Ha ha ha

Wei Zifu laughed ferociously and said harshly, "Jiang Hao, I've always wanted to take revenge on you. This time, I finally found a chance."

"It seems that you are seriously injured. You can only play half of your strength at most."

"Hey, hey Now is the best time to kill you! "

"Go to hell!"

He yelled and killed Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao's heart was cold, and he retreated rapidly.

Hey, hey

Wei Zifu said with a ferocious smile, "Jiang Hao, you can't escape. I've lived in this forest since I was a child. I'm very familiar with the terrain here."

"You can't escape, you can't escape!"

Sure enough, Wei Zihao was far behind him every time.

However, a moment later, Wei Zifu caught up.


Jiang Hao snorted coldly and said in secret, "since we can't escape, let's fight!"

He stopped, picked up a branch and rushed to Wei Zifu.

"No escape at last?"

Wei Zifu said with a smile: "Jiang Hao, a few days ago, you gave me the shame, I want to give you ten times, a hundred times!"


With a shake of his hand, a long sword came out of its sheath and radiated endless sharpness.

With a long sword, Wei Zifu killed Jiang Hao.

The two fought together.


In the first collision, there was a tremendous explosion, as if the mountains were falling apart.

Deng Deng Deng!

The two retreated.

Jiang Hao retreated more than ten steps to stabilize his injury, while Wei Zifu retreated only seven or eight steps.

Ha ha ha

Wei Zifu said with a big smile: "I guess it's true. Jiang Hao, you have been seriously injured and your fighting power has been greatly reduced. Now you can't beat me at all!"

"Today is your day of death!"

He pointed his foot a little and rushed up again.

This time, his offensive was more fierce and faster, just like a storm, extremely fierce.

Jiang Hao retreated step by step, and it was very difficult to resist.

Hiss ~

suddenly, he showed his teeth and hissed.

In the fierce collision, barely healed wound, torn again, blood flowing out, dyed his clothes red.

When Wei Zifu saw this scene, the fierce light in his eyes was more intense.

"Die! Go to hell! Go to hell

His attack, once again, was fierce and deadly.

He wants to kill Jiang Hao early!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The explosion continued.

Jiang Hao kept retreating, with more and more blood on his body.

His breathing, too, became heavy.

"No way!"

He thought to himself: "if we go on like this, half of the injuries will be recovered, and it is likely to break out in an all-round way. At that time, we will have to wait for death if we get more injuries."

"We must fight back Wei Zifu!"

Set attention, his eyes, shooting a cold light.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao raised his hand and threw the branch out.


All of a sudden, this branch, like streamer, carrying the edge of a sword, shot at Wei Zifu.

Wei Zifu's heart was awe inspiring, and he quickly raised his sword to resist.


The explosion sounded, and a terrible force swept him back more than ten meters.


He snorted, and the Qi and blood in his body surged, a little uncomfortable.

Hoo ~

he breathed a few times to calm his blood.

Then, raise your head and prepare to fight back.

However, without waiting for his action, a blood red sword light chopped down.

Ah ~

his face changed and he screamed.

It turned out that Jiang Hao abandoned the branch and used the seven kill sword.

This sword was so terrible that Wei Zifu smelled a faint breath of death.

Obviously, if he was careless, this sword might kill him.

After a little flustered, he stabilized his mind, mobilized all his strength, and cut out a sword.


Two sword lights collided and made earth shaking noise. Within a few meters, they were razed to the ground.

The whole land has been cut off ten centimeters.

Keke ~

Jiang Hao coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. Without a moment's hesitation, he held the seven kill sword and turned around to escape.

As the dust and smoke dispersed, Wei Zifu knelt on one knee.

The corners of his mouth, there are traces of blood, clothes on his body, are broken.

"Damn little bastard, I have to kill you today!"

Wei Zifu roared and ran after him.Whew! Whew!

All of a sudden, two voices burst out, and two shadows came to the horizon.

Suddenly, Wei Zifu stopped.

His face was heavy and ready.

Because, among the comers, there is a person who has a terrible breath. Before he meets or even meets, he knows that he is not an opponent.

It was elder seven and Ge Yun who came.

The seven elders, looking down at Wei Zifu, asked, "have you ever seen Jiang Hao?"

Wei Zifu frowned.

Seven elder's tone, make him very uncomfortable.

Although he can't beat master Gangjin for the time being, it's no problem that he can achieve his potential in the future.

Ge Yun stood up and said, "this should be Tianjiao, Wei Zifu, the 13th in the Qianlong list, right?"

Wei Zifu glanced at him and said coldly, "are you ge Yun, the 47th in the Qianlong list?"

"I have no grudge with you in the past, and I have no grudge with you recently. Why did you intrude into my territory?"


Ge Yun hugged his fist and explained, "brother Wei, you misunderstood us."

"This elder is the seven elders of Taishan sect, the real master of Gangjin. We are chasing Jiang Hao."


Wei Zifu was slightly surprised when he heard the speech.

"Are you chasing Jiang Hao, too?"


Wei JiangHao asked: "brother Geyun is chasing you?"

"That's right."

Wei Zifu nodded his head and said, "not long ago, I met Jiang Hao. He was seriously injured. We had a fight. This little bastard is so cunning that he slipped away."

The seven elders said to themselves, "it seems that there is no problem with the bloodthirsty insect. The little beast really escaped here."

So he lowered his head and questioned Wei Zifu.

"In which direction did Jiang Hao escape?"

"The West." Wei Zi replied.


Seven elder low drink a, prepare to chase up.

Suddenly, Wei Zifu spoke.

"Elder, I have a grudge against Jiang Hao. Can you take me with you when you chase Jiang Hao?" He arched his hand.

Seven elder considered for a while, nodded.

"All right, keep up."


Wei Zifu's face brightened and he immediately followed.

The three set out at the same time.

Wei Zifu was familiar with the terrain and cooperated with the tracking of Haemophilus. Ten minutes later, they caught up with Jiang Hao.

"Damn it

Jiang Hao cursed.

His face was very ugly.

"How did the three of them get together?"

In his current state, he may not be able to play against Ge Yun, not to mention the three players.

"Run away!"

He suddenly stood up, surging spirit power, pouring into his feet, shocking speed, suddenly burst out.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed more than ten meters.

Ha ha ha

Wei Zifu looked up at the sky and laughed. He said sarcastically, "Jiang Hao, the three of us are chasing you at the same time. You can't escape!"

"Cut the crap!"

Seven elder cold scold a way: "hasten to chase!"



Wei Zifu and Ge Yun answered and caught up.

Along the way, Jiang Hao fled while fighting, and his injuries became more and more serious.

In the end, he escaped into a valley.

The terrain of this valley is extremely complex, especially the winding road, which has seven links and eight branches. Once you enter it, it is difficult to be found.


Jiang Hao's face brightened and took the lead in rushing into a fork in the road.


Seven elder low drink a, prepare to chase up.

"Wait, master."

Suddenly, Wei Zifu stopped him.

"What do you mean?"

The seven elder's face sank and his cold eyes fixed on Wei Zifu.

All of a sudden, a huge pressure fell on Wei Zifu, which made him tremble all over, cold hair burst up, terrified.

He trills: "before Master, calm down. "

"This valley is called Jiuqu valley. It has nine bends and eighteen bends. If you rush in rashly, it's hard to catch up with Jiang Hao."

"But I know a few ways to get to the inner valley."

"The three of us are divided into three groups. When we see Jiang Hao, we will kill him. Even if we can't kill him, we can drive him into the inner valley. Once we get into the inner valley."

"Hey, hey I'm afraid he has the ability to communicate with heaven, and there's no place to escape! "


Seven elder smell speech, smile a way: "we soldier cent three roads!"

"YesThree people scattered, soldiers divided into three ways, through Wei Zifu told the path, kill xiangneigu.

On the other side.

Jiang Hao went into the valley. After escaping for a long time, he found a hidden place and sat down to recuperate.

In half an hour.


suddenly, the sound of footsteps sounded and a figure came.

It was Wei Zifu.

He found Jiang Hao.

Ha ha ha

He said with a grim smile, "Jiang Hao, I finally found you. This time, where can you escape?"

Wei Zifu gave a low drink and his sword shook. He killed Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao turned his hand, took out the seven kill sword, and welcomed it.

He has not recovered from his injury. He has been playing very hard and has always been at a disadvantage.

In the 27th round.


Jiang Hao vomited a mouthful of blood, and his whole body retreated abruptly. He couldn't stop at all.

"What's the matter, Jiang Hao?" Wei Zifu said sarcastically

"A few days ago, you were very beautiful and brave. Why not today?"

Jiang Hao rushed up without saying a word.

However, after more than a dozen moves, he was beaten back.

Wei Zifu continued to humiliate.

"Well, didn't you use to be crazy and drag? You pull again? I'm waiting for you to hit me


Jiang Hao cursed and rushed up again.

As a result, he was beaten back again.

He finally calmed down.

"No, if it goes on like this, I will be consumed by him. Moreover, I can't delay my injury any longer. I have to deal with it as soon as possible." He murmured.

"Thirteen swords of wind and thunder!"

Suddenly, he burst out and broke out with all his strength.

Then, turn around and run.

When Wei Zifu saw this, he immediately made a verbal provocation.

"Trash, garbage, cowards, if they are men, don't run away. If you have the ability, fight another 100 rounds!"

However, Jiang Hao was unmoved and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When Wei Zihao cracked the sword, he lost sight.


Wei Zifu cursed: "Jiang Hao, little bastard, heaven and earth, I will kill you too!"

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