you from death!" Wei Zifu is domineering.

His tone is very insipid, but it contains the charm that can not be defied.

It seems that he is the supreme of the ninth five year plan. His words and deeds are all imperial edicts, and those who violate them will die.

"Son of a bitch!"

Master Jianxian said angrily, "Wei Zifu, you are so arrogant that you dare not pay attention to me."

"How? Are you going to hit me? " Wei Zifu jokingly said.

"Don't hit you."

Master Jianxian said: "I want to kill you!"

"You suckling kids, you don't have enough hair. Do you really think that if you are listed in the list of Qianlong, you will be invincible?"

"Hum, I met leilong a few days ago. He was as arrogant as you. It's a pity that he escaped for more than ten miles and was killed by me!"

"Today, you are no exception."

"Is it?"

Wei Zifu gave a faint smile and did not get angry.

Because, in his eyes, master Jianxian is an ant.

How about? Is an ant angry for a man?


Because ants don't deserve it!

I'm not happy. Just trample on it.


Master Jianxian is furious.

Wei Zifu's indifference made him very unhappy and eager to kill.

"Go to hell!"

Master Jianxian, with a loud drink, gathered on the long sword, and then split out.

Chi ~

a vast white sword light penetrated through the heaven and earth, cutting to Wei Zifu.

This sword, too terrible, has not fallen, rampant sword spirit, has cut the ground, split a gully.

In the face of this sword, Wei Zifu was calm and could not see any confusion.

The sword was approaching, and it had come to his head.

At this time, it's too late to dodge.

However, Wei Zifu never wanted to dodge.

Because this sword is not qualified for him to dodge.


Suddenly, he murmured, raised his fist, and shot out.


Suddenly, the white light of the sword exploded and was smashed by his fist.


Master Jianxian snorted and retreated several steps. His face was flushed and his chest was a little uncomfortable.

"Since you don't hand over the nine Yin fruit, I have to rob it myself." Wei Zifu said calmly.


Suddenly, he rushed to master Jianxian.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosion, it's going on.

Two people wrestle together, the momentum is extremely terrible, surging out of the aftershock, can destroy everything, instant seconds kill a half step master.


Suddenly, there was another explosion, and the two separated.

Master Jianxian is in a state of disrepair. There are bloodstains everywhere. He was hurt a little.

In contrast, Wei Zifu's clothes were a little messy and undamaged.

Who's weak and who's strong!

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