Jiang Hao inhaled the nine Yin chalcedony into his palm and put it away.

Then he jumped ashore and left.

However, not far away, there are two strong breath, fast approaching.

In particular, one of the breath was extremely powerful. Even though it was far away, it still made Jiang Hao's hair stand up and his heart was in crisis.

"Master Gangjin!" He exclaimed.

Jiang Hao frowned, a little puzzled, "master Tanggang Jin, how can you come to this remote place? Is it for the sake of Jiuyin fruit?"

"But Jiuyin fruit is useless to master Gangjin."

"Forget it."

He shook his head and said to himself, "let's go."

Whew! Whew!

The sound of two breaking air rings, and the figure flies to it.

Suddenly, they stopped.

Jiang Hao saw their faces clearly, and one of them was Ge Yun, the 47th on the Qianlong list.

As for another person, his hair is half white and he is not young, but his skin is very ruddy and tender, which is more profound than that of a baby.

He is the seven elders of Taishan gate, who came here to kill Jiang Hao.

"That's him, that's him!"

Ge Yun pointed to Jiang Hao and exclaimed excitedly, "master, he is Jiang Hao you are looking for!"

"Is it?"

Seven elder slowly raised his head and fixed on Jiang Hao.

At the same time, a terrible pressure came out.

Hey, hey

With a ferocious smile, Ge Yun said in secret: "Jiang Hao, you are stronger than me. Break my arm. Today, someone stronger than you is looking for revenge."

"You can die!"

The Revenge of the broken arm, he has been firmly in mind, thought, this life may not have a chance to revenge.

Unexpectedly, on his way back, he met the seven elders of Mount Tai.

So he volunteered to search Jiang Hao's whereabouts at all costs.

He made it!

"Douguang of Mount Tai, but you killed him?" The seven elders looked down at Jiang Hao and asked.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Hao narrowed his eyes, did not answer, but asked a rhetorical question.

"I am the seven elders of Mount Tai!" Seven elder indifferent tunnel.


Jiang Hao's face changed as his pupils shrank.

Obviously, master Gangjin is here for revenge.

His eyes, turn up, the brain tells the operation, thinking about the way out.

After all, no matter how strong he is, he won't be able to beat master Gangjin unless he can break through and open up the seventh air hole. At that time, his strength will be comparable to the top five demons in the Qianlong list.

"Are you thinking about how to escape?"

Suddenly, a voice full of banter rang out.

Jiang Hao was shocked. He raised his head and looked at the elder seven with a smile.

"You can't escape!" Seven elder light tunnel.

Ha ha ha

Ge Yun laughed, "Jiang Hao, don't think about running away. Today, even if you go to heaven and earth, you will surely die!"

When Jiang Hao heard the words, a cold light came out of his eyes.

Immediately, without hesitation, he turned around and ran away.


He got out in a flash.

"I said, you can't escape." Take it easy, elder seven.

However, his voice just sounded, but people rushed to ten meters away.

Ten meters in a flash!

"So fast!"

Jiang Hao's pupil suddenly shrinks, very surprised.

At last, he knew the horror of master Gangjin.

This speed alone is enough to kill 99% of the half step masters.

"Speed up!"

With a low drink, the spiritual power in his body was surging, which made his speed rise to a higher level.

"It's interesting."

Seven elder corners of the mouth a Yang, light a smile.

He is not in a hurry to catch up, it seems that he is not afraid of Jiang Hao running away, just like a cat playing with a mouse.


After escaping for a long time, he could not get rid of the enemy. His face was a little ugly, and he could not help cursing.

Suddenly, he stopped.

"Why don't you run away?" Seven elder jokingly tunnel.

Jiang Hao said coldly, "since we can't escape, we have to beat you back."

"Beat me back?"

Seven elder corners of the mouth a Yang, outline a touch of sarcastic scorn smile.

"It seems that you have been scared silly. Well, it's time for the cat and mouse game to end. It's late. It's time to screw off your dog's head and go back to work." He said faintly.


With a cold hum, Jiang Hao's eyes were full of cold light.


Suddenly, he burst out and rushed up.He holds the sky with one hand and stirs the boundless wind and cloud.

"Nine turn Yin thunder, fall!"

In the sky, thunder roared, brewing for a few seconds, and then, five purple overcast thunder, split down.

As soon as he makes a move, he will burst out with all his strength.

After all, in the face of master Gangjin, if there is any spare force left, it is tantamount to death.


Seven elder eyebrows pick, look up to the sky, quite some accident.

Because he smelled danger from the purple thunder.

Obviously, this move is a threat to him. If he is careless, he may be injured.


With a smile in his mouth, he suddenly raised his fist and blasted into the sky.


Suddenly, a purple thunder burst, purple arc, shooting everywhere.

His hands did not stop, and his fists continued to blow out.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, the remaining four Yin thunder were smashed by him.

On the other hand, his fist was only a little bit of skin and blood, not even a slight injury.

"So strong!" Jiang Hao exclaimed.

When the seven elders smashed the Yin thunder, he clearly felt that the seven elders' fists were wrapped with a layer of vigorous force, which was the layer of vigorous force that isolated the damage of the Yin thunder.

Otherwise, even if he is a vigorous master, he will not be able to resist the attack of Yin Lei.

"The vigorous force is really much more powerful than the dark force. It seems that if we don't find a way to get rid of his body protecting vigorous force, we can't hurt him." Jiang Hao thought.

Suddenly, he reached out and sucked a branch into his hand.

Then, the surging sword Qi roared out.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

Jiang Hao gave a low drink and a sword.


This time, seven elder also changed facial expression.

Because, from this sword, he smelled a stronger sense of danger.

Obviously, this sword is more terrible than the Yin thunder just now.

His face, a little gloomy.

"Damn, how can this boy have so many terrible martial arts skills?"

"No, this boy can't stay. We must get rid of him. Otherwise, there will be endless trouble in the future."

Seven elder's eyes, shot moriran to kill machine.

He's serious at last!


His hand turned, a silver gun, windward bigger.

The seven elders hold a gun with one hand, and the whole person's temperament has changed. He has become fierce and fierce, just like a general on the battlefield, full of killing spirit.


Seven elder low drink a, a gun stab out.

Suddenly, a little cold, meet the sharp sword light.


The two collided, making a deafening noise.


Elder seven's face changed slightly.

He thought that one shot could break the sword light cut by Jiang Hao. Unexpectedly, the sword light didn't shatter at all, it was just a little dim.

"Broken! Broken! Broken

Seven elder hold silver gun, quickly stab out a gun again.

Five shots later, with a click, the sword light was finally smashed.

However, Jiang Hao has long been away.

He has a good sense of self-knowledge. He knows the full force of the sword. He can't help it at all. At most, he can entangle him for a moment.

So he took the opportunity to escape.


Seven elder cold hum a, the facial expression is a little black.

"Boy, if you dare to play with me, I will defeat you if I catch you!"

Suddenly, he turned his head, looked at GE Yun and said, "I will leave marks along the road. You can catch up as soon as possible."

"Yes." Ge Yun nodded.


Seven long old body shape in a flash, gallop out, catch up.

Half an hour later, he caught up with Jiang Hao.

"Damn it, this old guy is too fast!" Jiang Hao cursed.

Then, it stopped again.

He picked up a branch and, without saying a word, chopped it out with a sword.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"


Seven elder cold hum a way: "kid, the same move, do you think still useful?"

He gave a sneer, and his whole body was full of energy, and a shot came out.

"Broken star gun!"

On the tip of the gun, a star shot out and ran into the sword light.


This time, the sword light failed to work and was smashed directly by the spear.


Jiang Hao's eyelids jumped and his face changed.

He turned and ran.

Too late!

Suddenly, seven elders appeared in front of him, blocking his way."Where can you escape?" He sneered.

Jiang Hao's face was very ugly.

He clenched his teeth, his face was fierce, and he said in a low voice, "fight!"

Immediately, kill the seven elders.

"Don't think too much of yourself!"

Seven elder sneer a, welcome up.

All of a sudden, the two fight together.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

For a moment, the sound of the explosion continued, just like the collapse of the earth.


After more than 20 moves, Jiang Hao ejected a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

"The gap is too big to fight." He covered his chest and whispered.

At this moment, he knew how terrible the top five demons in the Qianlong list were. He leaped over the ranks and killed master Gangjin in the half step master's realm.

This record is brilliant!

"Boy, I said, you can't escape today, you are doomed to die in my hands!" Seven elder light tunnel.

Although Jiang Hao's strength is beyond his expectation, he is still in control. It's not difficult to kill him.

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth and gave a cold smile.

"Hey, hey Today, you can't kill me! "

Seven elder shake head, cold voice way: "it seems to be scared crazy, already began to speak madly."

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and the expression on his face froze.

A strong and extreme murderous spirit almost turned into essence and burst out from Jiang Hao's body.

No, from the sword in his hand, exactly.

This is the seven kill sword!

Jiang Hao finally used the sword.

As soon as he grasped the handle of the sword, his eyes turned red, and his body sent out a terrible murderous air.

The seven kill sword is far more powerful than the bone sword in terms of its power.

It's just that the seven kill sword is a incomplete weapon, and it's evil because of its heavy murderous spirit. If you don't have enough strength and will, you will be assimilated by the murderous spirit and become a killing machine.

Jiang Hao's eyes were red and he roared: "seven kill sword, kill with me!"

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