Jiang Hao shook his head.

His wound, he knows best, can ordinary medicine cure it?

Only by boiling ginseng soup and pilose antler Soup for him can he recover.

"What are you shaking your head for?"

The girl said angrily: "hum, you certainly don't believe my grandfather's medical skill?"

"I tell you, my grandfather is very powerful. No matter what injuries or diseases the villagers in the valley have, my grandfather can cure them."

"I believe, I believe."

Jiang Hao said with a smile, "thank you for saving my life."

"It's OK. It's OK."

The girl waved her hand and said, "grandfather said that it's his duty to learn medicine and save people."

When Jiang Hao heard the words, he felt admiration.

This sentence, everyone who studies medicine will say, can really do, very few, this kind of person, worthy of admiration.

"I'll make you some porridge." The girl said.

"Thank you." JiangHao road.

After the girl left, Jiang Hao sat up and used his skills to recuperate.

A moment later, he drank gruel and continued to heal.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, night fell, and the girl's grandfather came back.

"Grandfather, please help him. He is badly hurt." The girl took her grandfather to Jiang Hao's bed.

"Good, good."

Grandfather kind smile, ready to give JiangHao pulse.

"No need."

Jiang Hao light tunnel: "my injury, you can't cure."


"Don't look down on my grandfather, my grandfather is..."


"Grandfather shook his head and said:" his injury, grandfather really can't cure

"Besides, he doesn't need to be saved by me. When time comes, he will recover naturally."


The girl blinked her big eyes, half believing.

"Of course it's true. Let's go. Don't disturb him."

Grandfather took the girl away.

After a while, he came in again.

He looked at Jiang Hao with burning eyes and awe inspiring momentum and asked, "are you from the martial arts and Taoism world?"


Jiang Hao nodded.

My grandfather said coldly, "I don't care who you are and why you are injured. I just hope you will leave here tomorrow."

"Don't worry."

Jiang Hao said calmly, "I'll leave early tomorrow morning. I won't hurt you."

"I wish you knew." Grandfather cold tunnel.

Then, turn around and get ready to leave.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Jiang Hao spoke.

"What else can I do for you?" Asked grandfather.

Jiang Hao light smile, "don't be nervous."

"You used to be a member of the martial arts world. Your accomplishments were not bad. You have achieved great success in secret power. However, you have been schemed by others and your strength has declined."

"Now, can only be regarded as Mingjin Dacheng reluctantly?"


A strong breath, from the grandfather's body, burst out.

His eyes are burning, sharp eyes, fixed on Jiang Hao, drink asked: "who are you?"

Jiang Hao smiles.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I won't hurt you anyway."

"Well, your granddaughter saved me. In order to repay my kindness, I'll cure your internal injury."

"You Can you cure me? " Grandfather trills.

He was very excited and his hands were shaking.

Once upon a time, he was really a master of dark strength. Unfortunately, he mistakenly believed the traitor and was attacked by the traitor. He nearly died and left a dark wound.

His son and daughter-in-law were killed by the traitors.

With his little granddaughter, he hid in Jiuqu Valley, isolated from the world and escaped a disaster.

However, he was always thinking about revenge, but the secret wound on his body could not be removed, leading to the decline of cultivation day by day.

Today, he saw the hope of recovery and revenge. How can he not be excited?

"Of course."

Jiang Hao confident smile, "this injury, for me, is nothing."

"Come here."

He waved.

Grandfather hesitated for a while and walked over.

Jiang Hao suddenly takes out his hand and claps it on him. At the same time, he loses a magic power.

As soon as he entered his body, he turned into a raptor and swallowed the strange energy left in his body.

"All right." Jiang Hao takes back the spirit power, light tunnel.

Grandfather felt it, and suddenly he shuddered.

"I I'm good, I'm really good! " He was excited.

Then, ready to kneel down, kowtow thanks."No, No."

Jiang Hao said, "your granddaughter saved my life. I saved you once. It's even."


Grandfather arched his hand and apologized.

"Master, I took the liberty before. Please forgive me. This place is very secluded. You can live all the time until the injury is healed."

"No need."

Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "I'll leave early tomorrow morning."

He didn't want to involve them.

After all, seven elders have bloodthirsty insects in their hands. No matter how hidden they are, they will be found in the end.


Grandfather also wanted to persuade, but Jiang Hao interrupted.

All night long.

The next day, at dawn, Jiang Hao opened his eyes.

His injury, almost half cured.

Without saying goodbye, Jiang Hao left quietly.

After leaving, Jiang Hao continued to flee.

Then, find a secret place, hide, and then heal.

Two hours later, a figure came.

Ge Yun catches up.

Ha ha ha

He laughed ferociously, "Jiang Hao, where do you hide this time?"


Jiang Hao frowned, a little strange.

He saw Ge Yun's body, covered with blood, and two bags in his hand.

Hey, hey

Ge Yun gave a smile.

"Are you curious about what's in the bag?"

"I'll show you!"

As soon as he lost it, the bag opened and two round things rolled out.

Two heads!

It was the girl and grandfather who saved him yesterday.

Jie Jie ~ Jie Jie ~

Ge Yun gave a cruel laugh and said coldly, "Jiang Hao, you should know them, right?"

"This morning, I went to his house and found the trace you left, so I forced them to ask where you went, but..."

"These two dogs, how torture, are not willing to say, no way, I had to cut their heads."


Jiang Hao burst out to drink.

His eyes, red with blood, were full of murders.

In an instant, the violent atmosphere filled the whole cave.


Ge Yun grinned, "aren't they two mole ants? As for being so angry? "

"I'll kill you!" JiangHao is a murderous tunnel.

"Kill me?"

Ge Yun raised his mouth and outlined a smile of disdain.

"Can you kill me?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Hao came over awe inspiring.

Ge Yun put his hands in his pocket and said, "Oh, little bastard is going to work hard?"

"Yesterday, I was still hiding like a dead dog. Today, I won't run away?"

"It's OK. I won't run away. I'll save my time."

He twisted his neck, shook his arm and said calmly, "let's take you on the road."

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