Cough ~

master Jianxian coughed a few times and coughed up a pool of blood.

His face was a little dark and hurt a lot.

Wei Zifu gazed at him, a faint smile, provocative way: "old man, what means, just make it out, wait for me, you will not have a chance."


Master Jianxian said angrily, "hum, in this case, I'll let you taste the power of Liuguang sword!"

Suddenly, he raised the long sword, a wisp of sword gas, gushing out.

"Streamer swordsmanship!"

In a flash, master Jianxian turned into streamers, wrapped Wei Zifu up and cut him vertically and horizontally, as if to cut him into pieces.

"It's a bit of a doorstep."

Wei Zifu gave a faint smile and said, "however, it's not enough to see!"

"Chopping sword style!"

Suddenly, with a low drink, a long sword appeared in his hand and he chopped it out.

Suddenly, a crescent sword light, whistling out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

In an instant, countless streams of light broke one after another.

Streamer sword is broken!


Master Jianxian spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood and flew out.

His chest, there is a deep visible bone of the sword mark, flesh and blood, can see the white bone stubble.

This sword almost opened his chest.

It's terrible!

Chopping sword is terrible.

It not only disintegrated master Jianxian's streamer swordsmanship, but also nearly opened his chest and killed him.

Hiss ~

seeing this, Su Chen took a breath of air conditioning, and he was stunned.

You know, master Jianxian just now was really extraordinary, just like an immortal who came down to earth and killed the terrible giant crocodile with one move.

But now, he was almost killed by Wei Zifu.

Qianlong ranked 13th, worthy of its reputation.

"Hand over the nine Yin fruit, or you will die with the next sword." Wei Zifu jokingly said.

Master Jianxian was silent.

Wei Zifu will die if he knows the truth.

His face changed several times.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and chose to save his life.

"Well, if you want the nine Yin fruit, I can give it to you, but you must let me go." He said in a cold voice.

"Otherwise, I would rather destroy the nine Yin fruit."


Wei Zifu nodded his head and said, "my goal is only nine Yin fruit."


Master Jianxian took out the nine Yin fruit and threw it to Wei Zifu.

"Go on!"

After throwing away the nine Yin fruit, he immediately turned and fled.

Wei Zifu put out his hand and inhaled the nine Yin fruit into his hand. After checking it, he raised his head and stared at master Jianxian's escaping figure.

At the corner of his mouth, he outlined a smile.


Suddenly, his body almost turned into a sword, breaking the air resistance and shooting at master Jianxian.

"Where are you going?"

All of a sudden, an evil voice resounded in master Jianxian's ear, making him stiff.


Suddenly, his face changed and his figure stopped.

It turned out that Wei Zifu did not know when he appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"You What do you want to do? " Master Jianxian trembled.

"What for?"

Wei Zifu grinned and said indifferently, "of course I will kill you!"


Master Jianxian's face changed and he said angrily, "didn't you say you wouldn't kill me?"

"Did I say that? I didn't say that, did I? "

Wei Zifu said: "Oh, no matter. Anyway, I want to kill you. You can escape."

"Of course, you can't escape!"


Master Jianxian, scolded angrily, his face was very ugly, and his killing opportunity loomed in his eyes.

"Boy, I'll fight with you!"

He roared and killed Wei Zifu.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosion continued, and the two fought together.

Three minutes later.


A shadow, throw fly out, at the same time, a string of blood, splash out, have sprinkled.


Master Jianxian came down from the sky and hit the ground. He lost his breath on the spot.


Suchen had a look of horror.

Fierce and fierce, master Jianxian, who has killed Lei long, the 21st genius in the Qianlong list, died like this?Zheng ~

Wei Zifu's long sword fell into the scabbard, and his whole body was sharp and astringent.

He glanced at Su Chen and said faintly, "you are su Chen, who is the 25th in the Qianlong list, aren't you?"

"You What do you want to do? " Suchen shivered all over and said in a trill.

Wei Zifu gave a faint smile.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I won't kill you."

"You found this nine Yin fruit. Now it belongs to me. Don't you have any opinions?" He asked.

"No, No."

Su Chen and Lin Feng shook their heads.

I'm kidding. Even master Jianxian was killed by him. Who dares to have an opinion?

Unless you don't want to live.

"I have an opinion."

Suddenly, a voice rang out.

"Jiang Shao, you What are you doing? "

Su Chen looks at Jiang Hao dully, anxious and sweating on his forehead.

"What did you say?"

Wei Zifu's cold voice came over.

Sue was stiff and sweaty.

Because, he felt, there was a terrible killing, enveloped him.

This killing opportunity comes from Wei Zifu.

"I said, I have an opinion."

Jiang Hao light tunnel: "this nine Yin fruit, does not belong to you, so, hand it in."

Ha ha ha

Wei Zifu looked up and laughed.

Abruptly, his face was cold and cold. "I always asked others to hand over things. This is the first time that someone asked me to hand over things."

"Interesting, really interesting!"

Suddenly, a sword light cuts across the sky and cuts at Jiang Hao.

This sword, too sudden, too fast.

Su Chen's face was awe inspiring.

Because, in the face of this sword, he would die. He could not hide or carry it.

However, Jiang Hao did not panic.

He suddenly raised his hand, seized the sword light, and crushed it.


Sword light in his hands, into a little bit of starlight, dissipated in the invisible.

He said with a faint smile: "this little trick is useless to me."

"If you want to deal with me, you need stronger killing moves."

"Of course, no matter how strong you are, it's useless, because you can't beat me!"

His tone is very flat, but it seems to contain the truth, telling an established fact.

"Is it?"

Wei Zifu grinned at the corners of his mouth. The smile on his face was extremely cold, with a fatal chill.

"In that case, I'll get rid of you."

Suddenly, he raised his sword.

"Chopping sword style!"


A sharp sword light, whistling out, such as lightning flash stone, fast to the extreme.

"Nine turn Yin thunder!"

Jiang Hao lifted the sky with one hand and gave a low drink.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

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