
Suddenly, the light of the sword exploded and dissipated in the sky.


Wei Zifu's pupils shrank and he was quite surprised.

He sneered: "I didn't expect that your strength is OK."

Jiang Hao shook his head, "your strength is not so good."


Wei Zifu is angry!

He is the 13th most arrogant man in the list of Qianlong. If you look at the whole country, who dares to look down on him except the top ten evildoers?

But Jiang Hao despised him many times.

It must not be tolerated!


Wei Zifu gave a loud drink and cut it out with a sword.

"Broken sword style!"

All of a sudden, the leaves, flowers, rocks, debris, insects and ants on the ground, and the water droplets in the sky all broke off and became two halves at this moment.

A sword Qi cuts everything.


It's terrible!

Poof! Poof! Poof!

On Su Chen and Lin Feng, suddenly, sword marks appeared, and they were all bleeding.

Fortunately, they were far away, otherwise, they would have been cut in two with one sword.

"Nine turn Yin thunder!"

In the face of a more terrifying sword, Jiang Hao's counterattack is still nine turn Yin thunder.

However, this time, there were three yin thunder, which came down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Under the bombardment of three purple thunder, the light of the sword was finally smashed.

Broken sword, no effect!


Wei Zifu scolded angrily, and his face was a little ugly.

Sweat oozed from his forehead.

"This guy, how can he be so strong?" He murmured.

Jiang Hao smiles and says, "are you shocked? Why am I so strong?"


Wei Zifu was awe inspiring.

Jiang Hao is so terrible that he seems to be able to see through his mind.

Since such people have become enemies, they must never stay in the world and must be eliminated.

"Boy, don't be wild. Take another sword from me!"

Wei zifuda said: "broken sword style!"


All of a sudden, the sword light that he cut automatically broke and turned into countless sword lights. Each sword light can seriously hurt the ordinary half step master.

Hey, hey

Wei Zifu grimly smile, "this time, I see how you break?"

"It's interesting."

Jiang Hao gave a faint smile.

"Nine turn Yin thunder, fall!"

He's still the one.

However, this time, he went all out, five purple thunder, at the same time cut down.

Five Yin thunder, in mid air, will be broken, divided into thousands of, into a purple flashing electric snake, shrouded in endless sword light.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of the explosion is endless.

The ground in the center of the war was flattened.

A moment later, the dust settled.

Broken sword is still invalid.


Wei Zifu was cold all over.

In his heart, a trace of fear finally rose.

Jiang Hao's strength is beyond his expectation.

"No more, no more."

He agreed.

"Nine Yin fruit, I'll give it to you. This battle will end like this." Wei Zi replied.


Jiang Hao nodded and said, "however, it's not polite to come here. You have to take my move. If you can take it, you can go. If you can't take it, it's bad luck for you."


Wei Zifu's face changed and he was angry.


Jiang Hao sneered: "you have no right to be angry!"

In this war, if he is weak and defeated, Wei Zifu will definitely not spare him. Then, there is no need for him to pretend to be a good man and spare Wei Zifu.

"Well, I'll take you!" Wei Zifu gritted his teeth.

"It's kind of bold."

Jiang Hao nodded.

Then he bent down and picked up a branch.

"I'll use this and the branches against you."


When Wei Zifu saw this scene, his face was very ugly and his eyes were cold.

How hateful!

Jiang Hao clearly despised him.

"Pick it up!"

Jiang Hao's hand trembled, the branches swung, and a gorgeous sword light came out.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

This sword is extremely fast, faster than any of Wei Zifu's previous swords."So fast!"

Wei Zifu's face was awe inspiring, and his eyebrows were full of dignity.


All of a sudden, he gave a loud drink, and his whole body was shocked. The violent inner strength of his body burst out and gathered in front of him, forming a shield.


The sword light split on the shield. Suddenly, countless light spots floated out.

In a flash, half of the shield made of internal strength was damaged.

"Get out of my way!" Wei Zifu roared grimly.

The inner strength of his body gushed out and quickly repaired the damaged part of his shield.

One second, two seconds, three seconds

Ten seconds later, Wei Zifu took off.


All of a sudden, the shield was broken, and the light of the sword dissipated most of the time, leaving only a part of it, cutting to Wei Zifu.


Wei Zifu spurted a few mouthfuls of blood and flew out. He rolled dozens of meters on the ground before he could stop.

He was covered with blood and flesh and wounds everywhere.

I'm not dead yet.

"Oh, it's in the way."

Jiang Hao light smile, way: "OK, since you didn't die, then hand over nine Yin fruit!"

Wei Zifu stood up with difficulty, took out the nine Yin fruit and threw it to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao catches it, checks it and makes sure it's OK.

"Now, may I go?" Wei Zifu is weak.

Jiang Hao waved and said, "go away!"


Wei Zifu covered the wound and limped away.

However, his eyes were full of hatred and murder. Obviously, he remembered this hatred and would retaliate whenever he had a chance.

"Here you are, nine Yin fruit."

Jiang Hao throws the nine Yin fruit to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng catches it and looks very happy.

He immediately bent down and said, "thank you Jiang Shao, thank you Jiang Shao."

"No need."

Jiang Hao said faintly: "Su Hua is my friend. You are his third uncle. If you can help me, just help me."

"I want to thank you anyway."

Lin Feng took out a bank card and handed it to Jiang Hao. "Jiang Shao, this card has 200 million cash. It's my thanks to you. I hope you can accept it."

Jiang Hao hesitated and took it.

If Lin Feng wants to get the nine Yin fruit, he is eager to go back and take it to prolong his life.

"Go back first. This place is full of aura. It's a good place for cultivation. I'm going to stay for a few days." JiangHao road.


Lin Feng nodded, "Jiang Shao, if you need help in the future, just give me an order."

"Jiang Shao, let's go first." Suchen road.


Jiang Hao nodded and watched them leave.

Then, jump down the pool, swim to the bank, pull up the Jiuyin fruit tree directly, and then dig away the soil.

All of a sudden, a strong fragrance, escape.

Wet soil, there is a mass of green liquid.

These liquid, crystal clear, did not penetrate into the soil, but like a solid, completely isolated from the soil.

This is the nine Yin chalcedony!

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