A day later.

Jiang Hao staggered and went into the cave.

Poof! Poof!

He spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, his face pale as paper.

The clothes on his body were also in tatters, showing a series of bloody scars.

His injury, accumulated several times, has become more and more serious. The strength he can play now is less than 50% of that at his heyday.


He cursed, immediately closed his eyes, operated the nine day dragon formula, and recuperated.

Thanks to his extraordinary cultivation, he was able to recover his injury in a short time. Otherwise, he would have died long ago.

In half an hour.

His injury is half cured.


Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

"Damn it, the old man is catching up again."

He said to himself: "strange, every time, I run to a different direction, and almost all traces along the road are erased, hiding is also very secret."

"Why can the old man find my hiding place accurately every time?"


Suddenly, there was an explosion.

Inside the cave, the rocks are rolling down and about to collapse.

Jiang Hao had no time to think about it, so he rushed out.

Hey, hey

Seven elder ferocious smile, harshly way: "little bastard, so many injury accumulation, your body now, should not support for long?"

"When I catch you, I must chop you into pieces and feed the dog!"

The repeated failures of the pursuit plan made him lose face and anger.

At the same time, a little impatient.

"Old man!"

Jiang Hao said coldly, "if I don't die this time, I will cut off your dog's head in the future when I am poor and blue and down in the yellow spring."


Seven elder cold hum a, eyes in cold light.

He murmured, "little bastard, you don't have a chance!"

"Today is your time of death!"

"Is it?"

Jiang Hao gave a cold smile. Without saying a word, he cut it with a sword.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

Suddenly, the blood color sword light, cuts to seven elder.

"Mad, that's another move!"

The elder twitched seven words.

In one day, he was hurt by this sword again and again, which made him feel a little psychological shadow.

"Broken moon gun, break it for me!"

He did not dare to neglect, a low drink, a shot out.

All of a sudden, the sound of rumbling.

Poof! Poof!

Jiang Hao and the seven elders vomited blood one after another.

"Bye, old man!"

Jiang Hao sneered and turned to run away.


Seven elder Leng hum a way: "little bastard, this time, you can't escape, I fight to get hurt, also want to kill you!"


He was like a streamer and caught up.

This time, he was no longer conservative. Instead of sitting down and recuperating, he dragged his injured body and killed Jiang Hao.

His patience has run out.

Even if it's a risk, he will kill Jiang Hao.


Jiang Hao's face changed.

Obviously, seven elder's decision is beyond his expectation.

"Run away!"

With a tight face, he suddenly increased his speed and ran away.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The seven elders appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

"Run, little bastard, keep running!" He joked.


Jiang Hao's face is very ugly.

In his eyes, flashed a cruel color.

"Mad, fight!"

He no longer fled, but turned around and killed the seven elders.

Hey, hey

Seven elder ferocious smile, "come just in time!"

With a shake of his silver gun, he went up.

Two people fight together, the fight is very fierce.

One round, two rounds, three rounds

In the blink of an eye, they fought for dozens of rounds.

"Nine turn Yin thunder!"

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

Jiang Hao's burst of cheers rang out from time to time.

He broke out with all his strength!


Suddenly, Jiang Hao with seven kill sword, force split down, directly cut in seven elder's shoulder.

Ah ~

suddenly, blood splashed, accompanied by the shrill cry of the seven elders.

His face is ferocious, bares teeth ground roars: "little bastard, go to die!"Immediately, a shot came out.

This shot hurt Jiang Hao's chest and directly pierced a hole. Fortunately, it missed him a little. Otherwise, he would die if he hurt his heart.


Jiang Hao shakes his wrist, swings his sword and cuts off a piece of meat.

At the same time, tiptoe a little and get out.

He took out the silver needle and quickly put it around the wound to stop the blood.

Then, with a stomp of the sole of the foot, he ran away without looking back.

"Son of a bitch, don't go!"

Seven elder hand silver gun, cold drink a, prepare to chase up.

All of a sudden, he stumbled and almost fell.

On the shoulder, came the pain of tearing heart and splitting lung, the wound, blood flow, there is a strange energy, wantonly destroying his body.

"Damn it

Seven elder curse a, have to stop a pace, sit on the site, mobilize the whole body strength, a little bit of eliminate this strange energy.

If this energy is not removed, it may damage his foundation and cause endless trouble.

Half an hour later, Ge Yun arrived.

He was surprised to see the seven elders closing their eyes to heal.

"Damn it, it seems that Jiang Hao is not dead!"

He scolded: "that little bastard, how hard life?"

On the other side.

Jiang Hao dragged his injured body and escaped ten miles at a time. When he passed a small river, he couldn't carry it. He fell into the river and fainted.

His body, floating on the water, flows down the river.

It was an hour before he woke up.

Hiss ~

when he moved, he felt deep pain all over his body, especially the injury to his chest, which made his muscles spasm.

He moved for a moment, but did not move. He operated the nine day dragon formula, absorbed and refined the aura in the air, and slowly recovered.

Recuperation for half an hour, the injury barely stabilized.

So he swam to the bank, found a cave, went in and continued to heal.

The night passed.

The next day, Jiang Hao's injury was barely healed by 40%.

After all, he was so badly hurt that he would have died if he hadn't practiced for nine days.

All of a sudden, his stomach began to cry.

It takes too much energy to heal. Besides, he has been hungry for two days and two nights without eating.

"Forget it, first find something to eat, fill your stomach, add some energy, and then continue to heal." Jiang Hao murmured.

Then he went out of the cave and looked around.

Around the woods, thorns everywhere, the air, full of the breath of life.

It seems that this is a forest.

Where there are forests, there are wild animals; where there are wild animals, there is food.

Jiang Hao had a smile on his face.

He spent some time hunting a hare, then washed it and roasted it.

A moment later, he ate up a rabbit.

He was so hungry.

Not far away, there is a figure.

"Why, there are cigarettes over there?"

He went over with a whisper.

Suddenly, his eyes a coagulation, a strong murderous, through the body.

"Jiang Hao!" He gave a loud drink.

Jiang Hao looked up and his face changed.

"It's you!"

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